
Friday, January 13, 2023

WotR Somerset's Battle

After seeing 2021 kick off with a goal of beginning a War of the Roses project, six Battles were fielded in 2021.  While having six Battles (big B) is sufficient force to field the required numbers of troops for many WotR battles (little b), one minor goal for 2022 was to continue adding to the project.  Another goal was to see these armies in action once enough retinues were mustered.  

Having spent much of 2022 expanding the 18mm SYW collection with the start of a French army, thoughts of fielding another Battle for the WotR kept getting pushed back into the painting queue as other projects came to the fore.  Concentration on the French was not all for naught, though.  Not only did I field enough French for a gameable force but saw them in battle several times over the course of 2022.  Besides French for the SYW, the 25mm Sumerians (also started in 2021) saw significant additions too.  Details of all of my 2022 painting activities will be presented in a future painting review post.

In an attempt to stick to one of the WotR goals (I failed to get these armies out onto the table), December saw work on the seventh retinue in the project.  Completed just before year-end, Somerset's 52-figure Battle mustered out from the painting desk.  Figures are Perry Miniatures in plastic.  Flags by Pete's Flags.

Perhaps one 2023 resolution ought to include fielding this collection in battle?  Seems reasonable especially since the figures are finished.  Maybe I can squeeze in one more Battle into the painting queue before year-end?

Next week is shaping up to a busy one at the gaming table. As the schedule stands, it looks like five games in five days beginning on Sunday.  Wish me luck.

As a bookkeeping note, this is post number 1,500!


  1. Another fine looking array to add to the collection there Jonathan. Wow five in five! I am exhausted after our weekly game🙂

    1. Thanks, Phil! I will likely need a rest after next week's activities.

  2. Somerset was my starting point for a long neglected WotR project using the original Perry GW/Citadel (now Foundry) WotR figures. This was before resources such as professional flags.

    1. Professional flags make the difference for me and my painting. Are you planning to return to your long neglected WotR project?

    2. Not sure. The figures are there along with Burgundians and Swiss and I had a plan to use them with Terry Gore's Medieval Warfare.

    3. I have not thought of Gore's Medieval Warfare Fast Play rules for a very long time. My copy carries a 2002 date. Maybe I ought to pull them out and re-read them?

  3. Very nice, and congrats on 1500!

    1. Thanks, Greg! You have been here all along.

    2. I have vague memories of a website of yours prior to Blogger, or am I deceiving myself again?

  4. Splendid paint work Jonathan. A formidable looking formation. I look forward to seeing you game these. That will be one beautiful battle (small b).

    1. Thank you, Richard! I may try them out on you one day.

  5. Great looking figures. I keep getting tempted by this period but resisting so far

  6. Now they do look good Jonathan. Love the flags too!

  7. Beautiful looking miniatures Jonathan!

  8. A superb Battle there Jon. I'm just waiting for the release and delivery of Hail Caesar 2nd edition before possibly re-starting my Medieval armies. 5 games in 5 days? Good luck and I hope you go on holiday afterwards to recover!

    1. Thanks, Steve! Hope you can return to your Medieval project once HC2 is released. Some would consider gaming this much as being on holiday!

  9. Lovely unit and a cracking addition to forces that you should be applauded for getting to such numbers in such a short space of time - these simply MUST make the table this year.

    Do you have the boardgame Blood and Roses from GMT’s Men of Iron series, the scenarios there could inspire some good themed actions.

    1. Thank you, Norm! Yes, once I come up with rules, I will make an effort to get them to the table and into battle.

      Yes, I do have Blood and Roses. I will look through the scenarios for inspiration although the remote Monday Night Group has fought through many of the major battles over the last two years. I have scenarios already drawn up for me for inspiration and a jumping-off point.

  10. At 50 ish Miniatures per Battle and 7 Battles completed that’s around 350 miniatures painted without seeing the battlefield yet. That’s more motivation than I have. Should be fabulous when they all hit the table. 😀

    Congrats on 1500! Also way more motivation than I have. 😀

    1. Thanks, Stew!

      I may have more motivation but you have more kids at home...

  11. That's another lovely collection of figures Jon and you certainly must get them into a game, sooner rather than later! 1500 is an impressive achievement's to 3000! We used to manage five (or six) games in five days on our Tarawera you say, I certainly viewed that as a holiday!

    1. Thank you, Keith!

      I pledge to get these armies into a game in 2023. There, I did it! On to 3,000? Gosh. That seems a long way away. It took ten years to 1,500 posts.

      I am much more pleased with the comment count of 41,318 than the number of posts. Ten years ago, I never imagined I could sustain pounding out about ten posts per month.

    2. Yes, if my mental arithmetic is still up to it, 400/15 is very roughly 30- 35 comments per post, on average ( too lazy to get my phone and use the calculator)

    3. Well, commentary counts started out low but they have built over time. An average of 50 comments per post is not a stretch.

  12. An excellent looking Battle to add to your WoTR collection. Have you decided on the rules to game with them? Another variation of Basic Impetus perhaps?

    1. Thank you, Peter! A variant of BI is a possibility, for are. Others are under consideration too.

  13. Well done on post 1500, and a fine looking battle. Pete's flags really add a lovely finishing touch to a beautiful unit.

    1. Thank you on both counts, Lawrence! Pete's Flags sure do put a colorful, finishing touch on a unit.

  14. Great achievement on the 1,500 posts!. The engagement you get on the blog with others is just recognition for your efforts I feel. Seeing these WoR and similar elsewhere continues to tempt me in that direction .... perhaps for a year somewhere in the future.

    1. Thank you, Richard! Good to see you back blogging and commenting again. One day, you may start a WotR project.

  15. I applaud your effort to increase the average number of figures painted and games played per blogger! Keep it up and enjoy!

  16. So many posts, comments, armies. Looks like a real hobby ! Seriously congrats on all you've stacked up in the last year.

    1. Thanks, Joe! Yes, this is looking like a real hobby.

  17. Every time I see some of these I wish I had not sold mine, very nice Jonathan.

    1. You have time for a new project now that you are retired. Rebuild!

  18. Another lovely looking unit Jonathan…
    Congratulations on 1500 posts.

    All the best. Aly

  19. A great looking unit Jonathan - would be great to see them fielded in a game I agree!

    1. Thanks, Oli! Yes, a game seems in order. Which battle?

    2. Tewkesbury would be a good one for this Beaufort unit.

    3. Good suggestion! I will look into Tewksbury.

  20. Splendid looking battle, lovely flag and congratulations on 1,500 posts!
    Best Iain

  21. Thanks! There are more than archers in here.

  22. Great looking Battle, John. Are you planning to add an 8th Battle? That would seem to be enough to cover most conceivable needs.

  23. Another impressive Battle! Looking forward to seeing these playing a game.

    5 games in 5 days.... wow!

    1. Thanks, Dai! Actually, it turned out to be four games in five days. Wednesday's game had to be postponed due to illness.
