
Monday, November 27, 2023

Babylonian Bowmen

Today was demo day in the kitchen.  The project begins. Given that the stairs from the main floor into the basement (and game room) originate in the kitchen, access was mostly blocked.  No hobby activities were possible in the gaming/painting area after workers arrived bright and early.  Luckily, I have a few units in the office which have yet to see a turn in the lightbox for a photo session.
To break up the recent painting regimen of concentrating effort on WAS/SYW units, I slipped in enough Babylonian/Chaldean bowmen to make-up two, nine-figure massed bow units.  Figures are 28mm Newline Designs. 
These are not the only Biblicals seeing work at the painting desk.  Two more Sumerian battle carts and runners recently underwent the brush.  When these last two battle carts muster out, they will bring the total number of such vehicles up to eight.  Four carts each should be plenty to field for two Sumerian armies.  Well, that is my plan until Newline offers up the traditional January sale.  No, eight really is enough!
With workers busy in the kitchen, how did I occupy my non-gaming and non-painting time today?  Well, work progressed on my next planned big battle of Madonna dell'Olmo.  Battlefield was laid out onto the table yesterday and building of the OBs and scenario began in earnest today.  With more reading and research, OBs were roughed in and refined.  Setting up the spreadsheet to print rosters and labels followed.

Seems like when one basement door shuts, another door opens up.


  1. Good looking troops, great performance under trying circumstances. Good luck with your remodeling. Our kitchen came out fine with only a little drama.

    1. Thanks, Joe! We may need a little luck on the reno.

  2. The colours you have used on these look terrific Jonathan. Lovely work. Speaking of colours, will you be adding any Imperial-style embossed gold leaf to the gaming room entrance as part of the renovation? Seems only fair.

    1. Happy to have your approval! I tend toward a more muted color palette on these Biblicals. No gold leave embossed entryway, I’m afraid. Perhaps a Triumphal Arch would work?

  3. Excellent work on the Biblical Bowmen Jon, they look superb, and the lovely basing simply enhances them further!
    No doubt the kitchen reno will progress smoothly, as ours did!

    1. Thank you, Keith! You and Joe both had easy kitchen remodels? Can I be as lucky?

  4. Great looking bowmen. Hope the renovation goes smoothly

  5. Nice archers Jonathan, I think they’re Chaldean rather than Babylonian.

    1. Thanks! You could be right although the package was labeled “Babylonian/Chaldean”.

  6. Very nicely painted with lots of earthy tones to the figures. It sounds like you had these figures stashed away only to be opened in emergencies (like a kitchen rebuild).

    1. Thanks, Peter! No emergency stash, here. I simply had a hankering to throw something different into the painting queue.

  7. Very fine Babylonians indeed, good to see you were able to work around the disruption too

  8. The bowmen look lovely, very nice poses, with enough space between the figures for the to look like they are really executing their art! Re kitchen ….. dust will be the real enemy!

    1. Thanks! While Newline tend to have limited poses, there is enough variety to construct an interesting base. That is, if I remember not to place too many of the same pose adjacent to one another.

    2. Norm, painting and dust certainly never mix well both on the hobby and home improvement side!

  9. Another lovely looking unit Jonathan…
    Yes as Norm said…It’s the dust… especially if they are going to be mixing plaster.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks, Aly! Tools in use are self-collecting so dust and debris was at a minimum yesterday.

  10. Nice to see the refurbishment isn't denting the painting output!

  11. Great looking figures, as ever! Glad you are able to work around the domestic disruption, hope that project goes well too. Looking forward to Madonna dell'Olmo...

    1. Much appreciated, David! The Madonna dell'Olmo scenario is coming together. Reading the limited accounts, the situation is really an interesting one offering a conundrum for both players. How to impart these challenges into the game will be what transports the players back into a similar decison-making process.

  12. Lovely work there Jon! I hope the kitchen renovation progresses as planned and speedily too. A major job here if we were to do it, which would put pay to any gaming related activity other than reading. Something SWMBO wants to be done however... :(.

    1. Thank you, Steve! My hope on the reno is the same! Yesterday's removal of the microwave over the stove revealed some extra reconstructive work needed. Luckily, I am not required to do most of the work. I only come in at the end with repainting walls.

  13. I hope you've dust-sheeted the basement - I recall the dust everywhere when we had our kitchen done (plaster, cement, sawdust). That and the tiler not showing up (somebody had offered him more lucrative commercial work - he just hadn't told the foreman). But great to see the Babylonians and that your next game is on track. I'm sure all those 18th century regiments will look lovely.

    1. The basement is sealed off from the main floor so little chance for dust and debris migrating downstairs. I know. Famous last words.

      The 18th Century WiP game will be the first time I field Spanish and Piedmontese. It will be satisfying to use actual armies rather than erstaz armies like I did last time I visited WAS at Bassignana.

  14. Nice work on the painting and basing! Great looking figures too.
    Fingers crossed that the kitchen project continues without mishap.

    1. Thank you! Gaming schedule is counting on no mishaps or delays.

  15. Great looking bowmen unit Jonathan. The muted colours are perfect!

    Cheers, Ross

    1. Thanks, Ross! I see that you are gearing up for the Painting Challenge.

  16. Great looking figures Jonathan. And glad you are still able to do some gaming activities.
    Any chance to put a dumb waiter down to the games room from the kitchen. No need to come up then 😂

    1. Thanks, Ben! Good idea on adding a little convenience to the game room but I already have a dumb waiter…me!

    2. Lovely looking bowmen and good luck with the kitchen renovations, it'll all be over by Christmas as long as no further problems crop up!
      Best Iain

    3. Thanks, Iain! On the kitchen reno, one problem we face is scope creep.

    4. Jonathan, you need to "Hold! Hold the line!" on scope creep! 😁Otherwise you will never be done.

  17. Brilliant work on the bowmen Jonathan. I hope there isn't too much dust from the work.

    1. You are too kind, Richard! Any dust from the kitchen reno is sealed off by a floor-to-sealing plastic barrier. Dust is no problem...yet.

  18. Nice Babylonians Jonathan, and good to know that you had an alternate workspace available, good business continuity planning on your part.

    1. Thanks, Mark! Being naturally risk averse, I always have a backup plan.

  19. Great looking Ancient archers, Jonathan. At least with the workers showing up early, they got the most work out of the day, I hope.

    1. Thanks, Dean! Yes, the workers start early and knock off about 3pm.

  20. Nice Chaldeans Jon, and I love your bases! We remodeled our kitchen last year, and we had dust everywhere!

    1. Thanks! Dust has not been much of an issue, thus far. All of the sanders have dust collectors attached.
