
Monday, July 20, 2020

Sash & Saber Federal Infantry in 28mm

Today sees the mustering out of the last regiment for my one-off, ACW Federal brigade in 28mm.  The brigade is a one-off in the sense that I have no plan to expand the project beyond this one brigade.  When called up for duty, my force can muster 4x24 figure infantry regiments, four guns and crew, and two mounted officers. Figures are the very animated Sash & Saber.
Years ago when Sash & Saber offered up a half price sale, I bought several regimental packs of Federal troops with thoughts of augmenting Scott's growing ACW project.  Since Scott quickly painted enough figures to field armies for both sides, the urgency to field my own force was diminished.  With this regiment, I manage to finish off the last of my infantry for this sub-project.  To fill out the ranks, I needed to beg a few leftovers from Scott's stockpile which he unselfishly offered. 

My brigade has seen limited action in one battle (I think) but do not remember which one.  Will they see action in the future or are these fine Blue Bellies destined for retirement in the storage bin?  Time will tell.  Still, good to wrap up a small project that has been lingering for years.

Speaking of Sash & Saber, I have yet to push any of the FIW figures into the painting queue to see how they look painted.  I ought to correct this oversight.

Next time, I put the finishing touches on another project.   


  1. A rhythm, and a quality of painting, once again very impressive!

    1. You are very kind, Phil! Loved your recent Wars of Religion battle.

  2. Lovely unit but a shame they get so little action, all that training and marching !

    1. Thank you, Matt! Quite right! I spend most of my time raising troops and preparing for battle.

  3. They are very nice figure Jonathan, and a creditable little force. It would be a shame if they didn't see action, although I know I have painted many units wondering if they will ever see a table.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! I am sure they will be able to fit themselves into battle occasionally. Now, if I fielded a similar sized force for the Rebels, I could have solo brigade-sized actions. Hmmm.

  4. These chaps are great! They seem to be pretty cheerful about this warfare business.

    1. Thanks, Tony! Yes, Sash & Saber and Old Glory figures seem quite cheerful marching to their destruction.

  5. Great looking Federal additions Jonathon. I remember that Sash and Sabre sale - I bought the core of my Napoleonic Austrian army using that deal!

    1. Much appreciated, Keith! That sale was a long time ago, wasn't it? Wish it would happen again. I bought a bunch of French Napoleonics during that sale as well.

  6. Very nice, I do like those regimental flags, beautiful.

    1. Thanks, George! The flags are the always impressive GMB.

  7. Nice animation and the double flagging is very effective. I hope the brigade gets a chance to escape barracks!

    1. Yes, the figures are animated, for sure. They will see action one day. If not, perhaps they should go up on the auction block?

  8. They look great Jonathan! Sash and Saber are very nice figures with a lot of character. I know what it's like to start a project, but have somebody else you game with finish the same thing first thus killing your drive to do more.


    1. Thanks, Christopher!

      When we game, I enjoy fielding at least a token force of my own to contribute to the spectacle. That is what this brigade was meant to do. Scott built so much so fast, my troops have not been needed. That is OK though since I enjoy playing with his beautifully painted collections. Now, if we could only return to FtF gaming.

  9. Hi Jonathan- Nice work there on the ACW Union Regiments...yes, 28mm has a certain great appeal- great painting- well done. Regards. KEV.

    1. Thank you KEV! 28mm ACW has great appeal but my major focus on ACW is in 10mm where I have a verge large collection. I should work to get the 10s back into battle...

  10. They look great Jonathan - the faces are very animated!

  11. Another lovely unit and some great poses and faces on the figures, which is great to see.

    1. Steve, both S&S and Old glory are well known for their facial animation. Most packs have many variations between the figures. Ranked up, the impression is one of great dynamism.

  12. Nice work Jonathan, I also think I am painting figures destined to never be played with in the foreseeable future.

    1. Thank you, Paul! Under present circumstances, I wager many of us having collections gathering dust.

  13. Lovely figures, they'll look even better when you've painted some rebels!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! Yeah, painting Rebels in 28mm, that is EXACTLY what I need!

  14. Most of us who have an active game group also have a few stray units who just add to someone else’s collection for gaming purposes. It’s kinda like guest starting in a series! 😀

    Great looking union troops! Nice job.

    1. Yes, I think many of us do the same. I get pleasure from having some of my own troops on the table and at risk.

      Glad you like them, Stew!

  15. A lovely looking unit Jonathan...
    One-off ??? Federal Brigade... We will see 😁

    All the best. Aly

  16. Nice work Jonathan. Now for a few rebs to get them going..........

  17. Those faces are so fun. Very cartoony, yet not obnoxiously so. Very fine looking unit of Feds sir!

    1. The faces are fun and very cartoony. You nailed it!
