
Saturday, October 1, 2022

Haiku Contest Results!

The Haikus have been collected, enjoyed, and archived.  Thank you to everyone that made the effort to create a Haiku for this occasion.  All were terrific; some inspiring; many funny; and all encouraging.  A few were even mulitpart!  Excellent!

By my count, there were 24 submissions.  Thank you to everyone who participated.  I enjoyed them all.  Here are the Haikus submitted.

Many armies but
No orphans or widows
Sound of laughter

I follow the blog
Paulouse Wargaming Journal
Why? I recall not ...

Wait! I remember!
The Battle of Southam played
Three different ways

All the best,
From across the foaming sea
Good wishes and cheer

Research, deploy
Play for pleasure not to win
It’s only a game

so much enjoyment
palouse wargaming journal
a prodigious blog

Backlog is too big
Real life does not provide time
To paint this Mountain

Checking updates often,
Always something interesting seen,
Prodigious output.

You are attacked
Charged by all our forces
The Shedquarters way

You are attacked
Charged by all our forces
Why is Jon surprised?

Jon writes a blog for
Playing games remotely with
People enjoying them.

I hate the haiku
Form tortures my thought and words,
Changing their meaning.

Your depth of knowledge
More painting inspiration
Hexes can be fun

Across the Palouse
Miniature armies gather
To clash remotely

dashing frequent brush
quickly, fastly painting figs:
Jon at his paint desk

days go by quickly
another army posted:
on Johnathon's blog

has been so for years
three times a week a visit
From my online friend

10 years at the screen
A decade of achievement
The glory is yours

And I congratulate
And I applaud and I cheer
For your large milestone.

Reading all the posts
Wargaming at its finest
True inspiration.

Relaxing evening
A bristle, tiny brush paints
Over the model

Palouse is his home
Blogging is in his nature
We all say, thank you!

I am still away
Deep in the heart of Texas
Back on Saturday

Posts swiftly cycle
Comments many enthralling
through hobby, Friendship

Drawing one name out of the electronic random number generator, the winner is,


from A Terrible Loss of Lead and Wealth blog.

Congratulations, Stew!  Your attempts at stuffing the ballot box paid off!

Please send me an email and we can work out details on your Gift Card.

On the gaming docket today is a F2F game.  We see action in the SYW in India using WoFun figures.  On Monday, back to Solferino in a continuation of last Monday's game.  


  1. Congratulations Stew. I briefly considered leaving a comment in Haiku, but just thinking about it gave me a headache.

    1. Response in Haiku?
      Oh, that would have been superb.
      Maybe next time, Lee?

  2. Stew....of course....I suppose he submitted eighteen of the twenty four received?! 😀

    1. Not eighteen entries but five are from Stew. He knows how to play the game.

  3. Well done to all who joined in.

  4. Well done Stew and to everyone else who entered

  5. Lols. Haikus are like the EASIEST poem to write in the world; there’s a reason why kids learn them in second grade while learning about syllables….
    Thanks Everyone and congratulations again to Jonathan for 10 years of blogging goodness. 😀😀
    I’m sure I have your email around here somewhere. I’ll accept this prize and in future give aways I’ll participate but be ineligible to win.

    1. I agree that a Haiku ought to be easy to formulate.
      We will work out the details on gift card transfer.
      Thanks again!

  6. Well done Stew! One wonders about the next task set by our Overlord Jonathan :-() !

  7. This one got by my radar! I would have submitted the haiku I composed a year or two ago:

    Upon one moment
    Lies the outcome of battles -
    A roll of the dice.


    1. Excellent, Ion! Too bad you missed out. Next time?

  8. Nice work and congratulations to Stew. As he says, I remember learning them at school and feeling a little disappointed they didn't rhyme. My favourite was always The Charge of the Light Brigade, which is a little predictable I suppose.

    1. Having no rhyming constraint offers up many benefits, Lawrence.

  9. Well done Stew and to all those that took part. We were never taught Haiku at school, but our daughter was. Obviously a different era and priorities. I only found out about dipthongs many years after leaving school: it wasn't 'fashionable' to teach grammer during my time at secondary school...

    1. Steve, never too late to exercise your Haiku muscles.

  10. Five out of twenty four? Stew skewed it! 😄😄😄

    Congrats Stew! And thanks Jon for such great and creatively funny idea!

  11. Nicely done Stew - ever the clever wordsmith and a right git in real life.
