
Thursday, May 12, 2022

Cycling the Palouse + Games

Weather finally warmed-up and dried-out enough to get back outside on the bike yesterday.  After spending most of April and May indoors on the trainer, unhooking the bike from the indoor torture device was a welcome task.  

Wednesday's route took me 40 miles over hill and dale to the south of Spokane.  Wind was light to moderate and temperatures were cool especially under the ever-present cloud cover.  Elevation gained over the route totaled about 2,500 ft.
With weather expected to see more of the same today, I plan to be out and back before the possibility of afternoon showers returns.
On the gaming front, the Tuesday remote game saw a return to the Russian Civil War and Graham's playtesting.  The focus of Tuesday's game was appearance of an armored train.  Being White commander in this clash, I would be faced with dealing with such a monster.

It was a bloody affair.  The battle was salvaged by a fortuitous White bombing run against the train.  The pilots hit their mark causing the train to withdraw.  Full battle account at Graham's blog,

Armored Train-ing Wheels 

RCW game. 
Whites v Armored Train.
The game generated some good post-game commentary discussing the finer points of armored trains and how to deal with them.  Rules' details will be forthcoming from Graham's keyboard soon.

For Saturday, a second game is on the docket.

Saturday's game sees a return to the Alamo in what is becoming an annual event to celebrate Kevin's birthday. 
Alamo with WoFun
The game is played using WoFun plexiglass 18mm figures on a gridded board.  Rules in use are a variation of Commands & Colors.  Last year, I recall that the attacking Mexicans wiped out the Texican defenders and the birthday boy fell in defeat.  Will the historical result hold up on Saturday?
Alamo with WoFun
The result does not matter much.  We will enjoy good company, BBQ, and birthday cake.  What could be a better way to spend a Saturday?  


  1. Any game with an armoured train is a win win for me! I remember the Alamo( from the last time you posted it , as opposed to a rally call for the Mexican American war!)
    Best Iain

    1. Iain, you would have enjoyed this game then!
      You have a good memory if you remember this model for last year.

      I suppose it is hard to forget, "Remember the Alamo!"

    2. The rules will have an entire armoured train chapter in order to get them right. It will include a photo of an armoured locomotive I took at the Red Army Museum in Moscow.

  2. Your bike ride posts always make me think, maybe I could get back in the saddle....? However, with winter just around the corner here, I may consider again in November! Both games look good, the result in the RCW game sounds quite realistic!

    1. Maybe you should get back on the bike? With winter looming, perhaps waiting for spring is prudent. Do you actually have winter conditions where you live?

    2. I am mostly getting results that look right. Sometimes people get lucky and it turns out really well. Jon's bombing run on the train with RE8s manned with British crews was stunningly effective.

    3. Hey Jon - not REAL winter like you guys, but it can be miserable - I recall one August when I was still riding a (motor)bike daily, it rained every single day in August!
      Graham, just as well it was the RAF and not USAAS, the bomb probably would have hit White troops - whoops, did I say that out loud?!

    4. The White’s got very lucky in the bombing run on the train. Rolling an ‘11’ followed by a ‘12’ on 2D6 is not something I see often.

    5. Keith, in these play tests, my White field guns have been notoriously off target. It typically takes at least one miss to bring the guns to bear on the right target. This game was no exception. As noted in Graham’s BatRep, I targeted the station, overshot, and hit the train!

  3. Glad to see the weather has improved to allow you to get back out on the bike. The RCW game looked fun and I'm sure you will have a great day out on Saturday. BBQ and birthday cake; what's not to like?!

    1. Yeah, good to be back out! The trainer tends to exacerbate a shoulder problem. Strangely, riding outdoors does not produce the same aggravation.

      A game and a free meal, sounds good to me.

  4. Interesting games, especially the Civil War.

    1. Interesting, indeed. Both games are very different.

  5. I have seen those WoFun figures before and thought they are quite an interesting idea. They look good massed together like that. Are the designs printed directly on the plexilglass, and will they rub off over time I wonder?

    1. They are interesting but one must look at them from front or back. When viewed from the side or from overhead, it is hard to discern what is what.

      The designs are printed directly onto the plexiglass. I have not seen any image rub off yet.

  6. Great photos, as ever, Jon - thanks for these. The birthday bash sounds excellent - hope a good time is had by all.

    1. You are welcome! The vantage point would be improved if the GoPro was not mounted on the handlebar. My eyes see a lot more interesting views than the camera captures.

      The Birthday Bash should be fun. If the game is not, the companionship and food are always first rate!

    2. Re the images of your bike trips, could you not change to helmetcam?

    3. Re helmetcam. With that, I would look more like a dork than I already do!

  7. Following with interest the Russian Civil War rules. Must be great to get back out on the bike

    1. Yep. Great to be back out but the rain has returned.

  8. Nice scenery to bike in. Making me feel lazy now.
    I like the Alamo model. Looks very usable.

    1. Chris! You can comment again and not anonymously!

      This is pleasant cycling country if you like varied terrain. You will be back out as spring turns to summer.

      Yes, the Alamo model is built for function.

  9. What a nice omnibus of a post: getting outside on a good ride must be refreshing (even if 40 miles sounds a bit someone who only used his bike to commute 1 mile to work per day). Do drop a line when the RCW rules are produced (sounds interesting). BBQ, Birthday Cake, and Toy Soldiers: what could be better--I suppose add "Booze" ;)

    1. Yes, very good to return outdoors albeit briefly as the rain has returned so back inside today, I am afraid.

      Will let you know when Graham publishes.

      As for booze, well, I don’t drink anything harder than Diet Mountain Dew!

  10. Good for you that you were able to cycle outside again.
    The armored train is a fun addition to any scenario and happy birthday to Kevin. 😀

    1. Well, I am not so sure that the appearance of an armored train is a fun addition when I have to figure out how to kill it. It may be fun if I ever get one working for me.

      Yes, happy birthday to Kevin.

  11. Nice to see the weather improved, sadly after 2 years of dodging we caught covid so some enforced rest and recovery.

    1. Terrible news, Matt. Hopefully, your symptoms are mild and you will be back at the gaming table soon.

  12. Good to see you out on your bike again Jonathan. The Alamo game looks good. I've seen those WoFun figures and must confess to being tempted, but allowed common sense to return!

    1. It was short-lived. Rain and cool weather returns. Back indoors on the trainer. Perhaps tomorrow?

      We probably all have picked a side in 2D vs 3D figure debate. I have not been tempted by WoFun flats yet, but I have played many games using them.

  13. Say "hi" to Jim and Davy for me ;)

    1. Having always played as the attacking Mexicans, I will say "hello" once we breach the wall.

  14. Awesome scenery as always. You’re so lucky to have all that wonderful nature around you. That armoured train is really something. And the Alamo - well, it’s always the Alamo! Great stuff!

    1. Glad you like the scenery!

      For the Alamo, the final result seldom varies from the historical outcome in seeing the defenders overrun. This session was no exception. The challenge for the Texicans is seeing how long they resist. In this game, the Alamo fell early in the second Mexican wave with all of the Texican personalities falling in battle.

  15. One can do worse than to "remember the Alamo!" once a year; the company of course makes the experience, and the food's a plus, too! :-)

    1. Exactly right! The problem is that the defenders never seem to pull out a victory. Maybe next year? If this truly becomes an annual event, we ought to move it to the anniversary date.

  16. Always hoped to see an armoured train when I played Flames of War (Battlefront used to make a really good looking resin model.), but alas never saw one. I can imagine they are hard to crack though, especially in that period.

    Battle of the Alamo sounds like it'd be a struggle for the defenders regardless of general's skill?

    1. Armored trains are formidable opponents. I got very lucky and my bombing run caused the train's engineer to rethink his plan.

      Refighting the Alamo almost always ends with the same result.
