
Friday, August 12, 2022

Paint 'em or Purge 'em

After 18 months of no additions to the ECW collection, I decided it time to revisit the project.  With most of the ECW figures having been painted and mustered out from The Lead Pile long ago, the project is considered finished.  A few bits and pieces linger but no pressing needs remain.  Is this true that the project is finished with little need for expansion?  From experience, this is rarely the situation.

Digging through the boxes of metal, a box of TAG figures emerged.  Ah, I remember these.  Seems only one unit of TAG cavalry has seen the paint brush to date.  Why not add another regiment of horse?  Indeed, why not?

As work progressed on the next nine horsemen, I dug around some more in the pile.  Out of the figure stash came about two-dozen musketeers.  Now, these are really dressed for the earlier Thirty Years War but they could see service in my ECW project in a variety of roles.  But does the project really need more musketeers with no complement of pikemen?  

These musketeers could be pressed into service as commanded shotte, militia, or baggage guards.  Since there are no dedicated commanded shotte or town militia mustered out in the collection, a need could conceivably exist.  Oh, and the figures are beautiful too!

Having never fielded either commanded shotte, town militia, or firelocks/baggage guard in a game, perhaps simply purging these figures is the prudent way forward.  Of course, maybe the right scenario has yet to make it to the table?

As my decision hangs in the balance, what would you do?  I will count up the responses and see where the issue stands.  Perhaps someone will lay a convincing claim to these figures before I push them into the painting queue? 

Paint 'em or Purge 'em? 

I may have answered my own question...


  1. Best to paint them. I've purged myself of figures in the past and then find I need them again

    1. You are probably right. Besides, they do not take up much space and consume nothing.

  2. Another vote to paint them, Guaranteed that you will find a need for them as soon as you offload them.

  3. Another vote to paint them up, you can always add pike to them if you feel like it and they might just come in handy, you never know?

  4. Paint them, it will give you an excuse (do we need one) to buy more at some point

  5. Beautiful figures. Shame not to paint them.

    1. They are handsome figures. It would be a shame, wouldn't it?

  6. Paint them Jonathan. Commanded shot if you don't want to purchase more pike. Now that you are thinking about it, I bet you buy more anyway!!!

    1. Richard, I bet I buy more anyway...I am predictable.

  7. I have seen you comment on other blogs that figures should NEVER be purged under any circumstances...take your own advice...Regards

    1. Hoisted on my own petard???

      The quote may have been never sell painted figures but this is a close corollary.

  8. They are far too nice not to paint them and add them to the collection! :-)



  9. Gawd... I am tempted to make an offer on them to add to my own pile of unpainted lead.

  10. Sounds to me like it would be the finishing touch to any ECW/TYW collection to have a modest set of shot figs like this to allow you to represent commanded shot, baggage guards, etc. Paint.

  11. Paint them. If some are damaged, or you have too many for a commanded shotte unit, then use them as 'casualties', snip off the bases and bend legs/arms into a fallen position.

  12. I read the title of this post and thought...OMG....NNOOOOOOOO!!!!, Jon has succumbed to the heresy sweeping the blogosphere, and is contemplating downsizing his collection, based on some false notion that if you have played with some figures for a decade, for some reason, you should get rid of them! Thankfully, it's not so extreme, but even considering getting rid of perfectly useable figures may be a first step on the road to damnation.....PAINT THEM! 😀

    1. Keith, these handfuls of figures were simply extras without a destined purpose. Clearly, they have a destined purpose from the response here.

      I am not so easily swayed by public opinion, social media, or fashionable trends. No downsizing here (yet!). If you see me dumping collections willy-nilly then the End must be near...

  13. Jon who were you kidding there was no doubt in my mind you would be painting them👍

    1. Am I that transparent? After giving this some thought, you are probably correct.

  14. You know as soon as you purge them you will require a commanded shotte or town militia for a game. Paint them.

    1. That is always the concern, isn’t it? Paint them!

  15. I would say purge them IF for a genre not yet started not likely to start soon; but as you have the genre already (though is there a genre that you don’t have? I doubt it) then keep them around. You crank out so many figures that I’m sure you’ll paint them eventually. 😀

    1. I agree with you Stew. One problem I face (as you surmise) is that having so many projects, almost EVERYTHING is fair game to hit the painting table.

  16. Paint them. I have oodles of units which have never been used but leave me secure in the knowledge they are there ready to go if required.

  17. Paint ‘em…but take your time…remember that the number of unpainted figures must always out number the number if painted regardless of the number you paint.

    1. At the rate you crank out painted units, your recommendation is not a surprise.

  18. You should paint them up as you never know when you need them which would likely happen soon after you purge them.


  19. No commanded musketeers? How can you do ECW without any?

  20. Honestly, there's nothing wrong with purging them - PROVIDED you give them to someone else who is more certain to make use of them. Most of my Warhammer 40K stuff, for example, has gone to my brother who still plays. Better than tossing it out, or it taking up space when I'll never use it again. For the same reason, I've recently taken some old Fantasy stuff to work with the ultimate intention of running games with the kids, using them for painting or modeling classes, or even giving them away.

    When I give something away and later have regrets, they are assuaged by the fact that someone else is enjoying what I gave them.

    1. You have a healthy perspective, Jennifer. For these figures, I think I will paint them. Who knows what I do next time. Digging through The Lead Pile today, there will be a next time without doubt.

  21. They could make a couple if interesting vignette’s to weave into a story, the firing poses for firing squad (George Lisle) and the rest as a baggage guard.

  22. Paint ' else can you take photos of them? Seriously nice figures, the will look great on the tabletop, maybe with a few extra thrown in for color. I think a few of the new 'Bloody Miniature's would go well.

    1. Thanks, Joe. Paint ‘em. Check. The next question is when do I stuff them into the painting queue?

  23. With such an extensive collection such as yours, what are an extra few figures? And nicely cast ones at that!

    1. Exactly. What are a few extras figures pushed into the painting queue. I may not even notice them.

  24. Commanded Shotte are fielded in so many battles, that I feel you really should paint them Jon.

    1. I know you are correct but I have never needed any before. I will paint them.

    2. I think the wisest choice of the two. I like the fact that they often supported the cavalry on the wings and of course can be used to represent Forlorn Hopes etc.

  25. You were always going to paint them , weren't you Jonathan?!
    Best Iain

  26. Paint them! :-)
    I use commanded shot/forlorn hopes regularly in my games with For King and Parliament!
