
Sunday, October 2, 2022

French Regiment Comtois

SYW French regiments in 18mm continue to slowly debouche from the painting desk.  One more French infantry regiment passes over to the Completed List today.  Still, a half-dozen more French units are currently working their way through the production line

Off the workbench marches French infantry regiment Comtois.  Figures are Old Glory foot lead by a Eureka Miniatures' mounted colonel.  Flags are by Not by Appointment.  The link to David's blog offers a regimental history for those curious.

Also on the painting desk, an assortment of Sumerians in 28mm are seeing some activity.  Work is finishing up on a unit of spearmen with a bunch of bowmen undergoing the brush next.

On the gaming front, this past week was a busy one.  I actually did manage to score four games in the week just passed.  The active gaming week capped off with a SYW in India game.  Kevin hosted on his large table using WoFun 18mm figures.  Unfortunately, the EIC (commanded by Kevin and myself) fell to the more numerous French and Natives.  The game was played on a grid with rules loosely based upon Commands & Colors Napoleonics.  Good fun and an enjoyable afternoon spent around a physical gaming table for a change.  

French advance upon Cavriana

With Sunday a day of rest from the game table, Monday sees a return to Solferino with the Rejects in a continuation of last Monday's battle.  Email traffic has been steady this week with questions, clarifications, and planning sessions.  Monday's game should be another fun event.  We will see if player strategies and tactics evolve or change from Session #1.  Looking forward to the action.     


  1. Beautiful looking French unit Jonathan!

  2. Another superb looking French regiment

  3. Lots of wargaming stuff, all good. Do you now find your face-to-face gaming better or just different than remote?

    1. Interesting question. I say, "different." In yesterday's F2F game, there was probably more talking and discussion on a range of topics (mostly politics and the Russo-Ukraine War) than actual gaming. In-game banter is much constrained in a remote game out of necessity. Extraneous communications must be restrained since it is important that the umpire hear all of the orders and is able to transmit them accurately. Chatter and talking over players tend to slow the game markedly. In a two-player remote game, this is not an issue but in a remote multi-player game, clear communication is important.

  4. Splendid French unit! I don't think I've seen the Comtois flags in action before either... :-) Your productivity is impressive as always.



    1. Thank you, David, and thank you for providing such wonderful flags.

  5. The Regiment Comtois looks great and the four games in a week great fun. Will you be doing an AAR on the WoFun game?

    1. For the WoFun game, no AAR from me since the victor writes the history. Actually, I forgot to take photos...

  6. Another lovely unit and once again David's flags look brilliant. The Solferino in game photo is very evocative and can't wait to see how the action played out.

    1. Much appreciated, Steve! Yes, David's flags are terrific. He provides a valuable service to the SYW wargamer. He is a nice chap and a worthy opponent too! Glad you like the look of the Solferino battle. It has been really fun. I expect I will be replaying this scenario again.

    2. Excellent news! I think I might start checking out parts of these larger battles to game with my figures, or even play the whole battle using Bloody Big Battles rules. Time tight at present so might be sometime, but something to explore for sure:).

    3. For a remote game, fighting the whole battle of Solferino does not seem likely. For me, carving the battle up makes more sense. Even fighting only the center sector provides a huge battle. If you are ever interested in giving a remote game a try, let me know. I think remote gaming would fit your situation very well. No travel time. No set up. No table in the way. Simply pull up a chair to your computer, sit back, relax, and watch your decisions unfold on a table 4,500 miles away.

  7. What Steve said!
    And four games on a week is not to be sniffed at. SYW in India is a nice twist.

    1. Four games in one week is a lot but made much easier by only hosting one and two as a remote participant. SYW in India is a unique twist and off the beaten path. As noted in my reply to Steve, I reckon I will be replaying the Solferino scenario. Interested?

  8. All these games and churning out great painted figures too, topping stuff Jonathan.

    1. Glad you approve, Phil! Thanks for the encouragement!

  9. I am really enjoying seeing these SYW French roll out Jonathan. Another lovely regiment. I know what you mean about the chatter on the face-toface gaming. I enjoy a bit and our Saturday morning group meets for breakfast before the game, so the actual game time is quite focused.

    1. Lawrence, I am enjoying seeing the French roll off the painting desk too! I plan to switch to a few Spanish for the WAS and then a few Reicharmee regiments that David has been tantalizingly dangling in front of us with the nifty flags.

      In Saturday's game, I think we were more focused on discussion than the game. The last time the four of us got together for a F2F game was in May. We had much to discuss.

    2. Rather like our recent get together at the CWD, we spent a lot of time just catching up, which is part and parcel of the enjoyment of being a wargamer. One of the most enjoyable aspects for me is some post game analysis, which we do not always have the time to do. This is espeically true of historical scenarios with rules such as Bloody Big Battles: read the history, play the game and discuss:).

    3. Steve, the "catching-up" part is important. You do not wnat these long bonds break after many years in work. We have tentative plans for more F2F gaming includigng a return to hex and counter wargaming this fall.

    4. The post-game retrospective is an enjoyable and important part of the game session. We often run out of time to have a thorough post-game discussion too.

  10. 4 games a week? Professional wargamer you are. Lol. And a painted unit as well. Nice.
    Hobby is in full swing.

    1. Professional wargamer? I think I need to be making some money to attain that status.

  11. Another handsome unit. The red cross raguly must signify recruitment in Burgundy?

  12. Nicely done..everybody is doing French at the moment ! Four games in a week ..exhausting stuff

    1. Thanks! Yes, Frenchmen are popping up in many places. David’s flags may be partially to blame. So many games is exhausting stuff! Indeed.

  13. Late but sincere admiration of another unit so well painted. And four games a week. My introvert heads implodes.

    1. Never too late to add in a comment, Joe! Four games in a week, is a heavy load. When this run is finished, I will see six games in ten days. Whew!

  14. Another fantastic looking unit for your impressive SYW forces.

    Sumerians in the offing too, looking forward to seeing them past the completed line.

    Cheers, Ross

    1. Thanks so much , Ross! You begin your October painting tally in high gear.

  15. Wonderful!

    It does make me wonder how they kept those marvelous uniforms clean and and bright looking... or if after a week or two of campaigning they all looked like a bunch of soiled, shabby hobos?

    I never buy anything in white (or even light colours) because, invariably, after one or two wears, it is stained and shabby and I look like a hobo, and I am not even marching or campaign out in the grime and mud!? I'm just sitting in my (relatively) clean house, painting toys and drawing pictures!?

    1. Thanks, Tim!

      My whites are never so white. The figures look like they have been hard-campaigning for weeks or months.

  16. Another lovely looking unit, Jonathan. The unit count must be getting up there now.

    1. Thank you, Mark! Yes, the count is rising. I don’t have the numbers at hand but there must be at 16 French infantry regiments.

  17. Another cornucopia of news and images: so much hobby goodness going on for you--painting and playing! Wowsa!

    1. Lot going on at present, Ed.

      Session #2 of Solferino is in the books. We will need one more session to reach a conclusion, I think. Of course, either army could withdraw from the field before game Session #3.

      I had a close encounter with a moose this week on the bike. That was exciting too!

    2. Living here in New Hampshire for 15 years now. Have seen plenty of Moose signs on the road, but have yet to actually see one myself!

  18. As always Jon, your French whites always look so good ranked up like that. How many does that make now? Surely enough to field a full snowy army by now?

    Nice to see your regular gaming schedule hasnt' stopped or slowed and infact seems to just keep increasing in frequency!

    1. Thanks! I just made a count. I have 23 French infantry regiments. Gaming has not slowed, for sure.

  19. Excellent unit. I love the flag. It's somehow special and therefor I see why you did chose that unit.

    1. Thanks! When in doubt, paint the regiment with the interesting flag.
