
Friday, October 16, 2020

Celtic Chariot from Newline Designs

Distractions.  Next off the painting desk was a planned addition to the dozen unit Hittite army which is seeing a year-end attempt at a six-unit expansion.  A chariot for the Hittite Army was that planned addition.  Well, I received a recent order from Newline Designs containing more Hittites with a few Celtic chariots for the Punic Wars project.  The Celtic chariots are destined, foremost, for a recreation of Telamon postponed from earlier in the year.  Seeing the Celtic chariot and crew, I swapped out the Hittite chariot for the Celtic chariot and set to work.  
Off the painting table today is a Newline Designs' Celtic chariot and crew in 28mm.  Fine sculpting. The more I paint and field Newline Designs' figures, the more I appreciate their somewhat rounded sculpting style.  Style is different from either Black Tree Designs or Crusader figures which dominates the Celtic forces in my army.  Different in style, for sure, but a style very pleasing and full of character.  I like them.
While no gaming (F2F or solo) has occurred for several weeks, time to pull Commands & Colors Ancients off the shelf for a solo game or two.  Perhaps a reset of Pharsalus in 6mm is in order?  Last time Kevin and I played Pharsalus on the miniatures' gameboard, Pompey beat Caesar.  In solo play will Caesar even the score?  We will see.  I ought to have time this weekend to give the battle a run-out on the table.

The painting desk remains full of figures and projects in work but this week saw only sporadic painting sessions.  Besides the Celts and the Lally battalion, no other units mustered out from the workbench.  Several units are getting close, though.  Hittite bowmen will be next with two stands nearing completion.

Analysis of the data from the Great Wargaming Survey 2020 continues.  In work now is an expansion of the recent Favorite Periods article.  The expanded Favorite Periods analysis will include a look at cross tabulations of period with figure size, gaming style, and primary interest.  Hopefully, some interesting and meaningful insights will emerge.  Notice that these posts are also being published on the Wargames, Soldiers, and Strategy website.  Discussion on these topics have shown much more activity on the Palouse Wargaming Journal post for which I am pleased and appreciative.  Thank you!        


  1. Superb as ever Jonathan. My boys will be watching Celts tomorrow albeit Glasgow Celtic, I shall be hiding in the study.

  2. nice work doubt only a short pre winter blip. Getting a few games in though would be good 👍

    1. Thank you, Matt! Weather has taken a turn for the worse here. Stuck on the indoor trainer all week is a bit demotivating. A game this weekend, even if solo, will be a good step forward.

    2. Weather certainly autumnal here 6-10 degrees and occasional rain. But still managing a couple of outdoor rides a week mixed with the turbo. I was thinking at some point with all the lockdown challenges and modern technology we should try and arrange a virtual game if you were interested, assuming we can sort out the time difference ?

    3. Matt! A virtual game sounds fun. How one can accomplish it, I have no idea. Definitely interested in seeing what you have planned. A nine or ten hour time difference ought to be solvable. Very early morning for me would be late afternoon for you.

    4. Jonathan send me an email and we can agree a plan of action perhaps for next weekend ?
      thecrumps007 at btinternet dot com

  3. Lovely looking Celtic chariot! I agree that Newlines simpler style paint up rather well!
    Best Iain

    1. Much appreciated, Iain! I really like Newline ancients.

  4. Lovely job on the Newline. Their sales give a great opportunity for topping up at a reasonable price.

    1. Thanks, Norm! Newline sales offer up a chance to pick up figures at a great value. Newline offered a fine summer sale and usually offer up a sale at Christmas. With luck, a sale is upcoming for the holidays?

  5. Very nice indeed Jonathan...the Newline figures look very good. Looking forward to your renewed analysts on the GWS stats!

    1. Keith, very good to read that the GWS analyses is holding your interest. Glad you like the chariot and entourage.

  6. Another lovely chariot unit and the sculpting is rather nice. I hope you can get a game in this weekend and am looking forward to the next analysis of the wargaming survery.

    1. Thanks, Steve! The more I paint the Newline figures, the more I like and appreciate them. Good to see interest for continuing survey analysis. I could go about this business for months.

  7. Top notch addition, superb unit!

  8. That chariot is superb. I agree on Newline figures, joy to paint

    1. Thanks a lot! Newline figures are a joy to paint, indeed!

  9. Nice work.
    Not sure if it's just me, but your first image does not link to the gallery.

    1. Thanks, Paul! A special thank you for pointing out the photo issue. Why the lead photo did not link to the underlying image is a mystery but I have fixed it (I think!). It ought to work now. Many thanks for pointing that out!

  10. Very nice Jonathan. I can see what you mean by the rounded style, and it does give them a lot of character. They are pleasing figures to the eye.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! Newline are pleasing to the eye but are more of the older style of sculpting vs the more modern, sharply edged style.

  11. Nice chariot Jonathan! Look forward to your 6mm Pharsalus rematch.

    1. Thanks, Mike! Hope to get Pharsalus in table this weekend.

  12. Another fab addition to your varied collection! How do you find all the storage space, I wonder? Pharsalus sounds like an interesting game - hope you find the time to give it a go.

    1. Thank you, Mike! Storage is becoming a problem. Boxes of figures are stacked under the game table and along the walls. I may need to consider exhibiting a little discipline.

  13. Another excellent chariot base Jonathan. Looking forward to reading about the replay of Pharsalus in the coming days.

    Cheers, Ross

    1. Thanks, Ross! Pulling CCA out on the table this afternoon.

  14. A nice looking chariot and runners, Jon. I may have to pick up a few Newline figures if they have their winter/Christmas sale this year

    1. Thank you, Peter! I have grown quite fond of Newline Biblicals and Ancients. Even without a sale, the figures offer good value. When on sale, they are a bargain. Expect more Newline figures off my painting desk.

  15. Great looking chariot and I think you can afford the distraction. Besides, it’s all hobby and fun time anyway. 😀

    Looking forward to the next dive into statistics!

    1. Thank you, Stew! It is all hobby fun time no matter what is hitting the painting desk. Another venture into stats is planned for next update. Several topics in mind but no decision yet.

  16. Very nice Celtic chariot, Jonathan.

    1. Thanks! Not as nice as your recent chariot work but, for me, it will do.
