
Monday, December 13, 2021

John de la Pole's Battle

When I began the War of the Roses project early in 2021, one goal was to complete six Battles by year-end with three Battles per side.  With other painting goals, a second new 2021 project, and a steady diet of remote gaming, could I reach the goal of 312 figures focused on one, 28mm project?  The answer is "I think so!"

With Battle #5 mustering out from the painting desk, Battle #6 in work, and a couple of weeks left in 2021, confidence is high in completing this goal.  Actually, I am nearing the finish line.  Battle #6 has both the bow and MAAs components complete and work will soon begin on the billmen.  Having only the billmen left to paint means only another 15 figures and I am done.  Should be an easy task once I finish up painting two dozen more Sumerian spear.  
Anyway, off the painting desk today is John de la Pole's Battle.  The 28mm figures are Perry plastics and the flags are Pete's Flags.  The 52 figures are distributed across three melee lines of archers (24), bill (15), and MAA (13).  Basing for this Battle was delayed slightly when I depleted my supply of gold tufts.  An order to Tajima 1 Miniatures got the resupply in-house within a week. 
Which Battle will be fielded as #6?  Thomas Stanley's retinue is on the painting desk and should be completed by year-end.

Nearly one year spent fighting through many WotR battles in playtesting Battle Commander, I learned much about a conflict on which I knew little. While I enjoyed these playtest games greatly, my tendency for experimentation is increasingly turning toward trying my hand at fighting battles using a different approach.  Once Battle #6 reaches the field and I can give these ideas a trial run on the table, we will see how far I go.


  1. Impressive as usual Johnathan. Re the actual wars, a key factor in the battles was the uncertainty caused by a fear of treachery.One of the strengths of Never Mind the Billhooks are the event cards that very occasionally scupper a battle.One has to realise that the battles were led by men who had a lot to lose and were always aware of betrayal by their peers.Then of course there was the personal feuds such as the Percies and the Nevilles who has fought each other for centuries. When the Kingmaker changed sides he was still hated by the Lancastrians who were luke warm about his support of Henry.Anyway great figures as is to be expected.

    1. Thank you, Robbie!

      Yes, the possibility for treacherous actions is integral to the conflict. "Battle Commander" does this nicely but I ought to pick up a copy of "Never Mind the Billhooks" to see how cards are utilized.

  2. Another cracking battle there Jon! I particularly like the muted yellow and blue you have used for the livery, which is very effective:)

    1. Thanks, Steve! I like the look of muted and "dirty" uniforms.

  3. Great looking retinue, Jonathan. I love the colors of the livery.

    1. Thank you, Dean! They will be ready for battle in the New Year.

  4. Lovely mass …. You have a prolific output.

  5. I don't know if you sleep sometimes, but this is another cracking job Jonathan!!

  6. Totally agree with all the above...lovely paintwork and nice big meaty units with wonderful basing (thanks to the timely resupply!) . Outstanding work all round Jion!

    1. Thank you, Keith! This is a big, meaty unit, no doubt. One more to go, for now.

  7. Super stuff Jonathan, a very impressive array and output.

  8. An impressive looking unit Jonathan.

  9. Lovely work Jonathan, and it sounds like you were able to replenish your stock of tufts to avoid any serious disruption to the production output.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! Yes, only a slight delay in finishing the basing on these lads. Martin from Tajima 1 always provides swift service. Great product too.

  10. Great looking units.

    Every time I reread the Black Arrow (as I did recently) I get the urge to refight the Battle of Shoreby with Sir Daniel Brackley with his men in Murray and Blue, the Earl of Risingham against Dick Shelton earning his spurs at the barricades under the eye of Crookback Dick, the Duke of York.

    1. Thanks, Ross! Gosh, I have not read Black Arrow since I was a lad. The family copy was from a set of classics brought into the house by my parents many, many years ago. I wonder if they still have it?

  11. Very impressive Jon you have really cracked through at a fast rate, especially as the Perry need making etc before painting it all takes time 👍 6 battles is 18 units in my money 😱 quite a force.

    1. Thanks for your encouragement, Matt! The Perry plastics do take some time to assemble but I find the construction process somewhat enjoyable. Yes, 6 Battles equates to 18 units in your money! The box contents are very convenient since one Bow/Bill box can field one archer and one billmen line. Very handy and economical.

  12. These are smashing units Jonathan! Most impressive quantitative and qualitative output!

  13. That's a fine looking unit you have done Jonathan!


  14. Making me feel even worse for selling all mine. Lovely unit.

    1. I have only one more Battle to go, if that provides any relief. Thank you, George! Perhaps you want to begin again?

  15. That's a beautiful unit Jonathan!! Colourful and realistic!

  16. Impressive and like you say still a few weeks to hit your target

    1. Thanks! Yes,I believe I can finish off #6 before year-end.

  17. The battle looks good. With all that armour you still managed to get some bright colours to lift the unit. Looking forward to seeing them in some future games.

    1. Thanks, Peter! I look forward to their first engagement too.

  18. Great looking battle, I'm glad you have enjoyed moving into the plastic era!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! I may not stay long in plastics but I am enjoying this foray.

  19. Another splendid unit Jonathan…
    Very colourful indeed…

    All the best. Aly

  20. I love these foot troops in such a great number.

  21. Great job! Good luck getting battle #6 done as well. You’ll have an excellent WoTR collection. 😀

    1. Thank you! If I finish up #6 before year-end, I will have enough for the standard three Battles per battle battle.

  22. Still flabbergasted at how seemingly fast you can get such a large amount of minis painted up!

    Excellent work Jon!

    1. Thanks, Dai! I am flabbergasted by the quality of brushwork on your furry critter project.

  23. Super looking Battle, Jon. I find myself planning some WotR troops myself for use with Test of resolve when Tim and David come to Historicon in July to run some games, Pandemic allowing! Mine will be Old Glory... army card at the Ready!

    1. Thanks, Peter! Good to see you jumping into the WotR fray! I await watching you amass your armies. Maybe life will be back to near normal by July but maybe not.
