
Thursday, July 6, 2023

Crossbowmen and Cycling

Following the pair of Reconquista games with Mark (see Battle of Huesca 1105 and Return to Huesca 1105), I noted that the Spanish could use a boost in firepower on the table.  Digging into The Lead Pile, I excavated nine suitable figures to field one more stand of crossbowmen.  Figures are Black Tree Design.  Besides a few fistfuls of cavalry, I reckon very few Christian figures remain unpainted.  Still lots of Muslims, though.

Since our games were in April (has it really been three months?), these figures have taken their time mustering out from the painting desk.

With these fellows reporting for duty, painting table activities return to focusing on SYW and WAS production.  Expect a serial release of Hanoverians in regimental batches coming soon.

On the cycling frontier, June saw an increase in mileage over the spring monthly average of about 500 miles.  June saw 630 miles.  Typically, my cycling mileage does not peak until September so I have some time to put the miles into the legs.  Through Wednesday, 3,100 miles is not too bad for the first six months but down from my peak years.  Of course, I am much older now...

Anyway, up for offer are a few sights from the last week or two out on the bike.  No moose, this time, but a large buck.


  1. A neat looking unit there Jonathan and most splendid outdoor shots you have some magnificent scenery to cycle through

    1. Thanks, Phil! For me, this is a pleasant corner of the USA.

  2. Jon impressive cycling stats, the countryside looks great and we all need more crossbowmen don’t we 👍 will be in touch as soon as I have a space for a battle

    1. Matt, your cycling stats likely include more miles since my time indoors on the trainer is not as robust as yours. Looking forward to getting back to the "regular" gaming routine after you return from your holiday adventures.

  3. Nice figures and scenery Jonathan, well done on the cycling front.

  4. Very good looking country side. The crossbow unit is sure to have the desired effect. Looking forward to the Hanoverian troops. Jonathan, always a pleasure to peek into what you have to offer.

    1. The crossbow unit will give the Christians some much needed additional firepower. Maybe this will compensate for my losses at the hands of the Muslims? Yes, Hanoverians coming up next in the figure parade.

  5. The crossbow unit has a nice variety of poses which along with your painting makes every figure look unique in the unit.

    1. Yes, there is much variety to the BTD crossbow packs. This may be a combination of two plus stragglers from a command pack.

  6. A fine unit of crossbowmen there Jon and I think the muted colours work a treat, especially for their padded armour (jambons?).

    Well done on the mileage (how do you find the time to fit it in?) and with wonderful scenery like that, it is a great incentive to get out on the bike. Sadly a bee sting a week ago meant no cycling for me as my leg swelled up from knee to ankle, but thankfully the antibiotics have worked their magic. Hopefully a ride tomorrow as I managed a decent walk this morning...

    1. Glad you approve of the crossbowmen!

      So far, you have had a tough time getting out on the bike this season for a variety of reasons. Hope it turns around for you soon and you can get out an enjoy cycling through your countryside.

  7. The crossbowmen are looking excellent. You are a great photographer - which makes me remembering that I have to make some dia-photos... :-D

    1. Thanks, André! On the photos, I simply point and click. The scenery does the rest.

  8. An excellent detachment of crossbowmen turned out. And the landscapes are just amazing.

  9. You can never have enough crossbowmen!

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you! Nothing like your fab work but for me, it will do.

  11. A nice additional unit of crossbowmen. You got some beautiful countryside to cycle in

    1. Thanks! This is beautiful country for cycling, for sure.

  12. I can’t believe you were outside and so close to a clearly very dangerous animal. You need to be more careful. How would we play remote wargames without you? 😝

    Crossbows look nice bro.

    1. Stew, I was close enough to almost reach out and touch the deer. He seemed more concerned with his breakfast than me. Besides, what harm can a single cyclist do? Not much against that huge set of antlers.

      I will be careful so that you have a remote gaming possibility. I turn to Gettysburg next for some entertainment. Considering mirroring your McPherson Ridge direction but am looking at 2nd Day action primarily.

    2. It’s not you harming the deer that we’re worried about! Deer are like the sharks of land you know.
      Looking forward to seeing your Gettysburg scenario whatever you decide. I hope to be invited and be able to play. Gettysburg offers so much scope that you can’t go wrong wherever you focus. 😀

    3. When the scenario is ready, I will send an invitation and we can work on scheduling.

  13. Nice to see some 28mm figures on your blog, lovely work and your wildlife look good too, I've done my knee in again so no more running for me for a while which is a pity, might have to get on the static bike?!
    Best Iain

    1. The brush has mostly been seeing the U25mm projects hitting the workbench. I have been eyeing Biblicals in an effort to squeeze some of those into the painting queue.

      Too bad about your knee injury. Perhaps a stationary bike is a solution to maintaining fitness while the knee recovers?

  14. Some nice characters there, I like the one in the middle, the one loading. Does you old broken leg ever haunt you when cycling, or is that fully up to strength?

    1. BTD offers many interesting sculpts. Some have faces only a mother could love, though.

      Norm, you have a good memory about my broken leg! Is it full strength? Yes. does it still bother me? Sometimes! Mostly the ankle can become troublesome.

  15. Lovely figures. I always enjoy your bike rides.

  16. Nice work on the BTD crossbowmen and th scenery and local wildlife are very impressive, as is your cycling mileage!

  17. Very nice crossbow men Jonathan…
    And as always beautiful scenery…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you, Aly! Glad you enjoy the scenery from my little corner of the World.

  18. Those crossbowmen look great and, as Steve J notes, the colours you have used look perfect. That buck looked a bit like a moose in the first photo, until he raised his head.

    1. Lawrence, happy to see that you approve of the brushwork on these crossbow lads! As for the moose impersonator, I can see that!

  19. XBow men are pretty darn cool. I wonder just how much protection those padded jerkins actually provided?

    Lovely pics of the great outdoors! That buck is a handsome feller - I can't help but wonder just how tasty he'd be too...

    1. Thanks! The padded coats must have offered some protection at least against sword cuts or why wear them?

      As for the buck, my dad said much the same as you! Venison is tasty but out of season...

  20. Splendid additional crossbowmen but trumped by magnificent cycling landscape photos! Mind, I get tired just reading about your exploits on the bike.

    1. Thanks, David! My body gets tired doing the cycling.

  21. Superb crossbowmen ...and pictures!

  22. Nice work. Good animation. Seeing that scenery is making me want to get out!

    1. Thanks! Well, get out for one of your inspiring walks.

  23. Awesome scenery there Norm! No wonder you get out and about on your bike.

    1. Glad you enjoy the sights! You must have been reading Norm’s blog before your visit here.

  24. Beautiful pictures, Jon; both the crossbow men and the countryside!

  25. I like the figures very much. But it's the scenery that really grabbed my attention.
