
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

French Infantry for FAW in 15mm

While the painting desk has been busy, I was surprised to see that no 15mm figures have crossed the workbench in almost two months.  Lots of 25/28mm figures have crossed over to the completed side of the ledger but no 15s.  Unusual.  Even more strange is that the 15mm 1859 project has seen no progress in about five months.  I suppose that once a project reaches enough figures to field large battles, no urgent need for more figures.  Combined with no FtF gaming, urgency for more figures slides even farther down the list.  
Inactivity changes today with a regiment of French line infantry.  These 3 x 12 figure battalions are from Lancashire Games.  As mentioned many times before, these marching French are among my favorite figures from Lancashire.  To maintain a little momentum on the 15mm front, a second such regiment is nearing completion.  "Nearing completion" and "Second" downplay the heartbreak of this second unit.  The unit to emerge next was actually the first unit put into the painting queue following the long, project hiatus.  When I based them, I grabbed the wrong size of base.  Not noticing my error until this morning when I placed them in the photo booth alongside the unit displayed here, I discovered my error too late.  Sigh.  Rework.  I really hate it!    
Also off the workbench are two skirmisher stands for the 28mm Peninsular War project.  When I tackled the Great Skirmish Rebasing Project earlier (see Skirmish Reorg), two battalions were left out of this process.  Today, a battalion each of Baden and Polish infantry receives its complement of skirmishers.

This morning I have a little rebasing to do.  Excuse me...


  1. Super work.
    Love that hexagon basing for skirmishers.

    1. Thank you, Darren! Good to see that you approve of the hexagonal skirmisher basing.

  2. I agree with DdG on the hexes- a great look.

    1. Excellent to see consensus! Your remote ECW game over the weekend sure looked great.

  3. Lovely work on both units, but what a shame about the basing mistake:(.

    1. Thank you, Steve! Yeah, I need to measure twice and base once...

  4. My fave is the right hand skirmish pair. Boo to re-basing.

    1. I am fond of the Vistula Legion too. "Boo" on rebasing, for sure!

  5. Lovely toys Jonathan...
    You are not alone in basing errors...
    I now have all my bases stored in very clearly marked bags...

    All the best. Aly

    1. Thank you, Aly!

      To be counted in your good company, no matter the class, is an honor!

  6. Great looking figures Jonathon...I really like the rebased. skirmishers in particular

    1. Thank you, Keith! Glad you like the basing scheme for the skirmishers.

  7. Splendid looking French infantry and great looking skirmishers! Unfortunate basing experience but I thought you liked rebasing?
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! I don't mind rebasing so much and 36 figures on three bases are really not much effort. I don't care much for rework, though...

  8. Beautifully painted 15's and 28's, Jonathan. I Googled Franco Austrian War and this came up...aka, "The Second Italian War of Independence, also called the Franco-Austrian War, the Austro-Sardinian War or Italian War of 1859" - That's a lot of aliases!

    1. Thanks, Dean! Yes, this conflict has many alias, most of which I use! For subject headers, FAW, makes the most intuitive acronym.

  9. “I really enjoy rebasing figures.” Said no one ever.

    I agree that once a collection reaches a size to play the size of battles you want to, then the impetus to add more drops. Like once you can play a battle with 3 players a side then unless you’re dying to go bigger then painting goes down list. Add in these unsettling times with little to no Ftf gaming and Definitely not in a big group.

    Still, they all look great and will be waiting for you. 😀

    1. Well, I enjoy rebasing on occasion since the task allows me a fresh start on an old army. I do not enjoy it as an exercise in rework, though.

      One decision I have been wrestling with is which project to focus upon at the painting desk since the Hittite Army goal is complete. Maybe I should simply bounce around between projects for a while?

    2. You can’t go wrong with the ACW or the AWI! Lol 😆

    3. True! I have large collections of 15mm AWI and 10mm ACW. Still, I could add a few more units, I suppose. Neither collection has seen the table in a long time. For AWI, it has been many, many years. I ought to consider remedying that.

  10. Lovely work as usual Jonathan. Nothing worse than having to rebase though. It must be one of my pet peeves, and I try to avoid it whenever possible.

    1. Much appreciate, Lawrence! I think I need to double check basing schemes before setting these in glue. Sigh.

  11. Beautiful. You get some amount of comments, I'm tail end Charlie again :)

    1. Thanks, George! Comments are always welcome whenever they arrive!

  12. Very nice expressive faces on your skirmishers.

    Some skirmish games in the future here on the blog?

    1. Thanks, Andre’! No skirmish gaming planned. These stands are part of parent battalions used in a battalion-level game where the basic maneuver unit is a battalion.

  13. Nicely done, I do especially like your skirmishing pairs.

  14. I always enjoy seeing your French infantry of this era; they ought to win on sheer uniform class alone! :-)

    PS Re-basing, ugh! I plan to work on William's figures next month, but at least there I didn't do the original basing!

    1. Both the French and Austrian uniforms of this period are magnificent. Two of my favorites, without doubt.

      Good luck on your next month's rebasing project. At least, for you, it is not rework!
