
Sunday, September 3, 2023

WAS Spanish Artillery

After three months of lackluster work at the painting desk, August saw a pick-up in production.  While May, June, and July witnessed only about 50 figures per month muster out, August almost reached 100 painted figures (95).  That is a nice uptick.  An increase in August matches my historical tendencies by seeing the start of the typical Autumn painting pattern.  Hopefully, I can continue and slide into the fall painting routine to end the year on a high note.

Anyway, off the painting desk today are a half-dozen Spanish guns for the SYW/WAS project.  With my sights returning to targeting another War of Austrian Succession (WAS) battle in northern Italy, guns are needed to support my fledgling Spanish Army.  Figures are Old Glory 15s.

More SYW project units are in progress at the workbench.  Cavalry will likely be next out of the gates with the first Hanoverian cavalry and maybe even some Spanish cavalry.  Some Swiss and Irish infantry for the Spanish will be along shortly.

After last week's Ancients' game, this week's gaming sees more of the same.  Tuesday sees a road trip for a F2F battle using Commands & Colors in 28mm.  Wednesday sees a replay of Ilipa in a remote game.  Can I squeeze a third game into the week?  We will see.


  1. I do like the look of those guns and glad to see an upturn in your output

  2. I’m not sure where you find the time Jon, but we’ll done, they look lovely.

  3. Excellent.

    I am finding a bit of hobby time when I can not sleep in the early mornings.

  4. "Only 50 figures" he says - a good month for me is about 24, never mind 100! With leave I've managed 44!
    You are a painting machine Jonathan, as on top of this you seem to be gaming at least twice a week!
    You have my admiration.

    1. Thank you, Neil. Painting has taken a back seat to gaming of late but I am trying to keep the figure count up.

  5. Finely turned out there Jonathan, summer usually shows a downturn in hobby production with other things to grab our attention.

    1. Thanks, Phil! Yes, productivity rises when I am shut in due to bad weather.

  6. You had said that you were hopeful you would be able to increase output in August, so that is an excellent return. The Spanish SYW uniform is very eye-catching, and you have done them beautifully Jonathan.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! Good to see at least one reader pays attention to my prognostications.

  7. A fine half dozen guns and crew there Jon:). I too see a sharp uptake on the painting front once Autumn arrives (1st September for the meteorological one) and my mind switches much more to gaming and hobby related activities. However a sudden hot and sunny spell of weather this coming week may dent my painting!

    1. Thanks, Steve! I wager that you and I are not alone in seeing an increase in painting output once fall descends upon us.

  8. Splendid addition to your 18th C armies Jon.

    1. Thank you, Chris! Happy to have your approval. We will need some Spanish guns for Madonna dell'Olmo.

  9. Good to see you are squeezing in so painting to your gaming schedule. A splendid group of guns and gunners.

    1. Yes, squeezing in some painting time in among the games. Have you checked to see if Ilipa is an OB you can field for a comparative test? Glad you approve of the guns and crew!

  10. Lovely new toys Jonathan…
    Your output in painted miniatures and games never ceases to amaze me…

    All the best. Aly

  11. A more than respectable output, both in painting and in gaming. Lovely result on the guns and gunners: a colorful addition to a most colorful era!

    1. Much appreciated, Ed! This period certainly has its share of colorful uniforms although many march out in white.

  12. Very nice Spanish gunners Jon and two games in a week is pretty good going - three is just showing off! (having said that, I have two FtF games on the cards this week too, so if I slipped in a sneaky little solo game on Sunday, I could make it to three as well!)

    1. Thanks! You will have a busy week at the gaming table too.

  13. Very nice, guns always feel like a big step forward has been taken Vs investment. Have you found the heat being a problem with keeping the paint mobile on the brush? I have taken to a wet palette.

    1. Thank you, Norm. Here, the summer heat has broken and temperatures are much cooler with even the occasional rain shower. Since I paint in the basement, heat is no problem even during the hottest days.

  14. Beautiful work Jonathan.
    Your use of the word "lacklustre" made me laugh considering your output.

  15. Good work, always great to see more guns

  16. Lovely looking additions to your 18th century artillery park!
    Best Iain

  17. Nice looking guns. it's often the case that the games we plan will influence our painting speed. LOL 😁

  18. Great looking artillery batteries, Jonathan. Have a safe road trip.

    1. Thanks, Dean! Made the trip there and back safely. Lost three out of four games, though.

  19. I like those red carriages. Good looking battery mate.

    If I paint 50 figs in a year these days I am happy...

  20. Nice work, Jon. It's always good to see your WAS armies increasing! I must add some more flags for the Spanish WAS armies to the blog sometime soon...

    1. Thanks! More Spanish would be most welcome. How about Spanish foreign regiments like Irish, Swiss, and Walloon?

    2. I love Spanish foreign infantry and those yellow uniformed dragoons.

    3. I have a yellow uniformed dragoon regiment getting close to the paint brush.

  21. I never needed so many Spanish artillery - but wow ! these are welcome.
