
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Irish Regiment Lally

Having been following many of the War of Austrian Succession scenarios and battle reports on the Honours or War forum and watching David create a series of handsome flags for the Swiss, Irish, and French battalions for the SYW/WAS at Not by Appointment blog, my willpower finally broke.

While I fielded three battalions of Swiss line infantry regiments as a "test" of 18mm Blue Moon SYW figures a number of years ago (eight years from looking at the painting log!), I never expanded the project to include the French.  I was content with primarily fielding Prussian and Austrian armies.  Until recently, that is.
Swiss battalions in French service
Off the painting desk today is a battalion from Irish Infantry Regiment Lally.  While the regiment saw service in India during the SYW, it was active in Flanders during the WAS.  Infantry figures are Blue Moon French led by a Eureka mounted officer.  Flags are Not by Appointment designs. 
With an Old Glory Army card in hand, expect an expansion of the French army to get underway using Blue Moon figures.  I have not decided if I prefer the Blue Moon figures over the "old" Old Glory 15mm SYW figures.  The Old Glory Russian infantry are superb.  I expect the French to be equally nice.  I should order a few Old Glory packs (from 19th Century Miniatures) to confirm.  Until then, I have an Old Glory Army card burning a hole in my pocket.  Two more Irish regiments are in work.  After those muster out, my attention will turn to fielding French infantry, proper.  I imagine thoughts of Hanoverians will be materializing before long.  As with the Prussian and Austrian armies, expect cavalry to be sourced from Eureka Miniatures.  Just what I need, an expansion to an existing project.  With my Hittite expansion nearing completion, a new project seems reasonable.  Right?


  1. A lovely job, the gentle colours and the sculpts themselves compliment each other wonderfully.

    1. Thank you very much for you gentle comments, Norm!

  2. New projects create such enthusiasm and energy, of course expansion is often easier to get your head around than a really new project. Looking forward to seeing the developments

    1. Yes, an expansion to an existing project seems much less daunting than embarking upon a new project, doesn't it? Still, adding French to the project is highly motivating.

  3. What a great looking unit - OG Army card...mmm... that brings back happy memories! As to the expansion, it seems perfectly reasonable to me, but the real question is, what does your therapist think!?

    1. Thanks, Keith! Therapist? I don't need no stinking therapist!

  4. Cool Jonathan I think a 7YW french army is incomplete without a few Irish Regiments. I have de Lally and Dillon earmarked for my 28mm French Brigade. Cheers Greg

    1. Thank you, Greg! For color, the foreign regiments add a lot of zip to a French army. I await the mustering of your Irish regiments.

  5. A most beautiful period, and splendid minis, congrats!

  6. Hi Jonathan - Certainly admire your miniature painting style- the Regiments look superb. Well done. Regards. KEV.

  7. These Irish are looking superb. It's one of the French regiments with the most dashing uniform. I would crinkle (is this the right word) the flags a Little bit to get them more realistic. The flags by David are just too nice to not use them.
    Maybe you can persuade him to make Standards for heavy horse too, although they would be very very small in your scale.

    1. Thank you, Andrè! Your work has been great inspiration to me. Your battle reports pushed me over the edge in wanting to field a French army.

      As for the flag, I agree that I ought to add a bit of flutter. This time, I decided to fly it straight so as not to mask any of David's artwork.

  8. Those look superb Jonathan! The figures are great and the painting as always brilliant. I love the mounted officers which is a nice touch.

    1. Thanks, Steve! I appreciate your always present encouragement.

  9. A very nice job Jonathan. My own 7YW project seems stuck in the doldrums. I was waiting for the Blue Moon Hungarian Grenadier Command and still am.

    The Not by Appointment flags are splendid.

    1. Thank you, Sir!

      The BM Hungarian grenadiers have been "Coming Soon" for a very long time.

      Yes, David's flags are superb. My printer (or photography) does not do them justice.

  10. Splendid units Jonathan! There’s nothing quite like starting off on a new project.

    1. Thank you, Mike! A new project or even a new diversion puts new motivation onto the painting desk.

  11. Excellent looking wild geese! Looking forward to an enormous 18th century French army as your army card burns a hole in your pocket, of course Old Glory do a very decent line for the War of the Roses, just saying, probably cost virtually nothing with an army card!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! War of the Roses in 25mm? Hmmm. Eric the Shed's latest battle post certainly tempts one, doesn't it?

  12. Always liked the Irish regiments in the Old Regime French army ever since a buddy did a unit 40 years ago. The flags are great.

    1. The Irish add some color to the French army, for sure. Good looking flags, as well.

      Thanks for the comment!

  13. I’m confused; it’s a French Irish regiment? What does WAS mean? I’m too ignorant. đŸ˜€

    But they do look splendid. And your painting output is so high you can tackle anything. Expanding or starting new projects will all bow before you. đŸ˜€

    1. Stew, this was one of the Irish foreign regiments seeking French service beginning after the Williamite War. WAS is an acronym for "War of Austrian Succession." Sorry for the confusion.

      Glad you like them. There will be more Irish regiments to come. Then, I dive into building up a French army, proper. Your confidence in my ability carry off new projects provides great motivation to do just that. Thanks!

    2. Thanks for explaining. I feel educated. đŸ˜€

  14. Great work as usual Jonathan, very colourful. The wavy lines on the Swiss flag must put it among the most unique of the 18th and 19th centuries.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence! Yes, the Swiss flags are very unique and colorful. They really draw attention the the Swiss infantry even if they were not dressed in red coats.

  15. Splendid looking toys Jonathan... as always.
    I do like all the foreign units in the French army... they add a nice splash of colour...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thanks, Aly! The foreign regiments had a lot of interest to a French army, for sure.

  16. Very nice, I like the varied foreign units in French Service.

  17. Ooooh, now you've got me thinking. I did Claire for SYW, but maybe I'll revisit the Irish and do Lally too?

  18. A most handsome regiment, Jon.. and the Swiss look excellent as well. The Foreign regiments and the flags of the Ancien regime are both big draws for a French SYW army!

    1. Thank you, Peter! The flags and foreigner add a lot of color to the pearl grey French army. Time to begin painting French infantry, proper, I suppose.

  19. How did I miss this? Looking very good, both troops (and dare I say it) flags too. :-)



  20. How did I miss this? Looking very good, both troops and (dare I say it?) flags too. :-)



  21. How did I miss this? Looking very good, both troops (and dare I say it) flags too. :-)



  22. :-) Have they seen any action yet?



  23. :-) Sorry about the triple message - Google does funny things when I try to log in sometimes. Odd.

    Have these troops seen action yet?


