
Thursday, July 23, 2020

The Last Samurai?

The Last Samurai.  Besides casualty and disorder markers, these sixteen mounted Samurai exhaust The Lead Pile of figures for this project.  I think.  There may be a few more packs somewhere but I did not see any on a cursory dig.  A few lingering packs may be several strata down and not be discoverable without a well-executed dig. 
Back to today's figures.  Off the painting desk and finishing my Samurai Battles project are 2 x 8 stands of Samurai cavalry.  As consistent with this project, figures are 15mm Peter Pig.  Great figures, everyone of them.  Easy to paint too.
The Last Samurai
With enough figures to field armies for solo battles, I plan to stop accumulation here.  Right.  Turning to the Painting Log, last count shows 725 figures painted for the project in 47 BMUs.  More than enough for most Samurai Battles' battles.  Yes, markers would still be useful additions but those can wait.

One of the last times this collection was on the gaming table was an experiment to try converting Impetvs to a grid/hex (see Impetvs on Grid).  That exercise was more than six years ago.  Where does the time go?  Anyway, I recall that being an enjoyable exercise.  Perhaps I ought to give this collection another run-out on the gaming table to see if my thoughts on Impetvs have changed over the last half-dozen years.  Since that time, we have new versions of Impetvs and Basic Impetvs to put through their paces.  

Even if no game is scheduled, once I clear off some table space, I plan to review what I have done with this project.  I wonder how many linear feet of stands I have?  We will see.

Note: The Last Samurai? is my 1200th post for those interested in such blogger administrivia. 


  1. Beautiful work Jonathan, these look great. I think I mentioned that I have had my eye on a Eureka Miniatures samurai army and had managed to put it out of my mind, but this has brought it right to the fore again.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence! As for your upcoming Feudal Japan project, glad to help!

  2. Bravo! I always feel like a tonne of weight has been lifted off my back whenever I finish up a project - however large or small!

    1. I agree, Tim! My problem is that I have TOO MANY projects with which to contend.

  3. Do you sleep sometimes my friend? Can't believe my eyes, wonderful looking figures, awesome!!

  4. Great work as always and they look impressive all lined up and charging.

  5. Lovely work Jonathan, excellent figures Peter Pig!

  6. Great. I adore your work.

    So many different periods, areas etc. with their special buildings, scale etc..

  7. Superb work Jonathan.
    I do love those hex bases too. So much potential for arcs/movement/flank delineation there.

    1. Thanks, Darren! I enjoy the double hex basing too but have only used this scheme rarely. I need to put it through the paces to confirm it is a useful ploy.

  8. Splendid looking samurai! Finished? Really? I've heard that before!
    Best Iain

  9. Very nice and so distinctive on their hexbases. Six years is a long time!

    1. Six years in the box IS a long time. I really have too many projects and too broad of interests. I need some of your discipline.

  10. What with renewed interest in things like Bob's Portable Wargame, it would be spiffing to see this unit along with its colorful Samurai brothers in another gridded encounter!

    1. Yes, it would! I was digging up my notes from that exercise this morning to revisit the gridded approach.

  11. Lovely work as usual Jonathan! 1200 posts is an incredible amount of work - I can’t even begin to imagine how much time you must have spent at the keybord for our - the readers - benefit. Thank you for every single post Sir!

    1. Thank you, Mike! I really appreciate your comment regarding the 1,200 posts too. You give me a boost of encouragement.

  12. For such small cavalry, you've managed to pick out he details very well mate. Lovely looking stands!

    1. Thank you very much! The Peter Pig figures make is easy to pick out details.

  13. Awesome return to your excellent samurai project, Jonathan!

    1. Thanks, Dean! Hope all is well on your side of the state.

  14. Well done on completing your Samurai project of some 700+ figures is very impressive.

  15. They do look rather cool. Nice one getting the project finished as well.

    1. Glad you like them! "Finished" is a nefarious term...

  16. Very impressed with the 1200 posts. That’s quite an achievement in longevity and effort. Congratulations!

    Nice job on the samurai and double congratulations on completing a project. It’s nice to have a genre complete and ready to go wherever the urge strikes. 😀

    1. The 1200 posts represent nearly eight years of work. Year 8 of the blog coming up in September.

      Thanks on both counts, Stew! I have a number of projects that can be pulled out and pressed into solo gaming. Actually, only a few projects either don't have an opponent or not enough to field two sides of the conflict. It does offer a lot of flexibility in deciding what to play when choices abound.

  17. Nice work Jonathan...and I like your little joke there...”last of the Samurai” and those strange words “enough” and “stop”...comedy gold!!!

    1. Thanks, Mark! I will be here all week. Please tip your waiter.

  18. Fantastic Samurai! The hex bases are an interesting approach and work exceptionally well.

    Really do need to get back to the Lion Rampant Samurai retinue that gathers dust on the painting table; thanks for the motivation.

    Cheers, Ross

    1. Thanks, Ross! Glad to provide some motivation to your own Feudal Japan project. I await seeing updates on your progress.

  19. Again really nice work Jonathan, colourful period.

    1. It is a very colorful period, for sure, especially with all of the banners.

  20. Lovely looking miniatures Jonathan...
    I noted the question mark in the tittle... we all know there is no such thing as finished...😁
    1200 posts... all time well spent.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you, Aly. A “Finished” project is indeed rare if not a myth. Good to see that I have not been wasting your time with my 1,200 posts!
