
Wednesday, January 6, 2021

French 7th Hussars in 1799

My thoughts return to the French Revolutionary period due, in part, to the upcoming refighting of the Battle of Rivoli.  Having the inspiration of the battle laid out on the gaming table next to the painting desk, a few units for the 1799 project are working their way through the painting queue.  First off the painting desk is the French 7th Hussar Regiment.  Figures are AB Miniatures.  The dozen troopers represent four squadrons of light cavalrymen.  Expect more units for this project in the first quarter unless I am sidetracked by other, more pressing projects. 
On the newly launched Rivoli solo refight, orders from the various commanders are beginning to flow in all directions.  For me, as an unbiased adjudicator of the moves and combat resolution, seeing the battle plans develop and their associated correspondence is fascinating.  Once all initial orders are in place, the battle can begin.

On the gaming front, remote gaming opportunities abound. New Years' Eve saw an Old School battle hosted by Peter (see Morschauser on Skype!).  That was great fun and another opportunity to meet and game with a friend in a far-off land (well, opposite side of the USA).  Yesterday, for the first game in 2021, play returns to Spanish Civil War in a test of Graham's latest work, Send Not to Know.  Battle Report here.


  1. Another nice looking Revolutionary period unit Jonathan, I am looking forward to reading about how your Rivoli refight turns out

    1. Thank you, Keith! I look forward to fighting Rivoli. Maybe first turn begins today?

  2. Busy times.......painting more French reinforcements would be great ! Slow but steady progress on the grenadiers hoping they will be ready for battle in about 2 weeks.👍

    1. Matt, I await the mustering of your British grenadiers. Then, we return to campaigning!

  3. They really are nice, you have done the sculpts justice ..... I am scared of lace :-)

    In the UK, we have just gone into national lockdown, with early indications that this will last for 6 weeks. Now is the time to do something worthwhile and have something to show for it at the end ...... but what! , it may take me four weeks to decide :-)

    1. Thank you!

      The governor of our State yesterday released a new lockdown scheme but our schemes always seem less severe than yours in the UK.

      As for distractions during lockdown, perhaps Rivoli will provide some of that?

  4. Great job. I am always in awe of such work in the smaller than 20mm scales.

  5. Spledid figures wonderfully painted!

    The FRW wars favourite H&M period, wide variety of uniforms, from eye catching to routine, ragged to polish, rebellions, battles, amphibious landings, Colonial campaigns, a variety of tactics and both sides winning some and losing some.

    Just as well my 15mm version is gone so I can do it again with smaller numbers of 40's.

    1. Thanks, Ross!

      FRW is one of my favorites too. Added to all of the benefits you list, smaller army sizes is a plus too.

  6. Nice work Jonathan, these chaps look very smartly turned out.

    1. Thank you, Paul! Hussars always turn out smartly, don't they?

  7. Another lovely unit Jonathan and the AB figures are superb sculpts.

    1. Thanks! Yes, ABs are finely sculpted but I find them more difficult to paint than other 15mm figures. Perhaps it is because I cannot see all of the fine detail as I once could?

  8. Beautiful work Jonathan, and it will be great seeing some of your other Revolutionary troops in action in the coming game. It will also be interesting to see the fog of war at play and watching how far the best laid plans go astray.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence! My 15s are not as nice as your ancients' work but good enough for me.

      As for the Rivoli battle, expect to see first reports coming into HQ today.

  9. What can I say, lovely unit. I started back painting this morning with a French SYW battalion, so much spare time here now under house arrest until March.

    1. Thank you! You may have an entire painted by March!

  10. Splendid looking hussars! I have some in the painting que and I have to say I find them intimidating, I'm just sticking to Italian wars gendarmes!
    Best Iain

  11. Another lovely looking unit Jonathan...
    What’s not to like about Hussars...

    All the best. Aly

  12. Great work, AB really are nice :)

  13. Great looking hussars,Jonathan. Lovely uniforms and Classic look.

  14. There hardly is something more impressive and nice than colourful light cavalry (OK colourful heavy cavalry ;-) ). Great paint job!

    1. Thank you, Andrè! Colorful heavy cavalry is good too.
