
Saturday, August 7, 2021

Sumerians and a Remote Gaming Trifecta

A second stand of Sumerian, shield-bearing spearmen departs the painting desk.  These dozen figures effectively double the size of this new project.  In work next for the project are enough bowmen to field two stands of nine figures each.  I have a long road ahead but I have made a start.  Figures are Newline Designs.
Before I can push any more Sumerians into the painting queue, other projects are requiring a bit of attention.  A fourth WotR Battle is in work with the billmen component finished and the archers nearing completion.  Remaining to start are the Men-at-Arms.  Those Perry plastics will be assembled this weekend.  After that, another 52 figure unit will be ready to take the field.  That's progress.  Also in work are two French SYW regiments as I kick off the build for a new French army.  The current figures are Blue Moon with several bags of Old Glory figures on the way.  I would really like to get the French into a regular rotation at the painting desk but we will see how I combat distraction. 
One, soon to be realized painting distraction is the need to go back to the Hittite army and work to add some skirmish troops into the mix.  Many of the Army Lists I use for a guide make little use of skirmishers so I avoided fielding many on the first push.  Now, that I am committed to playtesting a Bronze Age ruleset, I need to get some skirmishers into the mix.

Finally, on the gaming front, my game table is busy this week and will see three remote games hosted.  All three games will be playing the AWI Shoemaker's Bridge (scenario here) in 15mm.  The first game, played on Tuesday, is in the books with other sessions on Saturday (today!) and Sunday.  Each game has a different group of players, none of whom have played my version of Fields of Honor before.

No reports from any of the games until all three are in the log book.  I am very interested to see how each of the combatants tackles the tactical problems presented in the scenario, how each handles a new set of rules, and the application to remote play.  Without knowledge from the prior games in this three-game trial, each of the commanders will make decisions on the situation on the ground without any influence from the prior games.  Should be fun.  Oh, and wish me luck as umpire and figure mover!


  1. Great to see more Sumerians finished, but to be honest I thought you had completed them. Looking forward to seeing the skirmishers and good luck with umpiring the games:)

    1. This is the second such unit, Steve. Looks exactly like the first posted about Bree weeks ago. Has it really been three weeks since I posted the first unit?

    2. I'm probably getting confused with your Hittites then, as they all look rather similar to me. Maybe time for an eye test;)

    3. Confusion is understandable. I will be returning to field some more Hittites soon so prepare for more confusion.

  2. Good looking start to the project Jon, you are so ambitious running the game three times in a week , looking forward to it 👍

    1. Thanks! Hopefully, I have not taken on too much for this week. Looking forward to the games, myself.

  3. A very busy man Jonathan, you will required R&R soon.

  4. Another nice looking unit Jon. Sounds like you have plenty to keep you busy at the paint desk, but you won't have much time there over the next couple of days with all the remote gaming going are a busy chap!

    1. Plenty to keep me busy at both painting desk and game table.

  5. Splendid looking Sumerians! Sounds like you'll be a busy chap this week, I hope you get some painting in!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you! I may get in a little painting this weekend.

  6. Those Summerians look superb. You've also got plenty of projects to keep you busy

  7. Super Sumerians there Jonathan. Looking forward to partaking of your games marathon.

    1. Much appreciated, Phil! It is a mini-marathon, isn't it? I will see you on the field of battle on Sunday.

  8. It's the Summer of Sumeria on the Palouse!
    Nice looking unit, Jon.

    Most of my own Hittite skirmishers (and Egyptian skirmishers, for that matter), will likely be drawn from my abundant generic "Canaanite" figures.

    Very ambitious with three games, but running the same scenario each time greatly reduces the workload, and it will indeed be interesting to see how the different participants handle the situation! I take it the kinks are now pretty well worked out in the home broadcast center? :-)

    1. "Summer of Sumeria." I wish I was more active on the painting front this summer. Too many games! THere are skirmishers that could be pressed into service but that would not be quite right, would it? More Hittites!

      I think the "home studio" is working well. Nancy enjoys taking guests down into the game room and switching on the lights. She comments that it is like standing near the surface of the sun in brightness but without any heat. It is very bright. I think we figured the lights in the game room put out about 55,000 lumens.

      Two game down and one to go. Yes, in each of the first two games, the strategies were different. We will see about Game 3 on Sunday.

  9. A nice unit with an interesting blend of long / short spear. The texture to the tunics adds to the interest.

    Although your gaming table is busy, it sounds like your painting tempo is picking up its stride.

    1. The texture on the kilts and capes is nice. Maybe a slight uptick in painting productivity but not sure how long this will last. August is shaping up to be a decent month at the workbench.

  10. These look great Jonathan. The shield designs work particularly well with that shade of red you have used. You'll be an expert at games hosting before too long, if you aren't there already.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! Yeah, I like that shade of red a lot. Works well with the bronze bosses.

      After only hosting a few remote games, I am getting more comfortable directing traffic. One tip to a more smooth experience is to know the rules VERY WELL.

  11. I have to stop looking at your blog...every time I do I am tempted to start ordering figures online..and those Sumerians look amazing!

    1. Temptation is good! Thank you for visiting the blog and your kind words.

  12. They look great, and I'm curious to see how the remote games turn out.

    1. Thank you!

      For recaps of Game 2 (Saturday) see,
      British viewpoint:

      American viewpoint:

  13. Great looking Sumerian spearmen, Jonathan. Sounds like you have a lot on the gaming and painting fronts!

    1. Thanks, Dean! TYes, VERY busy on the gaming fronts. Less so on the painting fronts.

  14. Too many games is not a bad affliction to suffer me thinks.

    New spearman look good and will fit nicely with your existing unit

    1. Glad you like the new spearmen, Dai!

      Too many games can leave one exhausted. I may need a day off Monday before the next game on tuesday!

  15. I wish you joy of the events rather than luck! (I'm confident that you won't need luck to pull it off)

    1. Umpiring three games in a week is work but you already know that having survived Huzzah! It was a fun week at the gaming table, for sure. I am exhausted.

  16. More excellent Sumerian for your new project! Great work!
