
Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Two-Fer Tuesday: Spanish

Two-for Tuesday but two nearly the same.  After nearly four years from purchase, two battalions of Spanish infantry muster out.  These two battalions were a long time in coming.  Hopefully, the remaining three battalions of Spanish infantry will not require another four years before they reach the table.
These two, twenty-figure battalions of Spanish were purchased in October, 2017 in an introductory offer from Three Armies Miniatures.  Peter, (Blunders on the Danube), made we aware of these (at that time) recent releases so thought I would dive into fielding a few Spanish infantry for my own Peninsular War project.  I did not expect nearly four years to pass before these fine fellows made it onto the parade ground.  The first two battalions mustering out are Reina and Principe.   
As noted in my prior post, remote gaming continues with great regularity.  So much gaming that the painting desk is laying idle more frequently.  Currently working on a variety of units but I would like to turn my painting attention toward 10mm ACW sooner rather than later.  I recently ordered seven bags Federal and Confederate Old Glory infantry (700 figures) to flesh out some units after a rebasing project.  I have my work cut out for me.  Undoubtedly, I will become distracted and tackle other projects before I make it through 700 infantry.  Perhaps I can stay focused by alternating between 10mm ACW and other projects?  

Oh.  Back to remote gaming.  I participated in Ross' FRW game on Saturday as a test for his Virtual Huzzah game on Saturday.  We used a version of MacDuff to the Frontier.  With four participants, we managed to fight to a conclusion in about four hours.  Also on the gaming slate is another Virtual Huzzah game using Test of Resolve to refight the WotR Battle of Towton.  Towton is scheduled for 0700 Saturday, my time.  Last but not least for this gaming week, the Tuesday night (Today!) UK group will see a return to the Jacobite rebellion in 15mm.  My hunch is that today’s battle refights the battle from a few weeks ago.  In that battle, the British fought to the last Dutchman while the Highlanders thumped the Government troops and then faded back into the Highlands.  Will the outcome be different this time?  Another busy week planned on the gaming front.

On the F2F gaming front, our State is relaxing restrictions for those fully vaccinated.  We can ditch the mask and larger group gatherings are permitted.  I must admit that it was a very strange sensation entering the grocery store for the first time without a mask this past weekend.  

Still, plenty of battle reports from recent games and cycling photos from recent rides to share.


  1. A busy man Jonathan and more lovely troops.

  2. Good looking additions, it is a blessing to have to juggle time between painting and playing, no?

    1. Thank you, Joe! A blessing and curse, I think. Where do I focus my time?

  3. Terrific troops Jon - excellent. I had a look for Three Armies and couldn't find them - no matter - too big for me anyway! Hope you are keeping well - cycling?

    1. Glad you like them, Tony! Very strange about Three Armies. I thought I looked at the website yesterday to confirm that these were their figures. today, the website is unavailable!

      Cycling continues on this front and mileage increases as the weather improves.

  4. Nice work sir. I have always loved the look of formed Spanish troops!

    1. Thank you, Steve! I think i held off long enough before adding Spanish to the Peninsular war project.

  5. Those are some fine looking troops Jonathan!


  6. Busy, busy, busy. Lovely units, the flags look superb, the ‘simple’ white instantly draws the eye to the intricacies of the detail. ACW 10mm - look forward to seeing how you go about basing system and unit construction.

    1. The flags are Adolfo Ramos and rival GMB. There were no flags for these specific regiments so I pressed others into service.

      On 10mm ACW, the basing remains the same from a great rebasing many years ago with ten figures per base. The collection underwent a reorg a few years back in which BMUs went from 20 figures (two stands) per BMU to 30 figures (three BMUs). That reorg results in a surplus of command stands. Naturally, I need to field more men to bring these surplus command stands back into action.

  7. Spanish were worth the wait, no doubt. Quite looking forward to the ACW. It's a period I've managed to evade, but always appreciate.

    1. Thank you, Markus! I will return to ACW soon. Well, "soon" in the respect to the speed at which I put a new game onto the table. Might be a while!

  8. Super stuff the purple facings look very snazzy.

  9. Those Spanish troops look great, Jonathan. Never heard of Three Armies before. Also, you sound like you have a lot of projects and gaming ahead of you too.

    1. Much appreciated, Dean! I just checked their website and it throws an error. Perhaps they have come and gone?

  10. Beautiful Johnathan, the Spanish knew how to dress albeit I dont think they ever looked as good as these chaps.

  11. Those Spanish troops are a good looking lot! Bet those uniform whites were a pain to stay so clean looking though.

    Sounds like lots of gaming too! As ever, I'm envious. Looking forward to reading up on that next Jacobite game!

    1. Thank you! I bet the white uniforms were a right challenge to keep white. Lots of pipeclay in use.

      Lots of gaming, for sure. Almost more than I can keep up with.

  12. Excellent looking white uniforms Jonathan.

  13. Very nice Spanish regiments, Jonathan. I like how the white uniform color is combined with ground color. It looks elegant and at the same time modest. For me it’s normal if purchased kit waits about one year on shelves and it doesn’t matter how strongly I desired to have this kit for my project:)

    1. Thank you, Dmitry! I have many more figures sitting in The Lead Pile longer than four years.

  14. Those are two lovely units Jonathan and the flags really make them pop.

    Going in to a shop without a mask must seem weird and I think I will continue to wear one for the time being, even when we don't have too. Apparently 97% of cases have come from indoor contacts!

    The weather here has not been good for cycling so am itching to get even a small 10 mile ride in at present, so look forward to seeing where you've been going.

    1. Thanks, Steve. Yes, very strange to go maskless. In fact, most still continue wearing the mask out of habit or hesitancy to vaccinate.

      Last week was very good cycling weather but a cold front blew in yesterday and temperatures have dropped about 20F. Very blustery too. Hope you make it back out soon. I am afraid I have not been cycling anywhere that interesting...

  15. Terrific Spanish Jonathan, and as soon as I saw them I thought they must be a new project for you, even if they have been in the pile for four years. The Reina and Principe are among my favourite Spanish as the violet facings look great against the white.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence! Old figures; new project. Thought it about time I fielded a token Spanish force. I like the violet lapels and facings too.

  16. Very nice! White is so hard to do well and these look just gorgeous!

  17. Splendid looking Spanish! Lovely facing colours, four years seems reasonable? 700 ACW troops seems an awful lot to just fill in the gaps though!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks! Yes, 700 figures is a lot of "gap" filling! You should see all of the surplus command stands I have.

  18. Very smartly turned out.
    Looking forwards to seeing the 10mm ACW collection grow and the other stuff you rotate into the painting cycle as you do them.

    1. Thank you, Paul! Whatever I manage to move across the painting desk, you will see it!

  19. These uniforms are looking so nice. You did a great job painting them.

  20. Lovely looking Spaniards Jon, hope to see them in action soon, so we can see how well they fight!

    1. How well they fight will always present a difficult answer, I fear.

  21. 4 years isn’t that long really; the miniatures had to grow accustomed to their new surroundings. Best not to rush it. 😀
    Good luck in all your games. And that’s good news about the easing of restrictions. My own state is doing the same and I might even be allowed to host a game in the future.

    1. I think you have something here. The figures need to acclimatize to their new surroundings. For some figures this takes a long time as metal adjusts at different rates.

      It may seem a bit strange returning to F2F gaming. I am sure we will all adjust quickly to this new environment; unlike some of my unpainted metal.

  22. Handsome Spanish troops Jonathan!

  23. Absolutely lovely regiments, Jonathan, and well painted. I have some of Adolfo's flags as well and quite admire his work, they are the chef's kiss to a regiment such as yours. I find myself thinking a lot about wanting to do the Penninsular War, though it would be in 6mm. You're nudging me in that direction.

    1. Thank you, Michal! I look forward to seeing your new 6mm Peninsular War project develop!

  24. Lets hope they fight as well as the look, and the dice favour their actions.

    They look great Jonathan.

  25. Lovely looking Spanish Jonathan. Those violet facings of Rey, Reina and Principe (and Soria) are quite delightful aren't they?
    Regards, James

    1. Thanks, James! The violet facings are the main reason these regiments were chosen first.

  26. Lovely units Jon I really like the look of the Spanish, I fear I may never own a Spanish army to enjoy.😥

    1. Thank you, Matt! I may never own a complete Spanish army either. I just wanted a few units to field a contingent for a few battles. Oh, and never say never...

  27. These are awesome Jonathan! Great work! Been long time away from blogging...

  28. These look great Jonathan! The models are now owned and released by Warlord Games.
