
Thursday, December 16, 2021

Lull in Battle

After many weeks of multiple games per week, this week's gaming action slowed to a single game.  And, that game was cut short due to technical issues. With the lull in gaming, hobby time focuses on planning the next battles, rules' tinkering, and concentrating on projects at the painting desk.    

Mustering out from the painting desk today sees the addition of three Federal infantry regiments for the 10mm ACW project.  Having purchased a number of Old Glory bags before my Army Card expired, I have been trying to insert work on this project in between more pressing painting matters.  Today's ACW diversionary attack adds another 90 figures to the yearly painting tally.

Next up for the ACW project is likely a push to field several Confederate infantry regiments to keep the Rebel force build-up in step with the Federal troops.  While the project already fields about 3,500 figures and many of the major battles are gameable, there remains work to do.  Other work on the project could see a recruitment drive for dismounted cavalry. 
The primary focus of work at the workbench this week has been on projects in 28mm.  The WotR project should wrap up by year-end with the fielding of the sixth Battle.  Almost finished there.  Another 15 billmen to go and then basing can begin.  The other project seeing much attention is the Sumerian project in 28mm.  Units of spearmen are popping out from the production line at a steady pace and two Lugal battle carts are in work.  This is my first look at assembling and painting battle carts.  A big cart driven by four-asses is an impressive sight.     

On the gaming front, next week sees a return to gaming with at least two sessions already on the books.  The plan is to host the Napoleonic Battle of Maida in sessions on Sunday and Tuesday.  We will see how it goes.  If all goes well, I may offer up a third playing.  Anyway, more details on Maida in another post.


  1. Impressive work once again Jon and your painting output always amazes me. Motivation waxes and wanes for me for a variety of reasons. I'm hoping to get some more done next week, but with the family all back together from tomorrow and schools finished for the year, time and space will be at a premium.

    1. Thanks, Steve! I rarely have trouble maintaining motivation at the hobby desk. I often find I do not have the time to tackle everything I want to accomplish.

      Family will be descending upon our household for the holidays too. Some guests staying a long time.
      Thankfully, I have a dedicated game room for escape, if needed.

      Hope you can squeeze in some time and space over the holidays for some game time.

  2. One game plus 90 splendidly rendered 10mm Confederates. My "lulls" should be so productive :)

    1. Ed, it is a good chance to relax the gaming this week and concentrate on painting tasks. You cannot see the size of The Lead Pile looming over my head.

    2. I’m with Ed. I want my lulls to be more like your lulls. Instead of your lull is more like my very productive week. 😀
      I like the Union troops though!

    3. Thanks, Stew! Our life cycle situations are very different. I suspect I have more leisure time.

  3. The 10mm are lovely, but I will look forward to more WotR and Sumerians.

    1. Thank you! More coming up on both of these projects.

  4. Amazing output there Jonathan, I see you are putting the gaming lull good use.

    1. Thanks, Phil! Yes, putting the lull to good use. Beginning to lay out the Maida table today.

  5. Jon,
    definitely looking forward to hearing about Maida! (rules, minis, etc).
    the 10mm ACW guys look excellent!

    1. Steve, you may see Maida here first next week. Well, maybe not. Matt is pretty quick on BatRep development.

      The Old Glory 10mm ACW strips may not be the finest sculpts but units en masse look good to me.

  6. Great work on the ACW figures. 10mm seems like a great scale for this conflict, especially the way you do them. I'll look forward to your Maida report. It seems quite manageable and a great choice for a Napoleonic remote game.

    1. Much appreciated, Lawrence!

      I think 10mm for ACW's large battles works very well and can be gamed at the regimental level with not much difficulty.

      I look forward to the Maida battle too. I have not had the 28mm Napoleonics out of boxes for a very, very long time. hopefully, this recreation will last longer than the historical battle.

  7. I stand in your shadow with just 10 WotR figures on painting sticks! 🙂

  8. They like nice Jonathan and using your time wisely in the absence of gaming.


    1. Thanks, Christopher! I am not experiencing an absence of gaming just a slow-down from the frenetic pace of the last several months.

  9. lovely tiny little men Jonathan…
    I’m looking forward to seeing your Sumerian cart…

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you, Aly! They are tiny, little men. Sumerian cart is in the queue for a photo or two.

  10. These 10mm figures are wonderful work Jon. I look forward to your version of Mada, a battle I once ref ought many moons ago....I recall Swiss troops in red coats were mistaken for Brits and chaos ensued?

    1. Thanks, Keith!

      Yes, Swiss were present and on both sides! After my battle report, you can provide a critique.

  11. Great looking ACW troops, and i look frward to seeing your asses! :-)

    Maida was made a classics small battle by Oman's account and analysis, as you're well aware!.

    1. Thanks, Peter! Looking forward to seeing my asses? Peter!

      Maida is a classic due to Oman’s account but he failed to assess the data properly and came to the wrong conclusion.

  12. You do great work on such a small scale Jon, like what I see.

  13. Wooow! Fantastic work on this small Gents!

  14. Lovely looking units, more time painting sees more units completed 👍 looking forward to Maida

    1. Thanks, Matt! “More time painting sees more units completed” is an immutable law of nature.

      I look forward to Maida too. Details in your mailbox soonish.

  15. I am having a quiet time now until the new year, quite enjoying it actually. Nice troops.

    1. Quiet time is good. Offers many opportunities for reflection.

  16. I feel like I accomplished something when I get in a couple games in a month - your playing multiple games in a week for successive weeks is most impressive! Lovely work on the 10mm ACW troops too!

    1. Thanks, Dean! Really, three games and certainly four games in one week is too much for me. I need to pace myself better.

  17. Great job, Jonathan! Units turned out - beauty! An impressive screensaver - a photo of Soviet soldiers on vacation ...

    1. Thank you, Valentin! Yes, Soviets taking a little break from the action.

  18. I wish I could count as many games as you have managed Jonathan. With our recent lockdown restrictions I will only manage 16 for the year. Nice ACW addition. I too have plans for dismounted cavalry and have four regiments enroute, although with current postal times I will be lucky to see them before mid January.

    1. Hi Mark! I have yet to tally the number of games in 2021 (since a couple weeks remain!) but I suspect that number will be Off The Charts for me. Before I discovered remote gaming, I was lucky to average one game per month.

      I hope your cavalry reinforcements reach you before the war is over.

  19. As others have said, your output and amount of gaming leave many of us amazed! :-) Looking forward to Maida too...



  20. Nice looking troops, as always.

    Thinking about painting etc, it was interesting to see how many figures people have, but I would like to see the answers to: "How many hours a day/week/month do you typically spend preparing, painting and basing figures?" And "what percentage of your free time does that represent?".and how many miniatures does that typically represent?

    Just me being nosy. I confess that I sometimes miss the days when I could sit and enjoy converting/painting etc for an hour or two day after day AND enjoy it fully.

    1. Thank you, Ross!

      You ask interesting questions about time spent chained to the painting desk.

      I have no easy answer for my own efforts since I have not put a stopwatch on my painting activities. I tend to paint a little often with short bursts or sessions of painting before moving to something else. Rarely do I work in more than a two hour session in one go. One hour sessions are more likely and even 30 minute sessions are common. I do not have the opportunity to paint every day but thoughts of Wargaming are never far removed.

      Perhaps I ought to put a stopwatch to these painting sessions?

    2. I expect that pattern is very common for many of us.

  21. Good looking teeny tiny ACW types. Looking forward to Sumerians and Napoleonic battles in equal measure!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you!

      Have not fought Maida in many years, I look forward to it too.
