
Saturday, July 24, 2021

More 10mm ACW Federals

After pushing 120 x 10mm Zouaves through the painting queue recently (see: ACW Zouaves in 10mm), that little momentum provided the motivation to press on with another batch of 10mm figures.  Out from the painting desk today are more Federal infantry for the 10mm ACW project.  This time, five regiments of infantry muster out.  With 30 figure regiments, total count in this tranche is 150 figures.  Figures are Old Glory.
To date, this project tallies about painted 3,500 figures.  Looking back at the Painting Log, not much work has been accomplished into expanding this project for about two years.  That is, not much work prior to the Zouaves hitting the ledger.  With enough figures present to field for most battles, motivation to paint has been lagging.  That situation may change especially with plenty of unpainted lead in the pile.  The project could use more dismounted cavalry for a starter. 
Having new recruits answer the call to arms is prompting thoughts of getting the collection back out onto the gaming table.  So is my recent work on developing an AWI scenario on the British flanking march at Long Island using Norm's Action at Mill Creek scenario map in his Two Flags - One Nation ACW rules as inspiration.  While Norm's latest scenario and map go gridless, my scenario returns to a grid-based game. 

The Long Island battle (Action at Shoemaker's Farm) will be presented in the standing Tuesday remote UK gaming session as I host the battle from my game room.  Scenario details on this battle will be provided in the next post.  Rules to be used will be an amended version of Fields of Honor.


  1. So many tiny little men… very impressed by this output Jon! Very excited to see the whole collection on display too!

    1. Good idea about getting them all out on parade. Need to clear some table space first.

  2. Very impressive output Jonathan! Glad to see this project moving along and the figures look great and well done on the hand painted flags. Looking forward to seeing your AAR.

    1. Thank you, Steve! Since I will be running the game on Tuesday, my ability to capture details for coherent BatRep is always a challenge.

  3. Beautiful, but no, I am not looking at rekindling my own ACW project...

    1. Thanks, Greg! A return to posting on your blog is a good first step to resurrecting old projects.

  4. Oh my! Looks like they're only slightly better painted than my 54's are these days but there are an awful lot more of those 10's!

    Sounds like there already enough to fight various historical battles at 10:1.

    1. There are a lot more of them, for sure! Since my regimental stands are based at about 15:1, you are not far off.

  5. Impressive production! The handpainted flags really add to them! Well done!

    1. Thank you, Ed! I sure enjoyed your recent hiking excursion.

  6. Very impressive mass of blue-coated Union troops!

    1. Impressive until one realizes you tackle the same number in 28mm!

  7. Really cool project, if painting mojo flags, certainly adding new unpainted figures would help. :-)

    1. Glad you like my little project. More to come from the ACW collection. Perhaps a battle soon?

  8. Lovely work Jonathan, and even more impressive en masse. It will be great to see the whole collection on display.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! I ought to bring the cavalry arm up to muster before putting them out for a parade. for some reason, I do not like painting 10mm ACW cavalry whether mounted or dismounted.

  9. Great work Jon and as others have noted, particularly on the flags. Once again, seeing this mini minis does show how practical these smaller scales are for large engagements.....

    1. Thank you, Keth!

      I think 10mm is perfect for refighting historical ACW battles in total.

  10. Excellent addition to your collection, 150 figures is an impressive output that does require some fortitude to get to the end, but well worth it and it allows a little catch-up for your recent distractions from the lead pile.

    Look forward to seeing the Mill Creek scenario play out.

    1. 150 at one time is a bit much to tackle for me even in 10mm. The en masse result looks good, though. You are right, painting a lot of smaller figures does boost the painted figure count. for 2021, i can use the help!

      While the scenario and setting are different, I imagine you will see the maps lineage back to Mill Creek.

  11. Outstanding work, Jonathan! Also, I'd love to see your Long Island scenario once it's finished.

    1. Thanks, Steve!

      The scenario this covers only the British flanking attack. I will post scenario details on Tuesday.

  12. The 10mm figures look splendid. In their large blocks they will look impressive on the tabletop.

    1. Thank you, Peter! En masse and from viewing distance from the table, 10mm ACW armies look splendid.

  13. A very large and handsome augmentation of your 10 mm ACW forces, Jon!

  14. Splendid looking tiny federal troops,lovely flags!
    Best Iain

  15. You painted the flags?!! Your output puts most of us to shame.

  16. They look very impressive when they are plenty. Great work on such small size.

  17. They look great, at 3500 figures it's a super-sized collection

    1. Thank you! This is not my largest collection but it is getting up there in size.

  18. Nice job on the painting. But it’s no wonder that motivation is lagging in the genre to paint up more ACW as you already have so much painted already. If you can already play 90% of the scenarios that you want to do and have probably only done 50% of those then there’s no real reason to March more troops across the painting desk. 😀

    1. Stew, you are very astute but having bought, I feel obligated to paint...

  19. These look really good Jonathan. That's a serious tally that you have completed. An ideal scale for this period, I'd reckon. Should easily allow regimental scale, big battles over a reasonable area.
    Regards, James

    1. Thank you, James! I agree that 10mm is an ideal scale for the period.
