
Friday, April 10, 2020

Cycling the Palouse - Springtime!

Having survived a long winter, a face damaging fall in December, a broken leg in January, and in the midst of negotiating the throes of a pandemic, I finally tempted fate and took to the roads of the Palouse for a 25 mile spin.  Confined first to indoor cycling at the gym until closed by the virus and then to the turbo trainer in the garage, mild temperatures and plenty of sun were finally too much to resist.  With midday temperatures in the low 50s F, a cloudless horizon, and a left foot that I could now almost painlessly unclip from the pedal, I set off for the first ride of the year.  
Even though temperatures were in the mid 50's, the sun beating down upon my back and face made the air temperature seem warmer than expected.  Once I warmed up, the ride was most pleasant.  Riding through shade covered roads was still a bit chilly but only momentarily.  Back into the sunlight, all was right again.
The first ride of the season is always a test of fitness for both man and machine.  Did I train sufficiently over the winter such that I was not enveloped in pain and gasping for air upon outdoor exertion?  Indeed, I passed that test.  Still a bit heavier than I prefer and recovering from an injury, effort was easier than expected.
Climbing at gradients above 8% put pressure on the still swollen ankle.  Standing up, out of the saddle while climbing gave the sensation of some pain and less power than normal.  All seemed to be working satisfactorily for both man and machine, though.  Good enough for the first ride outdoors and a still healing leg.
Today was a great pleasure to be back outside on the bike once again.  Spring has arrived on the Palouse!  

Given a shelter-in-place order (solo exercise excluded), traffic was heavier than expected although these photos show no traffic.  Clearly, either some are ignoring the mandate or many work in jobs that are deemed essential.  My work, while not essential, continues unchanged but remotely.  No holiday for me but today seems a fitting reward.


  1. Excellent show Jon - well done, lad! Glad the repairs stood up to the task! Photos are great. My exercise at present consists of a walk on the beach most days, and washing out my painting brushes, so I'm envious and humbles at the same time.

    Interesting that you found traffic heavier than expected, given the lock-down rules. Keep well - it will have to be a very quick virus that can keep up with you.

    1. Hi Tnny. Yes, the repairs held up to the task but the ankle is still and sore this morning. Ouch! With continued good weather today, I will give it another go after work. A walk on the beach would a tranquil experience in these trying times.

      Traffic may have been heavier that expected do to my timing. I went out midday rather than early afternoon.

  2. I am pleased to read your leg/ankle seems to be mostly healed and ready for the outdoors again Jonathon. Lovely looking photos - we are at the opposite end of the seasons here in NZ - well advanced into Autumn now - but today had a stunning day of cloudless blue skies - well, where I am anyway - and temps probably in the low 20's C.

    1. Thank you, Keith! It was very enjoyable returning to outdoor cycling. While 40 minutes on the trainer indoors is laborious, 90 minutes outside is a joy. Let us hope that the approach of your winter does not bring about an increase in the virus.

  3. Looks nice and crisp there. We were walking every other day but a guy walked past us who had just come back from Spain! As the both of us are vulnerable, my wife more than me we have decided to keep indoors. I still open the PO in the morning and we shop once a week now. I think I have enough projects to last 48 hours.

    1. It was a beautiful day yesterday. Good to see you are continuing some exercise and remain well. I am in a high risk category too so must remain vigilant. Have not been into a store in three weeks and am careful to respect social distancing guidelines.

      Only enough projects to last 48 hours? You need a resupply of figures, I think!

  4. Good to hear you were able to get outside. There's something exciting about the first ride in the Spring.

    1. Getting outside on the bike was good, indeed! The first outside ride in spring is exciting. It can also be a bit anxious wondering how the body will respond especially as we age.

  5. Great to see you got back on the road Jonathan. The weather looks very tempting if a little chilly - in fact perfect cycling/running weather.

    I can’t wait to get back to swimming. Had a few short runs before the op but limited to fairly gentle walking at the moment.

    1. Temps were only a little chilly at first. I warmed up quickly and temps hit 60F before I returned.

      Hope you return to swimming soon and that you continue your post-op recovery successfully.

  6. Glad you got out Jonathan. We are not allowed to go further than 2km from the house so I'm just doing short walks at the moment.

    1. As long as we maintain the prescribed "social distance," we are free to roam, for now.

  7. A sign of the season, and a sign of change for the better. Thanks for taking us along on your ride--and good to hear that you are able to still be active and that your recovery is coming along.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the photos, Ed! I certainly enjoyed you recent virtual tour of your property.

      While PT had to be cancelled, I am working out the leg and ankle on my own terms.

  8. Great to see you out on the bike Jonathan. The weather here has been stunning and in the low 70's Fahrenheit, so just perfect. Sadly so many people ignoring the pleas to stay at home (other than to exercise) given by the noise of the traffic. Very sad.

    1. Steve, the temperatures are predicted to hit 70F here today too. Stunning here today too.

      To be fair, I was riding during lunchtime so the traffic may have been workers commuting to/from work. On balance, we seem to be doing a good job at social distancing and the total number of infections for my state continues to fall down the Leader Board.

  9. Well done! More than a little envious here. My bike remains hitched to the turbo trainer here in the basement. Since our son arrive 10+ years ago, it has been hard to get out on the road for anything resembling a real ride.

    Best Regards,


    1. Thanks! It was an enjoyable switch from the trainer in the garage. Today, looks like another chance for cycling outside.

      Hope you get out for a real ride soon.

  10. You are a brave man!

    Keep safe


    1. Risk in my community is relatively low and I maintain a safe distance.

  11. I am glad that all combined to allow you to cycle outdoors, and hopefully you aren't too sore today.

    1. Me too, Peter! It has been a long and tough winter. I need a break. Well, not another leg break! Ankle is a bit swollen and sore today but the rest of me is fine. Back out on the bike this afternoon.

  12. Lovely photos and even better to hear the leg is up to scratch! I have to say traffic varies considerably depending on the time where I am but it's definitely quiter overall.
    Best Iain

    1. Iain, the leg still needs some work but it held up under the pressure and torque of 25 miles over varied terrain.

      Overall, traffic is down considerably here too. Many more people walking in the afternoon in my neighborhood. Rarely saw anyone before!

  13. Nice to see you out and about, and the weather looks great. The lockdown here has crept up on people, and you are not allowed out in groups larger than two other than to exercise, other than essential workers etc. The police had issued just under three hundred $1300 fines by lunchtime on Friday, which I personally think was a little severe as, apart from the most intransigent, I think they could have let many off with a warning.

    1. We are in a similar lockdown situation although I have not seen any mention of citations. Our community must be docile and compliant...

  14. Good to see you are taking to the road again Jonathan. Things are a little more strict in our lockdown, with everyone supposed to stay within 2 or 3 kilometers of home.

    1. It is good to be back out on the road again, Mark! Your lockdown is more restrictive than Washington State.

  15. Stay safe, thanks for sharing...

  16. Fantastic to see you back in the saddle Jonathan. You’ll be back in top shape in no time, I’m sure.

    Have a lovely Easter, even if in precarious times.

    1. Hope your are correct that fitness will come back quickly. As for Easter, this year will be much different than Easter’s past; no big family dinner and celebration.

  17. Glad you were able to get outside and use the injured limb. Take it slow though! It’s easy to re-injure oneself by going too fast too long too soon too furious. 😀

    1. With a change in the weather, this weekend looks like back indoors for me. Besides, following two days outside, the ankle is a bit sore and swollen today.

  18. Good news indeed Jonathan we have an unusually nice spell of weather so I managed a great cycle into the mountains where there was almost no traffic 👍

    1. Great news for you, too, Matt! Temperatures have dropped to less pleasant weather conditions this weekend.
