
Sunday, May 8, 2022

SYW French Artillery

With the Las Guasimas game taking up a lot of my time this past week (preparation before Tuesday, game on Tuesday, battle report on Wednesday), hobby activities seemed to wane the remainder of the week.  Well, I did revisit the hidden movement process present in Tuesday's game and overhauled that procedure.  A few trials suggest that I am satisfied with the direction and effect of the improvements.  We will see what others think next time I spring a SAW game on them.  Not sure I am ready for that.  Regardless, I save those discussions for another time.  In the meantime, I plan to run through the scenario at least once more.

Today sees the latest results from the painting desk.  Off the workbench are six French guns and 24 crew for the SYW project.  Rather than the usual Eureka guns and crew, I opted to field a bag of Old Glory artillery.  I picked up a bag of artillery when I made the year-end order to load The Lead Pile up with Old Glory French infantry.  Again, an Old Glory infantry choice is unusual for this project.  Most infantry are Eureka augmented with Blue Moon and a few Lancashire Games figures.  I did not care much for the poses of the Eureka French so went with the Old Glory French which are excellent.  Good choice, I think.

The painting desk is still showing SYW French activity.  Cavalry are moving through the production line.  Perhaps a bit too slowly.  A few units will be emerging soon.  Cavalry figures are Eureka.

Also on the workbench is the completion of a box of Perry WotR' Men at Arms figures.  When I completed the six Battles, enough MAA figures remained to field two more MAA Battle components of thirteen figures each.  The two additions will be for Somerset and Clifford.  I suppose I ought to place an order with Perry to field the bill and bow components for these two Battles.  What I originally thought would comprise a collection of six Battles may expand to include eight Battles in total.  Sigh.  It never ends.


  1. Superb and you can never have enough guns

  2. That is a significant artillery force Jonathan. The look great.

  3. Very nice guns and crew Jon - as to your problem with scope creep in the WotR collection - I think we can all sympathise/empathise!

    1. What I figured to be a smallish project with only six Battles when I began a year ago, shows signs of perhaps unnecessary expansion.

  4. Great looking SYW artillery and of course you must expand your bill and bow components, first law of wargaming!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! Well, if expansion is a Natural Law of Wargaming, who am I to run counter Natural tendencies?

  5. "C'est magnifique Monsieur"!

  6. The French SYW artillery is impressive! Smiled to hear you like the blocks of MAA so much you are getting more. A project only ends when you, ahem, let's,not go there...

    1. Yes, I am surely not alone in buying more just to complete left overs from prior purchase. Am I?

  7. Very handsome and colorful French Artillery, Jon.
    No, you aren't alone in buying molre troops to "use up" the spares. In fact, I have some extra Old Glory French in Bicornes lying around...
    Mission creep is all to common regardless! :-)

    1. Much appreciated, Peter! Very reassuring to see that I am in good company.

  8. I like the co-ordinating colours of gun carriages and uniforms - trust the French to be so stylish!

    1. The French are always stylish. Look at all of the stylish French flags that the other David creates.

  9. Nice guns Jonathan. and no, it never ends.

    1. Thank you! Never ends….that is what I thought.

  10. Lovely work Jonathan. I can handle one or two spare figures left over and can usually use them up on a command stand or camp, or something similar, but any more than that and I too am placing an extra order to use them up.

  11. Neat looking wee fellows there Jonathan. Indeed it never ends just added more Soviet riflemen to the collection I started in 1994 and "finished" in 1998😂

    1. Glad you like them! I see a pattern...we all have projects that never seem to end and scope creep is commonplace.

  12. A splendid looking set of artillery. Always good to mix up wargaming activities: painting, gaming and planning.

    1. Thank you, Peter! A mix is good to keep motivation high. Now, if I only had your knack for scratchbuilding!

  13. Excellent work on the artillery Jon and I agree that you made a good choice on the figures front:).

    1. Thanks much, Steve! Good to have affirmation on choices!

  14. Lovely work on the artillery and crews Jonathan.

  15. Lovely guns! I agree with Neil, you can never have enough of them can you?

    1. Thanks, Mike! You may be right about never having too much. You should see my Austrian and Prussian artillery park!

  16. Artillery always looks so cool when it’s in a big battery like that! Also when surrounded by men in nice lace uniforms and fine hats. Well done! 😀

  17. What splendid guns to 'pop' out in your spare time!
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks! Yeah, just popped out in my spare time. Found some spare time today for another painting session. SYW cavalry saw some work in today’s effort.

  18. Lovely looking artillery Jonathan…
    Of course nothing is ever finished… it’s just paused .

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks, Aly! Every time I think a project finished, I am always proven wrong.

  19. Very nice to see the continuation of your project. I very much like the mix of crew in coats and waistcoats.

    1. Yes, the French build-up continues. Once enough French cavalry are mustered, I look toward giving Bassagnana a try.

    2. Bassignana sounds great. Which units you will use for Piedmont? I'm very slow in painting my new units for some reasons.

    3. I plan to use Austrians as Piedmontese. Do you have other suggestions?

  20. Impressive additions to your SYW collection, Jonathan. The uniform colors are very attractive. Nice to see how you seem to favor this period over all others. I've jumped around periods, but seem to have certain ones that remain the most passionate about (Napoleonics being one).

    1. Wargame collections are somewhat like children. It is hard to choose a favorite.

  21. These blue uniforms will add some nice colour to your otherwise white infantry that you've shown us. Very nice battery Jon.
