
Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Four Battles at Cannae

After a hiatus that was far, far too long, I finally joined Scott (MacPhee's Miniature Men) in Coeur d'Alene for a midday session of face-to-face gaming.  Between dropping kids off to school in the morning and fetching them in the afternoon, we had the opportunity to enjoy about four hours of gaming.  Oh.  The four-hour block of time included lunch out too!
Commands & Colors: Ancients' Cannae
On the gaming table, Scott laid out the Cannae battlefield using his beautiful 28mm Roman and Carthaginian armies.  What a wonderful sight!  Unfortunately, I missed an opportunity to snap a few close-ups of these magnificent men.  Rules of play would be Commands & Colors: Ancients (CCA).  Cannae is probably the CCA scenario I have most played.  Probably just edging out Caralis by a nose.
Scott was all smiles before we began.
When we sat down to the gaming table, Scott was all smiles as he took up position behind the Roman battle line.  For this first game, I would command the Carthaginians.

In Game #1, I may have been a bit rusty on play.  In a hotly contested battle, Game #1 went to Scott and the Romans 7-6.

Hmm.  Thinking I could improve my play, I suggested we refight the battle maintaining the same sides.  Scott and his Romans defeated me and my Carthaginians 7-6.  Again.  The fight was brutal and closely contested.  So close!
Early maneuvers in Game #2.
Reinforced with a break for sushi at a nearby restaurant, we were back at the table.  Undaunted, I requested one more attempt with the Carthaginians.  Scott obliged.  This time, I got an early jump on the Romans with several successful breakthroughs.  Game #3 ended in a 7-2 pounding of the Romans.  Yes!  I was on the board!

With time for one more game, we switched sides with Scott taking the Carthaginians.  The banner count was tied at six apiece with Game #4 coming down to one final combat.  The winner of this clash would win the battle.  In a nail-biting game, Scott and his Carthaginians won the battle with a 7-6 victory.
Confident, Scott is ready to take on all comers.
Having won three of the four battles, I congratulated Scott on the wins.  Hold on, he said.  We need to tally all banners won.  Whoever has the largest banner count wins the day.  After counting banners, I came out on top 25 to 23!  Amazing.

Great fun to see an old friend again for an enjoyable half-day of gaming.  Next time, we will not wait so long.

That was Tuesday.  Wednesday saw a return to Ilipa on my Home Court in a remote game.  That is a tale for another time.


  1. That sound victory in the third game certainly helped your banner count Jonathan. To be fair, all the other battles were very close. Four games in four hours with time out for lunch is a good pace.

    1. That outcome of Game #3 saved my bacon, so to speak. All games played quite quickly. Neither of us waste much time in deciding how to move and fight.

  2. Wow that is super quick gaming Jon. The result sounds a bit dodgy....your mate won 3 of 4 games, but overall, you won the day!

    1. We don't dally about when playing CCA. Our moves are quick and decisive. When multiple games are played, it is the banner count differential that rules the day.

  3. Quality gaming time and Scott’s armies do look magnificent. C&C at its best.

  4. Great to get 4 games in with a good opponent. Seems your victory in game 3 swung it for you

    1. Scott is a great opponent. Superb player and a terrific host. Nice guy too!

  5. A perfect recipe for an afternoon's fun away from the mad crowds.

    1. Being far from the Mad Crowds is important in today's environment.

  6. Four grand challenging games and lunch with a like minded chum, life is good. Victory is an added but unnecessary bonus of course.

  7. What a great sounding day. Game 3 really helped you. Fancy losing 3 out of 4 games yet still win overall.

    1. The day was perfect. Well, it would have been nice to at least win two of the four games but Scott is a tough customer to beat at the gaming table.

  8. Nice looking setup for the game. At least you were able to come away with one win.

  9. That’s quick! A good day out. And a generous host saying that the winner would be decided on a banner count.

    1. Scott is a very generous fellow. Did he let me win Game #3???

    2. Not at ALL. That win was all you. :-) - Scott

  10. Replies
    1. It really was! I should have taken close-ups of Scott's armies. Beautiful!

  11. Lovely afternoon for the two of you. I like the fact you got to eat as well. Certainly the experience deserves another visit soon.

    1. Most of our F2F games include lunch, dinner afterwards, or at least a break for snacks. Scott is planning to make the trip to Spokane next week for an Ilipa battle.

  12. 4 games in a day and lunch too! What's not to like. Great to see you getting some FtF gaming in as well:).

    1. What's not to like, indeed! And, Scott bought lunch!

  13. Oh, I am well aware of that kind of 4 hour window these days. 😀
    You got 4 games of C&C in 4 hours? With lunch? It’s been awhile for me but I don’t remember the game being that short. Or maybe you two are just particularly brutal. 😀

    1. Stew, I am sure you know that small window of opportunity all too well! We can usually get through a CCA game in 45 to 75 minutes without breaking a sweat. We neither give nor expect any mercy.

  14. This is why I enjoy playing CnC so much, the games are fast and decisive, plus I am lucky enough to live in Florida and get to play with Richard's playtest group every Saturday.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Joel! I agree that the games are fast and furious. They are never over until they are over.

  15. Looked a great day, bummer losing 3 out of the 4, but you still got the win in the end, great going Jon.

    1. The day was great! It is not about winning or losing but about spending quality time with an old friend sharing laughs, stories, a good meal, and four enjoyable games.

  16. Sounds like a really good bunch of games! Could have done with a close up or two!
    Best Iain

    1. Yeah, I should have taken some close-up photos. My focus was on trying to win the battle. Next time!

  17. Victory snatched from the jaws of defeat - well done sir.

    C&C:A is still on my list of rules as I go back through my desire to get more ancients painted up.

    1. Thank you! CCA is a GREAT game made even better when played with miniatures.

  18. Lovely battles. My son is gaming a lot with his father using CCN. Unfortunately CCA is too expensive. My son would love it.

    1. Thanks! CCA is one of my favorites. No need to buy all of the ancients sets. Start with the original. There are so many battles that can be fought with the first set, alone. Online, there are many more scenarios.

  19. A great fun day for both of you. Doesn’t matter who won or lost.

  20. Good to CandC on the agenda nearly always seem to give a good battle, and works well with miniatures 👍

  21. What a splendid sounding day Jonathan…

    All the best. Aly

  22. It was a great day, Jon! Thanks for joining me. -Scott

  23. Cannae is everyone's favorite battle, isn't it? CCA must be super fast for so many repeats in just a few hours. What is your favorite between Impetus and Commands & Colors: Ancients?

    1. Cannae is often seen on the table, no doubt. Favorite game between CCA and BI? Both provide great games and both can play quickly. CCA plays more quickly since one need not worry about facing, wheeling, etc.. I enjoy them both! One disadvantage to CCA is that it is played with a deck of cards which is difficult to reproduce in a remote setting.
