
Friday, May 21, 2021

With MacDuff to the Frontier BatRep

Initial dispositions
As mentioned in my last post, remote gaming has been going strong. A game last Saturday was a playtest for an upcoming convention game hosted by Ross of Battle Game of the Month blog.  Ross made a call for volunteers and I threw my hat into the ring to revisit Ross’ rules, With MacDuff to the Frontier.

The battle would be an action from the French Revolutionary Wars wherein the Allies (British and Hessian) would be defending the crossing at Belmont.  The British are drawn up at the bridge and in front of Belmont while the Hessians are positioned covering the ford.   I am put in charge of the Hessian contingent.  No disposition of enemy forces are given but the following instructions are provided:

General Freitag, The Emperor desires you to take command of the force guarding the ford over the St Croix river near Belmont.

Your immediate force consists of Col Ross's Freikorps consisting of a squadron of lancers and a company of light infantry, and a detachment of Hesse Darmstadt Jaegers.

A battalion of Hessians is on the march to reinforce you and should arrive by midmorning.

On your right there is an English force guarding the bridge but on your left, beyond the Bois Inconnu, there are no allied forces for 10 miles. At all costs the enemy must not seize the crossings at Belmont.

With that, the Allies await for the French to appear.

First, French skirmishers appear opposite the bridge near Belmont.

Followed closely by veteran infantry.  The Blancs.
Then, skirmishers and a section of guns appears on the right opposite the ford.  The French skirmishers come on quickly under support of their artillery.  Both sides begin to suffer casualties as the enemy presses on to the river.

As the French close upon both the bridge and ford, fighting intensifies with many a soldier dropping.  The French skirmishers attacking the Hessian light infantry at the ford are dispatched in a quick fashion.

But wait!  What is the commotion off to the Allied left?

The attack on the bridge and ford was a diversionary pinning action.  Much of the enemy has fallen upon the Allied flank!

The Hessians quickly redeploy to cover this new development.  The German lancers charge into the oncoming enemy to buy time while the Hessian jaegers take up a defensive position in the woods.

Outnumbered, the brave Hessians fight hard as ground is given up sparingly.  They fall back upon their reserves and reinforcements debouch from the town.  The Scot's Greys and Hessian lancers charge time and time again.  Have these horsemen bought the time needed to stabilize the situation?  Casualties are heavy as many are thrown into the tumult.  The Allied position holds.
To threaten the French guns on the left, the British file across the bridge to the opposite bank.  If Belmont cannot be held, these British infantrymen will be trapped on the wrong side of the river.  The Allies continue to fall back on Belmont and the bridge, fighting every step of the way.
The Greys charge against French infantry and are repulsed but the French have suffered as well.  The brave Greys have gained time for more Hessian infantry to come up into line and challenge their attackers.
Repulsing repeated charges from French cavalry, the Hessians stand firm.
With French guns under threat and British and German forces preparing to counterattack the now wavering French, the French commander recalls his troops.  The battle has ended with an Allied victory.  Belmont and the bridge remain in Allied hands.

That was a fun little action.  The colorful table and large figures made playing via Skype easy on the eyes.  Having to take both ford and bridge, this may be a tough task for the attacking French.  Hopefully, this playtest will offer some ideas in preparation for Saturday's Huzzah game. 

Thank you Ross and friends!


  1. Interesting looking game, seemed bloody,quick moving. Always fun to read.

    1. Very bloody but not so fast since units can recover casualties almost as quickly as they accrue. It did move along at a quick pace. This game had a duration of about four hours.

  2. There is something very joyous about Ross’ collection and as you say, particularly helpful for Skype game.

  3. Another great looking and reading game Jonathan!

  4. Nice looking game Jonathan!

  5. Looks like you had fun again in this virtual confrontation Jon - blessed with success again too - great stuff!

    1. Hi Keith. Another fun game into the books. The Allies may have won on points but my command was ruffled up a good bit.

  6. Where would the world be without brave volunteers?

    Great report! It was an absolute pleasure, despite the learning curve, glitches and the surprise visit from HM doing her unscheduled tour of the troops on the table.

    As with any convention/group game, one cannot always predict what perceptions, conclusions and decisions individual players will make.

    A great learning experience for me, an interesting game to watch unfold, and a most welcome social evening with friends from coast to coast in 2 countries and 3 time zones!

    Thanks for playing and for this report!

    1. Glad you enjoyed the battle report, Ross! You set a good-looking table and provided an entertaining game with friends. What more could one ask? Nothing!

      Thanks again and good luck in your game on Saturday.

    2. Awesome that you got the second playtest in!

      Have a great "Hold the Line" Ross.

  7. No cart in this scenario? Just a straight fight?

    1. The cart is being used to haul the failed revolutionary commanders from the tribunal to Madame Guillotine. I know, I was one.

  8. Fun looking game, Jonathan - and remotely done at that!

    1. Fun, for sure, Dean. Seems much of my gaming is now remote. Nothing wrong with that!

  9. Enjoyed that. Good game to follow with lots of action. Made for a nice lunchbreak read.

    1. Hooray for providing a good lunch break distraction!
      Thank you!

  10. A tense little action. Remote gaming really seems to suit you Jonathan, with your ongoing run of success.

    1. Lawrence, I think I am more likely to report on the battlefield successes than the disasters...

  11. Cool stuff, Jonathan, thanks for sharing, and I'm envious of all the gaming you've gotten in, great stuff!


    1. You are welcome! Are am envious of all of the great work you did on your recent Vietnam campaign. Your superb writing produced a fascinating narrative. Looking forward to your next Tour of Duty.

  12. Nicely looking “new reality” game :) good to see successful experience of remote games, it seems promising, isn’t it?

    1. This technology is very promising for those wargamers unable to meet in person.

  13. Great looking game and plenty of action

  14. A grand looking game and a fine read and view. I would like to think that virtual games will continue even with the eventual return of face to face games.

    1. Thank you, Phil! My hope is that remote gaming continues long after the pandemic restrictions are gone. I have gamed more in the last eight months than at any time in my life. All due to remote gaming. I have met many new friends and would hate to lose a single one with a return to F2F gaming. we may have to work harder to keep remote gaming viable when life returns to normal.

  15. Splendid stuff Jonathan...

    I do like Ross’s shiny old school toys.
    Always guaranteed to put a smile on my face.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks, Aly! Seeing Ross’ shiny toys brings a smile to my face too.

  16. Great report Jonathan. Certainly reads like a fast-paced, action packed novella!
    Regards, James

  17. That's looking so much old school! It reminds me of my youth when we played without bases on the floor of the living room in my father's house and in the house of a friend with thousands of minis in an epic scale. It was very much like in your game. Thank you for the nice photos.

    1. Yes, very much an Old School look and feel to this game. Good fun too! Glad you enjoyed this, Andrè!
