
Monday, January 4, 2021

Rivoli: Setting the Stage

Initial deployments
The call to arms in my last post, announcing a possible, solo refight of the Battle of Rivoli, netted a group of nine willing participants.  Fabulous response, I think.  With nine remote commanders writing orders for my tabletop maneuvers, this will be an interesting exercise.  Commands have been allocated among the participants.  There are four French commanders and five Austrian commanders. 

After allocating commands with consideration for player preferences in both nationality and level of command, I set to work writing an Instructions to Generals guide outlining the scenario, victory conditions, and explaining the order writing and submission process.  Also drafted were two briefings, one for the French and one for the Austrians.

Already, the CiCs are at work formulating plans to defeat the other.  Within the next few days, I expect to see orders beginning to trickle into my mailbox.  I am anxious to see what each has concocted as the key approach to victory.

Hopefully, this will prove to be an entertaining exercise for the participants as well.  If nothing else, we all may learn more about the Battle of Rivoli.

Below are a selection of photos from the game table, in silence, before the battle begins.   

The massive Austrian columns marching down the Adige Valley
French and Austrians face off on the Rivoli Plateau
Austrian view of Joubert situated on the Trombolare Heights
The defenders of the Osteria Gorge
Battlefield from behind the French lines
Joubert on the Trombolare Heights
The board of French reinforcements
We may be off and running very soon.


  1. Great work on the instructions Jonathan, and thanks in advance for all the hard work you're putting into this. It's amazing how much more focused one becomes and how a scenario like this comes alive when one is actually involved. I'm looking forward to receiving my C-in-C's first orders.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence!

      Having a dog in the fight catches one's focus quickly, doesn't it?

  2. The table looks very nice with enough terrain to make it easy to write orders etc. I love this sort of thing as you know and the anticipation of receiving the orders to follow on the table. Sadly family circumstances prevent me from taking part at present, but maybe one day I might be able to. Looking forward to seeing how the action unfolds:)

    1. Thanks, Steve! Perhaps if we can pull this exercise off successfully, I can do another battle, another time when your schedule allows?

      I look forward to seeing how this action unfolds too!

  3. Great looking table and looks like it will be a pretty "meaty" engagement with plenty of action....of course, it all depends on the remote commanders, so will be a very interesting exercise. One thing to be said for Covid - it has certainly encouraged a lot of lateral thinking by wargamers keen to carry on fighting!

    1. Thank you, Keith! There ought to be many chances for heated action with room to maneuver especially if Reuss can break out of the valley and onto the plateau. If he forces the gorge early, the French may have a real fight on their hands.

      I guess COVID has forced many to think outside of the box. I know I have and the remote gaming sessions have been terrific.

  4. Excellent looking battlefield and troops; look forward to the action with relish.

  5. Lovely looking table and inventive idea for hybrid solo/remote gaming. Will be interesting to follow along.

  6. Splendid troops and terrain...promising!

    1. Thanks, Phil! The situation looks promising but difficult for both, I think.

  7. Looking forwards to seeing how your action goes. The first photo of the Austrian column shows your lovely models off to best advantage.

    1. I am excited to see this battle play out, too, Norm. Play will get underway once the first round of orders are received. Glad you like the models!

  8. That's a great looking table Jonathan.

  9. Jonathan,
    This looks incredible. I love that you have 9 generals participating. This is something I'll be watching very closely as I've wanted to do something like this for awhile now and with the pandemic, there will likely be plenty of willing generals to play. I cannot wait to see how this turns out!

    1. Thank you, Steve! I look forward to seeing how this turns out too. I am awaiting orders from a few generals before I can begin.

  10. As a french directuer I must say that beautifully painted column of Austrians is more than a bit concerning.

    1. Yes, but they are presently confined to the valley.

  11. Nicely set up Jonathan the Austrians look worryingly numerous !

    1. Thanks, Matt! This is a situation of quality vs quantity...

  12. Splendid looking table, sounds like it's going to be fun!
    Best Iain

  13. Lovely miniatures indeed. There's something very satisfying about writing orders and seeing them become reality on the battlefield. As one of the commanders engaged I hope I don't let the side down!

    1. I agree with you, David. Writing orders and watching those directives put into motion is very satisfying.

      As for letting anyone down, no need to worry about that. Your first orders were clear, concise, and reasonable. The question is how well can you subordinates carry out those orders?

  14. Looks good, going to be fun watching this unfold.

  15. Looks like it will be a great game with some excellent looking armies.

    1. Thanks, Paul! I hope it will be an interesting contest.

  16. Damn man, I can’t believe I missed this, this is fantastic, Jonathan! I can’t wait to see how everything shakes out.


    1. Hi Jack, I hope you enjoy the battle. Orders are written and transmitted. The battle can begin.

  17. This should be a very fun exercise. Not unlike our huge "Campaign in a Day" events writ smaller!

    1. I hope the generals enjoy the exercise. I have orders in-hand to play the first turn on Wednesday. If the situation requires no order changes, two turns may get into the books covering the first hour of battle.

      Yes, this will be much smaller than your multi-table "Campaign in a Day" extravaganzas.

  18. That looks and sounds a great set-up. Are you doing it as a ‘Zoom’ game or play-by-email?
