
Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Battle of Telamon 225 BCE

After participating in two Reconquista battles at Ucles, David and Steve were willing to give Basic Impetvs on a grid another run-out in another period.  Next up would be an ancients battle exploring the Battle of Telamon in 225 BCE.  

The historical battled pitted a Gallic Army sandwiched between two Roman Armies as the Gauls were forced to fight the battle on two fronts.  In this contest, the situation is changed up such that the Gauls turn on their pursuers to the south and engage them in battle before the northern Roman Army can intervene.  This should offer up a much more even contest.  Or will it?

Now, Matt and I faced off on Sunday to fight this same battle.  The result was anything but close.  I leave that account for another time.

Let's see how this battle between Steve and David played out.

Steve won the dice roll and chose to command the Romans.  David took up the challenge of commanding the Gauls.

Initial deployments
As the battle gets underway, both armies advance.  The Roman right jumps off to a quick start while the Gallic line advances slowly maintaining its order and formation.  Both Gallic chariots, positioned one on each flank move quickly to threaten the Roman flanks.

The battle begins.
After some preliminary skirmishing, with the Gauls coming out on top, the Gauls attack.  In the center, two warbands smash into a unit of light infantry.  On the Gallic left, the chariot charges into the Roman right wing cavalry.  As the clash of shields intensifies in the center fight, the Roman cavalry are pushed back.  Despite holding a great advantage, the chariot fails to pursue.
The Gauls charge in!
View of the Gallic left as it marches into battle.
Having beaten the Roman cavalry,
 the Gallic chariot refuses to pursue.
As the melee continues in the center, the warbands finally overpower the Roman light infantry.  The light infantry are scattered while one warband is destroyed. Despite suffering in the clash, the remaining warband pursues.  Its pursuit carries it into contact with a Legion.  The fight is brief as the warband disintegrates under the power of the legion.  
Warband pursuit stopped by a Roman Legion.
Having seen off the first serious Gallic attacks, the Romans respond.  The leftmost legion advances into contact with a warband positioned to protect the left flank of the chariot.  With Hastati in the lead and Principes in the rear, the Romans strike.  To the right, Triarii come up in support.  The Gallic chariot bypasses the Roman foot and heads into clash with the Roman cavalry in the rear.  In the center, a second Triarii passes through the gap between two legions to attack the Gallic center.
The leftmost legion wheels before the attack. 
The Romans strike back.
The battle on the Roman left is heating up.  While the chariot drives into the Roman rear to challenge the cavalry, the combined effort of the Legion makes short work of the warband.  It is scattered.  
Gallic battleline looks solid.
Warband scattered.
In response, two warbands charge into the legions.  The legion is cut down to half strength in the clash but both warbands are repulsed.  The Roman infantry line holds.
The legion is wearing down but holding on.
While the infantry melee continues, the chariot overpowers the first Roman cavalry unit encountered.  In pursuit, the chariot drives off the second Roman cavalry.  With Roman cavalry in flight, one more pursuit could destroy the remaining opposition.  The path to the Roman rear and its baggage will be unprotected.  Unfortunately, the chariot fails to pursue. 
Heavy fighting on the Roman left.
The infantry battle on the Roman left is not over.  Another warband charges from the Gallic line into the Triarii flank in an attempt to break the Roman left.  
Warband attacks from the flank!
A gap is torn into the Gallic center!
Steve is pleased to see the Gallic line in flight.
As the warband goes in against the Roman left, the Roman Triarii in the center hits the Gallic line.  The first warband encountered is cutdown where it stands.  As the survivors break, they carry away two warbands from the Gallic second line.  The Gallic center is in flight as the victorious Triarii pursue.
Triarii cut a swath through the Gallic line.
Back on the Roman left, the flank attack against the Triarii fails.  The warband is repulsed with heavy casualties.  Wanting to keep pressure on the Roman left, two more warbands hit the wavering legion.
While one warband retreats, two more attack.
The legion retreats!  This victory is short-lived, however.  The second legion on the Roman left wades into the Gauls to its front.  The Gauls are scattered and the battle is won.
One legion retreats!
Another legion attacks!
One more Gaul destroyed and victory!
Victory to the Romans!

While Steve's Romans came away with the victory, the battle was tense and action-packed.  The decision was for grabs until the very end.  Both sides suffered heavy casualties.  As the Army Breakpoint clock ticked down, the outcome pivoted on which army would suffer the next loss.

With the Roman left in disarray and in retreat, an activation by the Gallic chariot could easily spell defeat for the Roman Army.  Within the chariot's sight was a retreating Roman cavalry unit which could easily be rundown followed by the sacking of the Roman baggage.  Alas, it was not to be.  Before the Gauls could capitalize on this opportunity, the Gallic army broke.

Great game and well-played by both David and Steve.  Intrigued by the battle and possibilities missed, both players requested a rematch of the battle.  Next time, however, David and Steve will swap sides with David taking command of the Romans and Steve leading the Gauls.

I look forward to the rematch!


  1. Thanks Jonathan, the rule / hex combo seems to be working well as it allows the narrative to feel very 'real'. Are the players calling out hex numbers (i.e. line E hex 6) to you or are the directions more loosely verbal (move forwards right, turn once to the right etc).

    1. You are welcome! Playing on a hex is working well (at least for me as umpire and figure-mover). With a webcam behind each baseline, players provide orders relative to their own army and unit’s positions on the table from their viewpoint (move one forward right, wheel left then advance one, etc.). It works quickly and provides precision in commands.

  2. Beautiful armies and great report!
    Warm regards

  3. Excellent looking game Jonathan to include narration. Very nice to see Impetus on the table as well.


    1. Thank you! Impetvs has seen a lot of action on my table over the last month.

  4. A splendid AAR there Jonathan!

  5. Excellent game and report Jonathan.

  6. This seemed like a close battle and as you say could have gone the way of the Gauls if the chariot had continued its pursuit. What is the effect in Impetus in having your baggage sacked?

    1. Lawrence, the battle may have even tighter than I roughly describe. We saw a real nail biter at the end of play.

      I deduct points from an Army breakpoint for baggage lost. Losing one’s camp or baggage carries a blow, for sure

  7. A splendid looking game and narrative Jonathan and a Roman win, huzzah!

    1. Thank you, Phil! Can the Roman’s repeat their performance when players swap sides?

  8. A superb looking game and rwo great looking armies

    1. Thanks so much, Neil! Great to get these long dormant armies out on the table and into battle.

  9. A nice report and game Jonathan, hoping for a remote game myself tomorrow.

    1. Thanks! Hope you enjoy your remote game. Who is your opponent?

  10. This was a real to and fro, ding dong of a tussle, Jon. Seemed like a couple of passed pursuit tests for that chariot, and the Gauls might have won! Will be interesting seeing a refight with commands reversed...after seeing this, if I was commanding the Romans, I would try and keep the cavalry well away from chariots!

    1. Keith, this battle went down to the wire and the final pip on the clock. Midway through the battle, players were hinting that a rematch with a side swap would be fun.

      We will see if the Roman player heeds your advice.

      Thanks for the comment!

  11. So good to see Telamon on a table. Particularly with big bases. Perfect

  12. I hope they both suitably behaved themselves at what looks a great game!

    1. Besides a lot of laughter, they both were well-behaved.

  13. Good to see Jon and now I don’t feel too bad πŸ˜€

    1. No need to feel badly, Matt. The casualty differential was a little different in our game.

  14. Congrats to the Romans...and to you, superb AAR!

  15. Great AAR! What an interesting game. Seems it could easily have gone either way.

    1. Thank you! Watching the game, it really came down to the wire. Easily could have tipped for the Gauls.

  16. I suspect the Gauls did about as well as they can ijn this battle, but we'll see what the rematch holds!

    1. You may be right, Peter. I do want the Gauls to think they have a chance.

  17. Great looking game and it will be surprising if the Guals can do much better!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! You will have a surprise in the rematch.

  18. Excellent report I think whatever rules I'll use a grid will be involved I hate measuring πŸ˜‚
