
Sunday, April 12, 2020


Distractions.  Many experience the same, I am sure.  A painting plan is set in mind.  A vow is sworn to stick to it.  Spontaneously, attention veers off into another direction.  Rinse.  Repeat.  Sound familiar?

Such is the situation today.  

Having made a pledge to myself to lay down a dozen element Hittite Army for 2020, the first quarter of the year saw no progress on that task.  Elements from a number of projects have crossed the painting desk during the first quarter of 2020 but no such Hittites.  Until last week, that is.  I finally set to work on two handfuls of archers for this new army.  Only just started, I was almost immediately distracted by a series of Chain of Command games presented on a couple of very good blogs.  The Tactical Painter's blog is a wealth of CoC information and engaging battle reports.   One can learn a lot about employing proper tactics by reviewing these battle reports.  Similarly, Musings on Wargaming and Life, has been focusing, of late, on CoC and Bolt Action solo actions.  Great stuff all!  My distractions are justified, I think.

WWII CoC is not the only recent distraction.  Blunders on the Danube has been parading a seemingly never-ending stream of 28mm Napoleonics from his workbench.  Sigh.  Yet again distracted.  Why not push a battalion of 28mm French legere into the painting queue?  Yeah, that's what I need!  Coupled with the reorganization and rebasing of all of the skirmishers for my 28mm Peninsular War project, Hittites are pushed farther back into the queue.           
To satisfy the CoC urge, a WWII gun and crew jumped into the painting queue ahead of the Hittites.  Off the painting desk today is a German 75mm Infantry Gun by Black Tree Design.  The 75mm IG is a nice model characteristic of BTD's WWII range.  Will this piece ever see action on the gaming table?  I don't know.  If needed, there it will be.  OK.  Back to some Hittite work.

What is your latest hobby distraction?


  1. The story of my hobby life Jonathan! Usually the first touch of paint I put on a model I start thinking of other projects. I make plans and they almost always change after sitting at my desk. Remarkably this year I was able to stay focused long enough to finish a project to a playable status without being distracted.

    Your gun looks great btw!


    1. You may need help, Christopher! I often begin thinking of the next unit to paint upon the first touch of paint but not of the next project. Very good to see that you maintained focus long enough to get enough troops onto the table for a game. Great progress!

      Glad you like the gun. Not as fancy as your work...

    2. Well what I mean is when I'm painting a unit from one project then I often begin thinking about painting a unit from another project and not starting a whole new project although sometimes that's the case!:-)


  2. First (before I forget), I really like the subtle effect you've achieved with the weathering on the gun shield: it elevates the model. Second, seems to me that indulging in enjoyable distractions as they come along is what separates a hobby from a job--that's my excuse, anyway :)

    1. Thanks, Ed!

      I don't know, work is pretty distracting too! Oh, but you said, "enjoyable" distractions. Touche'.

  3. Luckily my distractions don’t nromally get onto the paining table , my problem like others I suspect is my brain is often thinking of the project after the one I am focusing on. The three projects which have not started yet but sit potentially in the future are the English civil war, the peninsular and possibly a ww2 Greek force ? None of these have a single figure yet purchased !

    1. That is no distraction, Matt, but deep reflective contemplations!

      I look forward to seeing ECW, Peninsular War, and WW2 Greeks lighting up your painting desk and gaming table one day.

  4. A nice little distraction Jonathan...
    I’ve just found a couple of dozen Wargames Foundry Bronze Age Europeans...... it’s tempting.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Indeed! Now, we both must try to focus on Biblicals for awhile. I wish you good luck!

  5. Excellent work sir!
    I never have a plan. That way I can't be disappointed with my lack of painting LOL

  6. That infantry gun looks great! Hang in there, and stay focused! ;) It's getting me, too, becoming lethargic...


    1. Glad you approve! I have been spending time researching a Norway 1940 scenario for TaM. With some effort, I may have something to share soon.

      Keep yourself busy and stay well!

  7. Great lookin gun, Jonathan. I wish I had some level of distraction, but all exists in the lead (plastic) pile until after lockdown ends are some Perry plastics ACW troops, so my only options fir distraction is Union or Confederate, infantry, cavalry or artillery (and the latter two options are limited now). However, more concerning is that brush and plastic cement stocks are running low!

    1. Thanks, Mark! I could always send a CARE package in time of need!

      I am finding that my paining output has actually fallen over the last month. Not due to the thinning of The Lead Pile, though. From the size of my mountain, I could keep myself busy during a nuclear winter. I am well stocked with paints and brushes too. You are still able to get supplies via post, yes?

    2. Sadly I can’t order them locally. The lockdown rules here prevent workplaces that are not delivering essential supplies from opening. I could order from overseas, but I an not sure how efficient international postal systems are at present. I also think it is going to be very important to support local businesses when we come out of the darkness.

  8. Well, if that gun is the result of a distraction I say bring them on!

  9. Great work on the infantry gun Jonathan. I sometimes wish I could dip into some tempting projects I have in the pile but I find that if I don't complete a project it is like starting it all over again from scratch when I do return to it, in terms of how to approach painting particular figures. The downside is that I find myself getting bogged down halfway through and then becoming impatient to finish and rushing when the end is finally in sight.

    1. Lawrence, thank you for the kind word regarding the gun and crew.

      With the rate at which you crank out large units and entire projects, I find it difficult to believe you ever get bogged down in a project.

      With my constant hopping between projects, I find the same sensation of having to relearn what I was doing when I return. Still, the hopping around keeps my motivation high.

  10. It all sounds so horribly familiar Jonathan. My painting was generally on track until the Covid-19 shut down and now it is completely de-railed. Ditto my wargaming as trying to find time and space for a game is a challenge at present.

    BTW great job on the gun (one of my favourite artillery pieces) and crew.

    1. Thanks, Steve!

      My painting has slowed during this outbreak too. Not sure what is driving that. My work hours are the same and I should have a little extra time since I cannot get out much.

      We may face challenging times but our discomfiture on the wargaming front is trivial in the grand scheme.

      I look forward to the day when life returns to (almost) normal.

  11. Nice gun piece, the infantry are nicely posed and eye catching, I like how the muddy wheels bring your focus back to the front of the gun.

    Distractions .. I have 28mm Confederate artillery soon to leave the painting table ... that was not meant to be there and why have I just got some (lovely) 28mm metal Old Guard from Warlord in the same week as getting 10mm French from Pendraken and I'm not even going to tell you about the Warrior Miniature napoleonic order ... its is just too distractingly stupid for words! :-)

    1. Thank you, Norm! Your eye for the little details is appreciated.

      Yes, you have a number of distractions. I enjoyed seeing your recent Federal cavalry and will similarly look forward to seeing your artillery.

      Are you working on Napoleonics in three scales (10,15,28) or are the Warrior figures 25mm? Napoleonics in three sizes is more than even I tackle.

  12. No, the Warrior selection are from their 15mm Gallia range - they are the old true 15’s, so quite small. One of my more impulsive moments!

  13. And he surprises himself! Great work Jonathan. My latest distraction is a couple of Dwarf units. Will those Macedonians ever get painted?

    1. Thanks, Nathan! After dwarves then Macedonians, right? Your recent WSS battle was a good distraction.

  14. First, the Gun and crew look great, even if far outside my areas of interest. Thanks for the shout out, too! :-)

    I find myself in the somewhat unusual situation that there is very little I need for the games I have planned for Historicon (assuming that takes place in July, a prospect which seems ever more dubious). That has me thinking about the project beyond that, which is running Wagram again a few years hence. That partially accounts for the heavy Napoleonic out put, which we can expect to continue for a while. I do have 2 Macedonian phalanxes on the painting desk, and some more ECW Foot and Horse primed, though.

    Fortunately, I am not very distractable at all... but I do still have a number of different armies and eras that i am working on anyway!

    1. Thanks, Peter, and you are welcome for the blog plug.

      You show great willpower to maintain your focus on a handful of projects in one scale. I am envious but I have a never-ending stream of interests.

  15. A very nice distraction indeed Jonathon ....the Hittites will still be there tomorrow!

    1. Yes, the Hittite project will be here tomorrow and in waiting for the next the remainder of the year as I work through a dozen units.

  16. Already waiting for the Hittites, i do like this kind of armies...but this one is really nice, impressive gun! Stay safe...

    1. Good to provide an army that you look forward to seeing built over the remainder of 2020!

  17. Nice work on the gun and crew. I’m trying to find a decent 20mm crew for one of these. Thanks for the mention for the blog too!

    1. Thank you! Your blog is an inspiration for CoC gamers everywhere!

  18. Lovely 75mm IG! I remember having one in 1/35 very nice finish on a useful bit of kit. I seem to have less time to paint in spite of having no work,I get up have breakfast and apart from walking the dog put in the hours on the house/garden that I would have done if I was at work. What I find is I now have to do Zoom quizzes in the evenings which takes up valuable painting time and family Netflix sessions (where I'm not allowed to paint figures!) I know you'll get back to the Hittites, you've got a pretty good track record on Biblical armies! I'm finally finishing a French Napoleonic cavalry unit, its taken ages but I've quite enjoyed it and am prepping more and I've managed to stick to painting hairy Celtic fringe types from various periods!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, Iain! Your COVID time looks well scheduled. It is curious how time freed up is time taken up by other tasks very quickly. I am spending more time watching movies in the evening too.

      I look forward to seeing more Napoloeonics and Celts from you.

  19. I can easily get distracted too, but your distractions are very productive ones Jonathan!

    1. You are very kind! I try to keep something on the workbench at all times. If I have an extra 30 minutes, I can pop down into the basement and put in a short painting session.

  20. That is a great little weapon and thanks for the mention. I too after yesterdays game am getting distracted, it would seem I need another Roman cohort!

    1. Thanks George and you are welcome for the shout-out!
      Yes, a Roman cohort sounds a perfect distraction!

  21. Distractions are rife, particularly when I'm trying to "work" at home!

  22. Nice looking gun. There were many times when I was playing CoC that I wanted a 75mm IG in my list. It will serve you well. 😀

    I know many Wargamers that get distracted and paint something completely off the wall. Though I would say that if you’re adding to a collection you can’t go far wrong. Plus bonus points if the distraction gets finished. Actually, I would say distractions are only a problem if it’s one project to another but not completing any. 😀

    Though I tend not to get distracted bc I am a perfect human being.... 😆

    1. Stew, you are a perfect human being!

      Glad you like the gun. How long since you last played CoC?

    2. I’m always telling my wife and everyone within earshot that I’m perfect. She responds with an eye roll. 😀

      It’s been a LONG time since I played CoC. A couple of years it must be. Great game, but takes awhile to play. 😀

  23. Really nice little artillery piece Jon! Weathering is especially convincing.

    Distractions from my WW2 Dieppe Landing project are many and varied. Somehow Zomtober 2020 started early for me and I've gotten stuck into some gun-toting survivors who'll soon be previewed on my blog infact.

    1. Thank you! Your Zomtober has been fun to follow. I would enjoy seeing a return to Dieppe.

  24. Excellent stuff. I just put the finishing touches on the last of my 28mm US Airborne minis. I have been itching to dust off CoC as well. I even ordered some British commandos to add to the collection for this year...

    1. Glad you like the gun, Jake! I look forward to seeing your airborne troops and British commandos. One day, we ought to give CoC a revisit. Actually, as much as time has passed since the last CoC game, we likely need a reintroduction!

      I have a half-dozen jump off points in work.

  25. I wouldn't mind another shot at it. It is the first game since Battleground WWII that actually gives the right 'feel' for WWII skirmish.

    1. Let's put in our gaming queue for when life returns to normal.
