
Saturday, September 25, 2021

Remote Gaming: Call to Arms

Having survived the rigors of hosting the five remote wargames of the AWI battle of Shoemaker's Bridge (see: the various battle reports), I am sending out a call-to-arms for readers interested in giving an ACW remote game a try.
The ACW battle selected for this game with be the battle for Brawner's Farm set in the opening stages of the Battle of Second Manassas in 1862.  While the Battle of Brawner's Farm has seen action on my gaming table before (many years ago!), armed with new information and a new way to deliver the game, it is time to revisit the opening action of Second Manassas.  The archives from these earlier actions can be found at Action at Brawner's Farm.
These earlier battles were fought on a non-gridded table using Regimental Fire and Fury.  While I have yet to decide whether I will go the gridded or non-gridded table route for this game, the rules in play will be my adaptation of Field of Honor.  For those readers that participated in the Shoemaker's Bridge battles, these rules will be very familiar and not complicated.  As a bonus, the rules seemed to work well in a remote setting.
The battlefield may look a little different from these earlier games especially if the battle is translated from non-grid to grid.  Gridded gaming worked well in the AWI remote games, so I favor that approach for now.  The OB may be modified slightly too but enough to keep four players engaged with meaningful commands.  
So, if you participated in one of the Shoemaker's Bridge remote games, enjoyed it, and wish to tackle another remote game, I welcome you to sign up. If you are interested in giving a remote game via Zoom a try with no pressure, I encourage you to throw your hat into the ring as well.  The battle could handle more than four active players.  Since a number of commands enter as reinforcements, I think it better to have all players engaged in action from the start.  Therefore, I place a four player limit on the game.  Perhaps this limit could be expanded in a replay?  Players will command at least one brigade.  

The battle will be fought in 10mm, likely on a roughly 6'x6' playing area.  Tentatively, I plan the game for Saturday, October 9 at 10:00 Pacific (1:00pm Eastern and 6:00pm British) time.  The 1000-1300-1800 start seems to work well for my east coast and UK participants.  Of course, I may adjust the date/time to accommodate the four players' schedules.

So that I have email addresses from those wishing to participate and I have a list from which to draw a sample of four, please submit your request to participate to the email address on my Profile page.  State your preference for side and if you want to participate as an individual or join with a friend as a team.  Team play might be interesting.     

I plan to send out a scenario packet by 02 OCT providing game details.  Players should then have ample time to plan strategy and tactics, and ask any pre-game questions.

As in the Shoemaker Bridge series of games, enough interest may encourage additional replays of the battle.

Any takers?


  1. Jonathan WOW I would love to play! Ironically, we will be visiting Harper's Ferry all day. An ACW theme to be sure. Count me in for future offerings? I'm very interested in playing your ACW mods for FoH.

    1. Thanks, Steve. Harper's Ferry is a beautiful place in the fall. I am sure you will enjoy it. You know, I am not confined to the 09 OCT game date. Maybe I will push it out if interest falls short.

      I appreciate your interest in the game and would enjoy seeing you at the gaming table again.

  2. This looks great and I'd definitely like to participate in future games, when I am not so time poor. I'll be looking forward to the blow-by-blow write-up.

    1. Lawrence, I would be honored to have you at the table. When time permits, let me know!

  3. Hi Jonathan, very interested but I will be house hunting in the UK for my daughter’s upcoming posting at a Leicester hospital between the 10th and 15th both inclusive so I couldn’t possibly participate this time round unfortunately. Will be absolutely thrilled to do so on other dates or future games.

    1. Good luck on your UK house-hunting assignment. When your schedule allows, would enjoy having you dial into a game.

    2. "Great initiative btw! 😊👍" Gotta keep myself entertained...

  4. Those figures nd table look great Jonathan

  5. I would be interested in participating.

    1. Excellent. The difficult part is finding a time suitable for you in Australia.

    2. Yes, I thought that could be problematic depending upon where the majority of people are located. If it does not fit, no worries.

    3. We will eventually find a solution. If we cannot accommodate multiplayers, a two-player game between you and I is good too.

  6. Damn it… I wish I could participate in this! Something rather important is about to occur in rl and I just can’t.

    I do look forward to reading the aar Jon!

  7. I'd love to say yes but Saurdays are busier than I'd like them to be at present, so I will happily wait for the AAR. I envy the players.

    1. Perhaps next time, Michael? I guess a group of retired guys could play midweek rather than confined to weekend games.

  8. Much luck to you in your staging of the battle.

  9. Hi Jonathan, as you know, I am a reluctant ‘remoter’ :-), so will not take the offer, but just wanted to drop a line of support because it takes a ton of effort to get these sort of things up and running, so the consumer part of the community owes the creative part (you) a note of thanks and nod of appreciation. Good luck with this venture, it certainly looks an interesting table.

    1. Hi Norm. I know very well that you are a F2F or solo gamer. Given your gaming preferences, I especially appreciate your support in my little endeavor. Time will tell if this comes off.

  10. Looks great, and I'd gladly play, but that date would cause unwanted friction on the home front, so I have to pass on this one!

    1. Thanks for giving this consideration, Peter. Maybe next time.

  11. Norm is absolutely right in his remarks. So a big thanks for making the opportunity available.

    I too would be interested in participating but have a prior engagement that would mean I’d be too late. Unless there’s a command that is scheduled to arrive late anyway!

    1. I appreciate your encouragement. The scheduled time (and maybe even date) is in flux until I get a full table of players so I am open to suggestions.

  12. Hi Jonathan! I’d love to play, if you still have slots.I’m familiar with the encounter, and read your last staging with interest. Not familiar with the rules….

    1. Ivan, if you are interested, send an email to the address on my profile page. Rules will be easy to pick up and you will be running smoothly after one turn. In which timezone are you?

    2. Will do; very interested. I’m in Michigan so Eastern

  13. Can I put my name in the hat for your next zoom game Jonathan, I'm not around on the 9th, but would love to join in.

    1. Got it, Ray! Will be great to see you at the gaming table.

  14. I am off on the ninth! Would love to try.

    1. You are on the list of prospective players, Jennifer. Thank you!

  15. Sounds like a splendid adventure. Would certainly like to give your cut rules a try. Not the 9th for me but pick it up another time 👍😀

    1. Yes very happy of course to play it through Jon on another occasion , ps if you are short drop me an email 👍

  16. Great game although the ACW is not my period. Your battlefield is looking very good.

  17. I am sure you will get more than enough volunteers to take part Jon and I look forward to reading about the results!

  18. Sounds like a great idea, not possible my end but I look forward to the AAR!
    Best Iain

  19. Very tempting but a full month for me, working on the 9th and both our birthdays the following weeks. Good luck with it anyway I shall follow with interest.

    1. Phil, I will attempt to tempt another time. Happy birthdays!

  20. My thought process was all;
    “Invite to an online game, yes yes very nice. ACW? Even better, it’s like he wants me there knowing I’m such a fan. Brawner’s farm? I know that one. Yes yes. Oct 9th? …No, I have kid stuff all that day! Kids ruin everything. Why did I even have children?!!”

    I’m sure you’ll have more than enough volunteers. I’m looking forward to some pics. 😀

    1. Stew! I was thinking of you when I selected ACW at Brawner's Farm. Perhaps you will have availability to game another day? Have you not amassed a HUGE surplus of Good Husband points?

    2. Funnily enough, my next post has a comedic bit about hubby points. 😀

  21. Nicely looking game setup. Looking forward to see a report. Unfortunately can't accept this challenge, but wish participants all luck.
