
Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Hittites on Parade

When showing the 18th completed unit for my 2020 Hittite project (See Hittite Call to Arms), several readers suggested a parade. Well, today a parade!  As a bonus, from the time of my last Hittite "call to arms" post to today, unit #19 has mustered out from the paining desk.  That stand is shown below:
What we have is a stand of javelinmen from Newline Designs.  Fine looking sculpts with a lot of character.  I like them a lot.
OK, back to the Hittite Army parade. The army consists of the following units:
8 x chariots
4 x bow
4 x javelin
3 x heavy spear

To fulfill my 20 BMUs of Hittites in 2020 pledge, one more unit needs to be called up.  I think that last unit will be one more chariot.  Still, a significant assortment of Hittites remain in The Lead Pile but a nicely sized army, thus far, don't you think?


  1. An impressive looking army and so close to completion. Nice work.

  2. To answer your rhetorical question Jonathan - even though such a thing is almost an oxymoron - YES, I do think its a very nicely sized army and once you get to twenty units, that really is probably big enough, especially if you are planning to use them in a TtF setting! They are very nice indeed.

    1. Yes, at 20 units, these Hittites may be large enough to form two TtS! armies. for sure, two Basic Impetvs armies are possible from this collection.

      Glad you like them!

  3. Thanks for the parade Jonathan and certainly a lovely looking and impressive army for sure. One more unit (famous last words) will round things off nicely, chariot or otherwise.

    1. You are welcome! Everyone loves a parade, right? One more to go to wrap up the year on this project. One distraction is that I have been working on non-Hittites for this Biblical Wars project too. Must.Stay.Focused.

  4. They look like they mean business! Lovely army, Jonathan.


  5. Wonderful work Jonathan. Must give you great satisfaction and pride.

    1. Thanks, Richard! It is satisfying seeing the collection arrayed for battle.

  6. Lovely job on the unit. The bearer adds a real eye-catching touch. The Newline are impressive.

    The parade is a wow visually and I am guessing the heft of the bases just adds to the pleasure of handling.

    1. Thank you, Norm! I like the Newline Designs' figures very much and their rounded sculpting style has grown on me. For Hittites, I may actually give the edge to Newline over Foundry.

      As for heft, there are many pounds of Hittites here!

  7. Such a gorgeous parade Jonathan, thumbs up!

  8. Replies
    1. Was going to say more but got customer in :( Looking forward to seeing these guys in battle, great work.

    2. Paying customers first! Glad you like the parade, George. I look forward to seeing them in battle one day, too.

  9. Excellent! Great horde of scary looking brutes. On the way to battle the Egyptians at Kadesh or drive off the Achaeans at Troy?

    1. Thanks! Against Egyptians first since I have no Achaeans (yet!) or perhaps against one another or Assyrians?

  10. Wonderful collection JF. I love the arid basing- it definitely conveys a hot, arid environment.

  11. I thought this would be impressive, and so it has proven. Lovely work Jonathan. It is a bit of an effort hauling all the figures out for a group photo, but worth it in terms of being able to look back on a completed project, especially as it is not often an entire army project takes the field together.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence! Yeah, it is a bit of an effort but these Hittites only consume three storage boxes so it not too difficult. Armies rarely get out for battle in total so an occasional parade review is a good excuse to see what has been accomplished at the painting desk.

  12. Splendid looking force and you must be itching to get them in a game.

    1. Thanks, Paul! Yes, I would enjoy getting this army out for a F2F battle.

  13. A labour of love and only a wargamer who paints knows the true challenge and effort that goes into getting an army ready for battle. Very nice......but a lot of empty space on that table for more !

    1. Wise words, Matt! Yes, there is a lot of empty space on the table but it is BIG table! Thank you.

  14. Splendid looking army! Lovely looking unit to finish off too! I've been cleaning up the Newline late Roman cavalry that you got me as a prize, I do like that they have enough detail, but not too much!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! You describe Newline very well; enough detail but not too much. I await your Roman cavalry.

  15. Well done Johnathan, a beautifully painted army.

  16. Impressive collection, Jonathan. It's always great to see an army arrayed.

  17. Glorius excellent looking force Jonathan! Love the look of these larger multibases :)

  18. Very cool parade and it’s such a pretty army! You can feel really proud to have painted so much and it’s great to see it all on display! I hope it was fun for you see it all in person. All that’s wanting is an opponent to tremble in fear at the other side of the table! 😀

    Is the army composition something close to what an army would really have? I know nothing about Hittites it’s just struck me that 8 chariots seems kinda chariot heavy and I always pictured ancient armies being more infantry.

    1. Thank you, Stew! Very fun to see these all out on display. Typically, I paint, finish, and put a unit into storage. Rarely is the entire collection back out onto the table in unison. These Hittites are only a portion of what has crossed the painting desk in 2020. End of year painting totals will look pretty good.

      The Hittite army at Qadesh was considered a chariot army. Some sources list the army as having 3,500 chariots and 17,000 infantry. These totals would suggest that I am actually light on chariots!

    2. Thanks! To be clear I wasn’t trying to cast disparaging on the army composition. Of course it can Be anything you like. I was just curious. Good news is that you’re so good at chariots now you could fix being lite on them pretty easily. 😀

    3. Stew! No offense taken in your comments at all. Far from it. I enjoy and encourage commentary and look forward to each one.

      As for more chariots, well, two more are coming off the painting desk tomorrow but for a different war. Stay tuned!

  19. Well done Jonathan. They looked fine individually, so, so impressive all together!
    Regards, James

  20. Finally I can write my comment on your fine parade. It's always nice to see a project coming to an very pleasing end. You painted a very nice antique army.

    1. Thank you! Good to see that your posting issue has been overcome. Welcome back!
