
Monday, December 26, 2022

Sumerians and a Game Not Played

First, I hope everyone is enjoying a holiday break.

Second, with a steady stream of games and battle reports of late, few figures have shown up on the blog.

In an effort to clear some of the logjam at the photo booth, up today are more Sumerians in 28mm.  All figures are Newline Designs.  With The Lead Pile running low of Newline Design figures, one New Year's wish is that we see another January sale so that I can replenish the coffers.
First up are two, four-figure stands of Sumerian archers skirmishing.  As always, these are based for Impetvs or To the Strongest!.
Next up is a nine-figure stand of massed archers.  These will classify as 'T' missile under Impetvs.  Accounting shows I can field seven such massed bow units.  

Two more, 12-figure heavy spear units are waiting in the wings for a chance at a photo op.

The gaming slate has lightened during the holidays.  I have a remote game scheduled for Tuesday in which Chris is hosting his first remote game (hooray!).  The game looks to see action in the AWI using Loose Files and American Scramble.  Not a ruleset to which I am familiar but sure to pick it up quickly.  Having played British Grenadier, the concepts are not foreign.  A return to recreating Samurai battles is back on the front burner again after a long hiatus.

Unfortunately, I had to cancel last week's pre-Christmas game due to an aching back.  The action was to see a return to Old West gunfights with a collection having seen no action in more than 20 years.  Hopefully, I can get this one rescheduled.  The table was laid out, character cards drawn up, and a scenario in place.
Adobe Wells
Sample of player character cards
Until next time...


  1. Very nice Sumerians, and I hope your back is doing better.

    1. Thanks, Greg! Back will not likely heal until I quit shoveling snow.

    2. I understand completely - one of the few things I do not miss about Spokane

  2. Loose Files and American Scramble done by Andy Callum in 1st issue of Wargames Illustrated and recently getting new life by Little Wars TV, releasing Live Free of Die, which is based on them.

    Sumerians look great and hope you back picks up (is that not cycling?). Spoke to Newline 6 weeks ago and at that time, his plans were to re-run a sale.

    1. Live Free or Die is an offshoot of LFaAS? Hmm. Maybe I knew that. It will be interesting to see the original. Perhaps I will be tempted by the remake?

      Good news on the Newline sales front! Back will improve once I stop shoveling snow! Well, that is my hope, anyway.

    2. Andy Callan, not Callum. He of Never Mind the Billhooks, just in case you wanted to look him up.

    3. Thanks, Graham. I knew to whom Norm meant.

  3. Hope you and your family had a great Christmas Jonathan! Have a great week and a Happy New Year!

    1. We did! With temperatures warming, we may get some of this snow and ice off the roads. I am sure you got hit much worse than we did here in town.
      Happy New Year, Vol!

  4. Those Summerians are nice additions. I also hope Newline have a January sale as theyhave a few figures I am after for existing projects

    1. Thanks, Neil! Now there are at least two of us awaiting the sale.

  5. Both your table and the Sumerian archers look beautiful! Cheers, Karl

    1. Thank you, Karl! Great to see you taking time to leave a comment.

  6. Great looking archers Jon, is TtS one of your core, go to rule sets nowadays?
    Sorry to read about your back "tempus fugit" and all that...I was on my hands and knees in the garage for an hour or so a couple of days ago and my backside now feels like I have been horse riding!
    Doubly concerning that the above led to a game cancellation ....hopefully you manage to slot it into your schedule soon, it looks cool and Gunfighter games are usually great fun!

    1. Thanks, Keith!

      While I rarely play TtS!, it does maintain a similar basing to Impetvs. Basic Impetvs or Fields of Honor are seen on my gaming table much more than anything else of late.

      Playing out a gunfight can be great fun with at least two or three players per side. The rules are Hollywood style and very much a light wargame.
      As noted, I have not had these figures or rules out on the table in more than 20 years. Surprising how quickly time passes. I am sure I can squeeze the game back into a rotation sometime. Some of the guys with which i game as reluctant to play skirmish games. Maybe I can change their minds?

  7. Great work on the Sumerians Jonathan, and a pity about that Western gunfight game. That looked as though it was going to be a lot of fun.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence! It is a pity the game had be scratched but hosting a game on my feet for several hours would have done me in. I will resurrect it again one day. It is very quick to set up and the character cards and QRS are finished.

  8. Hope your back recovers soon, Jon, and good luck with the weather! All the best of the Season, David.

    1. Once the shoveling stops, the back strain should improve. We are experiencing a bit of a thaw today. Perhaps the cold temperatures and snow are over, for now.

      Happy Holidays, David!

  9. Excellent Jonathan. I've always had an interest in Biblical armies - but have not developed any so far. These are inspiration.

    1. Thank you, Richard! Which period would you target?

    2. Jonathan the New Kingdom and the Sea Peoples interest me.

    3. Good! Maybe a new project for the New Year?

  10. As always great work on those Sumerians. Sorry to hear about your back and can empathise given my history of back problems. Touch wood it's been fine of late, famous last words.

    Live Free or Die is basically an update of Loose Files and American Scramble, bringing it more into line with todays games (ie no average die), plus clarifying and simplifying some parts of the rules.

    BTW the gun fight table looks great and a shame you couldn't get a game in. Maybe something in 2023?

    1. Thanks, Steve! After I finish off the last two heavy spear units, I plan to pull the collection out for a parade. I added 18 units to the project in 2022 so a sizable growth. The back will hopefully improve once the snow shoveling ends. Raining today so I may get a reprieve.

      Besides average dice, what is different between the two versions? What makes a ruleset current?

      I will pull the Old West game out onto the table in the New Year. Having reacquainted myself to the rules and made the character cards, it would be wasted effort not too.

      Thanks for your comments!

  11. Smashing looking figures Jonathan. Hope your back is on the mend.

    1. Thanks, Richard! The back will mend given some rest.

  12. Neat looking additions to the Sumerian hordes there Jonathan. Hope your back improves in a timely fashion.

    1. Thanks, Phil! I am sure my back will improve given rest.

  13. Good looking figures Jon , hope the back recovers quickly 👍

    1. Thanks, Matt. A few days of no snow shoveling will help.

  14. Oof! Hope the back eases up soon mate. Shame about the missed game, hopefully another attempt to run it can happen soon.

    Love the Sumerians too!

    1. The back always improves until the next time I aggravate it. I am sure we will see it out again. Glad you like the Sumerians. More Sumerians to come.

  15. Have not seen your Old West figs in action. I'm intrigued. Having a bum back myself, I can easily understand pulling back to avoid further aggravation. Hope you're able ro resume full operations again soon.

    1. Ed, the Old West figures have not been out since long before the blog began. I will get them to the table. Back is making a slow recovery, well, at least until the next snowstorm.

  16. Excellent painting work! I hope your back is now better

  17. Very nice Sumerians, an army I'm mulling over at the moment...maybe your post is fate intervening! Hope your back gets better soon.

    1. Thanks, Meic! If I can help in tempting fate, let me know. Back is improving.

  18. Superb archers, great looking additions Jonathan!
