
Saturday, November 12, 2022

Swiss Regiment Salis and More!

Work continues on the SYW project in 18mm.  Actually, work at the painting desk sees a number of different projects getting a run-out.

First up is a 23-figure regiment of Swiss Regiment Salis to add to my growing French Army.  Foot figures are Blue Moon led by a Eureka mounted colonel.  Flags are by David at Not by Appointment

Looking over at the queue to the photo booth, Salis is the last in a long line of French troops for this project (for now, anyway).  Next up for the SYW project is a turn to fielding Spanish infantry for the WAS but I am getting ahead of myself.

Two more odds and ends moved across the painting desk of late.  Both entries are for the 30mm ECW collection.

Mustering out is another command stand using The Assault Group figures.  This command stand features Wallenstein from the 30YW range but he will be pressed into service for ECW battles wherever needed.

Next, are three stragglers from the recently completed commanded shot unit.  When I originally painted the commanded shot, 26 figures were painted.  When I put the figures into the painting queue, I was almost certain there were 27 figures.  27 figures went in and only 26 figures came out.  Since the figures are based in threes, I only fielded 8 stands of three.  The other two figures were set aside.  Fortunately, during a quick clean-up, the missing figure was found underneath a box of figures on the floor.  He was quickly primered, painted, and now joins his comrades.

Finally, Matt and I return to our long-running AWI with a continuation of the campaign on Sunday.

Matt never holds back on his table layouts.  Sunday's action at Bound Brook is no exception.  Just look at the marvelous layout I get to fight over tomorrow.

Stunning stuff!

Battle of Bound Brook, 1777
photo courtesy wargamesinthedungeon


  1. How frustrating mislaying one figure, lucky to have found it later. Matt's tabletop looks splendid.

    1. I had written it off so finding it was a very pleasant surprise.

  2. More beautiful minis Jonathan!
    Best regards

  3. Le Regiment Suisse est tres jolie, Jean, bon travail mon ami! And that AWI battlefield looks wonderful, as always with Matts games....looking forward to reading all about it soon...your on going series of AWI encounters is one of my favourite campaigns.

    1. Merci, mon ami! Matt and I have been fighting these battles for two years if memory and notes serve. Matt always produces a work of art with his games.

  4. The battle of bound brook looks lovely, look forward to more on that.

  5. Those Swiss look nice. One advantage of French armies with their foriegn contingents having different coat colours. Breaks up all the white

    1. Thanks, Neil! Quite right about breaking up the gris-blanc with colorful foreign regiments. Luckily, other countries took a similar approach.

  6. Lovely work on both the SYW and ECW figures Jon. Oh the pain of the lost figure or unit. With my lead pile spread around the house, over the years I've ordered replacements for lost items, only for them to resurface when said replacements have arrived! I really should organise by toys, I really should ...

    Matt's table looks lovely as always and let's see if the British can get something resembling a win, given in previous games they seem to have lost IIRC.

    1. Thanks, Steve! Even with an organized Lead Pile, figures go missing. What joy to rediscover it, though!

      My friend, you have lost count on this ongoing AWI campaigning. While the Americans started off well, I reckon the British win more than they lose at this point.

  7. That Swiss uniform is very striking, and the Wallenstein figure also looks terrific. Matt's table looks great. He always seems to have a touch of the general Cornwallis about him in your AWI encounters, so it will be interesting to see whether he fares any better tomorrow.

    1. Thanks, on both counts, Lawrence! There are times in which Matt has horrible luck on passing morale tests but as I note to Steve, above, I think the British are winning more than they lose. I may need to go back and refresh my memory on this assertion.

  8. Smashing paint work on all your miniatures Jon. The table looks fabulous and set for an entertaining game. Good luck.

    1. You are most kind, Richard! Few set as amazing table as Matt. works of art, every one of them. Looks like I will need some luck in this battle.

  9. A fine looking addition to the French ranks there and to the ECW/TYW collection. Always nice to hear of a lost and found episode too. Another superb table has been set by Matt, I shall look forward to reading and viewing the encounter in due course.

    1. Thank you, Phil!

      With my BatRep backlog piled high, you will likely see Matt's version of affairs long before the true account!

  10. Lovely set of miniatures Jonathan and the game set up looks like it's going to be fun!


  11. Your Swiss regiment looks fabulous, Jon, and the figure to complete the stand was a happy discovery - "was lost, but now am found!"
    I have driven through Bound Brook, NJ, many times; it is near where I did my residency training, and also near the Continental Army winter encampment site at Jockey Hollow in Morristown, NJ.

    1. Thanks, Peter!

      Before this week, I had never heard of this place or this action. Matt digs up a lot of obscure actions for our ongoing campaign. Good to hear from someone on the ground that Bound Brook is no mythical place that Matt has conjured up.

  12. Hail the prodigal figure....always a joyful return! Very nice work on your last,for now, (admire the honesty) French unit. The game at Matt's sure looks like fun. Looking forward to the AAR.

    1. Indeed! The Lost Musketeer returns!
      Matt's game sure looks good, doesn't it?

      With a recent, large order from 19th Century Miniatures in-house with many bags of Frenchmen, the French Army is not done, for sure.

  13. Always great to see some Swiss, yours are lovely. Very jealous of your upcoming game.

    1. Thank you, Peter! Matt sets a much more interesting table then my minimalist offerings.

  14. Wow Jonathan, those three ECW stragglers are stunning, I can imagine hearing them talking. Wish I could paint like that. And that Bound Brook layout is marvelous indeed!

    1. Glad you like the stragglers!

      Your fine skills are better put into use building intricate model ships.

  15. Splendid Swiss French regiment! Nice ECW/30YW figures too. (! look forward to that ECW game we will hopefully have at some point. :-)) I'm glad you found the would be deserter! A great looking set up for the AWI game, too.



    1. Thanks, David!

      Yes, we need to find a slot for an ECW game. My table has been in steady use and I need to find a break in the action.

    2. There's no rush, thanks, although I shall look forward to it at some point. You are obviously very busy at present and I really don't want to add to the pressure!



  16. Very nice indeed. I must get some Eureka mounted officers too.

    1. Thanks! For SYW, single element BMUs, a mounted colonel in the middle of the foot regiment is a fine addition. Well, at least I think so.

  17. Nice troops and command stand. I hope to get to Matt’s at the end of the month.

    1. Thank you, George! I hope you make it to Matt's especially after he tidied the Dungeon up.

  18. Beautiful work on the figures. I especially like the Wallenstein command stand. And that terrain is superb!

    1. Thanks, Mike! Yeah, it hard to compete with Matt's battlefield layouts. Mere mortals (like me) don't bother trying.

  19. Lovely figures as usual. That reminds me I still have the flags to paint on my French army. I'm not looking forward to the Swiss at all!

    1. Thanks, Chris! For me, better to have David make my flags.

  20. Lovely looking toys as always Jonathan…
    That table setup does look very inviting.
    I look forward to seeing the reports.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you, Aly!

      Matt's table is great. The battle? Even better!

  21. All lovely stuff, as usual! With the musketeer that went astray, why not give him a distinguishing mark ( maybe a bright sash or hat trim ) to remember him by? Nice to keep a bit of 'story' attached to him!

    1. Thanks, David! That is a really great idea! I will bring him back to the table and give him a unique identity.

  22. Those Swiss will stand out nicely amongst those French white regiments!

    That prodigal musketeer needs a name after a story like that. :)

    1. The Swiss and foreign regiments do break up the gris-blanc of the French army.

      As for naming the prodigal musketeer, I am all ears.

    2. For some reason, I am inclined toward the sound of "Erasmus Foote"

    3. Good one! How about, Erasmus B. Dragon?

    4. Whilst I like the name, I worry there is a meaning to it somewhere?

  23. Productive as ever good to see the french mustering out 👍

  24. Always good to see some Swiss and I have Wallenstein as an ECW commander but I've always thought he could be the start of a 30years war army, as could yours?
    Best Iain

    1. While I don’t foresee starting a 30YW project, never rule anything out!

  25. I love Swiss uniforms of the French army. At the moment I forgot the name of my own Swiss regiment. Great unit! I don't know exactly which photos I do like more. Very fine 17th century bases too.

    1. Thank you, André! The French have so many finely attired foreign regiments, it is hard to pick a favorite.
