
Friday, November 19, 2021

Hittites. More Hittites

Work and gaming with Biblicals continue.

Following closely upon the pounding wheels of the Hittite King's chariot and guard, off the painting desk today are two units of Hittite bowmen.  One unit is a single, four-figure stand of skirmishers and the other is a nine-figure stand of massed archers ('T' in Impetvs terms).  All figures are from Newline Designs.

Plenty of other figures are slowly working their way through the painting queue.  Most works feature a decidedly Ancients bent.

Besides a few odds and ends and a few packs of chariots, The Lead Pile is running low on stock of Newline Designs' Hittites.  I am waiting for the annual holiday sale.  Hopefully, Sean from Newline Designs will offer up the traditional Christmas sale so that I can resupply both Hittites and Sumerians.  Until that offer materializes, I look elsewhere.  I received a largish order this week of Wargames Foundry figures (well, largish for me of 124 figures).  Included were more Sumerian spearmen and javelinmen, Hittite spearmen, and Assyrian archers.  Plenty of figures to top off the coffers.

On the Biblical gaming front, my Egyptians and Hittites take to the field today for another remote playtesting run-out of Ian's Rein-bow Warriors.  I think scouting may make an appearance today.  We will see how that gets on.  First, the table needs to be set for Friday's, Biblical gaming session. 

Next time, I plan a second dive into the GWS2021 data to discuss collection size.  The first look at the 2021 survey focused on remote gaming (see: Remote Gaming: Call to Arms).  For the GWS2020 edition of the survey, collection size was one of the topics I plucked out for study.  The GWS2021 edition saw the collection size bins increased from a top-end, lower-bound of 2,501+ in 2020 to 25,001+ in 2021.  For those readers interested in refreshing memories of this topic, please see Collection Size or Mine's Bigger.


  1. Nice work, the biblical era armies are really taking shape. Oh, any order of 100 or more minis is 'large' in my book...just based on the painting time committed to such a project.

    1. Thanks, Joe. Yes, more Biblical armies are taking shape. I would like to begin a Trojan Army in the New Year to fight the Hittites if I do not become too distracted by other projects.

  2. Fine additions Jonathan and good to see you not letting the Lead Pile diminish too much. Look forward to reading the outcome next biblical outing.

    1. Thanks! The Lead Pile never seems to draw down much. One worry I may NEVER face is running out of figures to paint!

  3. More lovely looking Biblical era troops Jon.

  4. Another very fine unit Jon. Let's hope you can stock up in the Newline sale if and when it happens. I'll be interested to see what info you can glean from the survey re: collection size, as it's always good to see what other gamers are up to as it were.

    1. Much appreciated, Steve! If and when the sale arrives, you can be sure I will be refilling the bins.

      Glad you find the survey analysis interesting. To me, the results are fascinating but not everyone shares that interest.

  5. Nice job as always, I am in awe of your repeated ability to drain the ‘lead mountain’ :-)

    1. Thanks, Norm! The Lead Mountain never drains. A bit of erosion, perhaps, but that is about it. There are areas of the Mountain that have not been mined years (or decades!).

  6. More fine additions to your collection

  7. Great work as usual Jonathan. That's quite a collection of Hittites you are amassing.

    1. Lawrence, you are very kind. The Hittites are seeing action at the painting desk but not at the pace in which you push painted figures out.

  8. I'll be keen to see how you fit scouting into RBW

    1. I will provide a report especially since I won the scouting prelims.

  9. Good looking units, the colour schemes have nice muted touch to them. A washed out look under a hot sun.

    1. Thank you, Peter! I try to use a more pastel-like palette with muted colors for these ancient armies.

  10. Your sustained productivity is impressive, particularly given the quality. 124 figures is a sizeable acquisition in my book!

    1. Thank so much, Ed! I appreciate your encouragement. Painting productivity has slipped some in 2021 but the number of games played has exploded. As for the 124 figure purchase, it is always good to stock up especially if prices are expected to rise.

  11. Good looking and useful archers,100 +figures is a large purchase by any standards, looking forward to your data analysis!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! Analysis coming up but perhaps a Biblical BatRep first?

  12. Another lovely unit, Jonathan. How many Hittites are in this collection now? As my own number of figures climb, I am looking forward to your GWS analysis.

    1. Thank you, Mark! At last count the Hittites count about 250 figures.

      Hopefully, the GWS analysis will interest you.

  13. Lovely new additions Jonathan…
    Biblical armies are always so tempting… though it think I will rein in the butterfly on this one… for the moment.

    All the best. Aly

  14. One a Hittite two a Hittite biblical fun. Nice job. 😀
    I’m looking forward to your posts on the GWS. In preparation I wrote down my answers when I took it so I can reference them during discussion.

    1. Thanks, Stew! Great to see that you kept notes on your responses. Now, no more guesswork when I summarize the responses.
