
Friday, November 13, 2020

A Pair of Celtic Chariots

When I set up the gaming table for a planned battle of Telamon (see Telamon Not) back in January, I reckoned more Celtic chariots would be useful but not necessary for the battle.  Unfortunately, the pandemic prevented me from hosting the battle.  I never stopped thinking of the battle and when Newline Designs offered a late summer sale, I leapt into action. Of course, I did not stop with only adding Celt chariots to my shopping cart but a large pile of Hittites for good measure.  Will Newline Design offer a Christmas sale as is traditional?  I hope so.

Back to today's topic of activity at the painting desk.  Well, two more of the Newline Designs' chariots roll off from the workbench.  One final chariot is seeing work in the painting queue.  For today's effort, each chariot stand consists of battle cart, team, crew, and three foot attendants.  By my count, each stand totals 45 Painting Points.  This will provide a bit of a bump to the painting tally.  Actually, the number of figures painted, thus far, in 2020 exceeds expectations.  On to the photos...  

On the gaming front, gaming opportunities seem to be increasing.  Besides the two recent solo-play Pharsalus battles and a virtual AWI action, a second, virtual Rebels and Patriots (R&P) game is scheduled for Sunday.  Given that the last game was my initial exposure to R&P, I sat down with rulebook in hand and hammered out a QRS.  Not only does the QRS help to re-enforce what I read but also provides a handy guide for use during the game as a quick reference.  Now, I believe I hold a modicum of knowledge about game mechanisms. We will see how much sticks by the time game day rolls around.  My game host, Matt, offers up some freshly painted Continental guns for the game (see Continental Artillery).  I wonder if any will fit into the action's OB?

Second, another remote gaming opportunity surfaced.  Hooray!  The second gaming session will be guided by Graham behind the camera running a game of his To Ur is Human rules (see Graham's To Ur is Human blog posts for more information).  Great title, eh?  Anyway, I bought a copy of the rules when first published and look forward to giving them a run-out on the gaming table with the author, himself.  I thought I had written a review but could not find it.  Perhaps, I only thought about writing a review?  I know I wrote a first impressions for his It's Getting a Bit Chile rules (see First Impressions).  I will need to re-read To Ur is Human to get back up to speed before game day.  Should be fun.


  1. Good looking chariots as always. Looking forward to seeing them in action soonish ? I think we can assume the patriots have managed to secure some artillery 🙂

    1. Thank you, Matt! I would enjoy seeing this army in action, for sure. If soon then it looks like it must be a solo affair.

  2. Very nice Jonathan, with the colours working well together. I love the dynamic posing, especially the driver standing on the chariot shaft!

    As for R&P, the Osprey website does a useful QRS download in case it is of use?

    1. Glad you like the chariot pairing, Steve! As for the low-beam gymnast on the yoke, he is quite brash. Do you think it looks too odd having him posed there without holding reins? I have never added reins to chariots but have been giving this one consideration.

      Thanks for the tip on QRS from Osprey! I gave it a look and the layout is not suitable for finding items "at a glance." Mine is better...

    2. Hmmm, I think he would look better holding the reins, but is this a slippery slope where you will f.eel compelled to do the rest of the drivers? Glad to know your QRS is better than the Osprey one. They are useful but do miss a few points as you've discovered

  3. More great looking Aventine figures Jonathan and I like the big solid basing you use for these chariots, they look very formidable. Good luck with the upcoming games, I look forward to reading all about them in due course!

    1. Hi Keith! These figures are all Newline Designs. I do love Aventine figure from the Punic Wars range. Several Aventine units are present my my collection.

      COVID is opening up new possibilities for me in wargaming.

    2. Duh - sorry about mis identifying the figure range!

  4. Hi Jonathan- you certainly do posses a high degree of expertise with your Miniature Painting - well done indeed. Regards. KEV. (Sydney-Australia).

    1. You are very kind, KEV! Your encouragement is much appreciated!

  5. Splendid looking pair of chariots! They look ace!
    Best Iain

  6. Two wheels good, four wheels bad Jonathan with even more chariots, nice stuff.

    1. Glad you like them! Rolling back in time on a four-wheeled cart to ancient Sumeria will be an interesting change.

  7. Well done, beautiful chariot units!

  8. Looks great with the runners. Newline continue to impress. Good luck (and Matt of course :-) ) with the R&P game. Matt’s timing with the guns is too good to not give them an outing on Sunday!

    1. Thank you, Norm! Yeah, the Newline figures are super and definitely have a style of their own. No difficulties when painting them either. Word from Matt is that some artillery will show a presence on the battlefield for the Americans in the next game.

  9. These are splendid - lovely work Jon.

  10. Nice chariots to add to your future in-person Telamon game, Jonathan. Enjoy your virtual gaming until then.

    1. Thank you, Dean. Compared to your superb Celtic chariot work, mine are average.

  11. Excellent work again! That chap on the yoke looks a proper celt. I’m sure he’d get extra warrior kudos for that, or whatever the Celtic equivalent of kudos is.

    I’m looking forward to hearing more about your upcoming Rebels and Patriots game having bought a copy myself recently.

    1. Thank you, Sir! The guy standing, posed on the yoke is a terrific figure, I think. He is a proper Celt, for sure.

      I will certainly report out on my second R&P game. I have my own QRS in-hand that should make me a little more competent in this next action.

  12. Very nice Jonathan. Any idea when you might be able to play Telamon at this stage? Is some point in 2021 likely, do you think?

    1. Thank you! For Telamon in 28mm, sometime in 2021 seems a fair wager when (hopefully) F2F place can resume. I have 100 or so 6mm Gaesatae in the painting queue. Perhaps I can get these painted to try Telamon using CC Ancients?

      I have the game table cleared and am laying out Rivoli in 15mm for my winter gaming studies. More details on that venture later.

  13. Good looking chariot with supporting figures, and you are also keeping busy with other wargaming activities.

    1. Much appreciated, Peter! I am keeping busy on the hobby front but not as busy as you! Your WWII desert campaign continues to fascinate me.

  14. Those are great looking figures- the minis have really characterful faces. Very nice work.

    1. Thanks! I like Newline figures a lot. One more Newline Design Celt chariot in work and then only Newline Hittites remain in The Lead Pile. Check that! There are also Egyptians and other Biblicals in the pile too.

  15. Great looking units Jonathan. You are on fire! I haven't looked at Newline before but these are a great advertisement for them.

  16. Great looking Celtic chariot Jonathan. Haven't tried virtual gaming yet but it is looking increasingly likely given the rise in cases in Scotland.

    Cheers, Ross

    1. Much appreciated, Ross! Yes, virtual gaming may be with all of us for awhile since the situation seems to be going from bad to worse.

      Stay welll.

  17. Great looking figures as always Jonathan...
    I do like the added ‘runners’ on your chariot bases... I think it add to the sense/illusion of movement...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Aly, you are always very kind encouraging. The runners allow me to fill the large base while avoiding having to field two chariots per base.

  18. Great job on the painting! I’m sure you have exceeded your goals on the painting front for the year. Glad to see that opportunities for virtual games are increasing. 😀

    1. Thank you, Stew! I am very pleased to see developments in the direction of virtual gaming since I expect another lockdown brewing.
