
Tuesday, February 4, 2020

1859 Austrian Infantry in 15mm

If asked to choose my favorite 15mm figures to paint, I might pick these Austrian infantry from Lancashire Games' 19th Century European 1860-1880 range.  Having painted hundred of these little chaps, I never tire of pulling several dozen from The Lead Pile and sending them straight into the painting queue.  The figures are relaxing to paint and colorful when drawn up in rank and file. 
These two battalions, of 18 figures each, muster out as the 3rd and 4th battalions of Infantry Regiment #32.  Checking in the figure bins, enough Austrian infantry remain to field, perhaps, four more battalions from the Lancashire stash.  One or two battalions' worth of Old Glory Austrians remain in inventory as well.  How many painted Austrian infantry can I field for battle?  Well, a quick summing of the Painting Log shows a count of 897 Austrian infantry.  Not bad! 

Besides the growing backlog of painted units awaiting a turn at the photo booth, what is on the painting desk?  Napoleonic French infantry for two different projects and two different scales are currently in work as are two more Feudal Japanese units. One thirty figure bag of 25mm SAW Spanish infantry are seeing service too.

While this may sound like a lot of activity on the painting front, painting sessions have been short and infrequent.  One nifty little game that has captured my attention over the last several evenings is a mini solitaire game by Decision Games entitled, Merrill's Marauders.  Like Salem Church before, Merrill's Marauders is a small game on a 11'' x 17" map it is perfect for play at the kitchen table.  Having played through three games, it is a solitaire system that actual works.  Expect a review at some point.  


  1. I can see why they're your fav Jonathan. Great work!

  2. Agreed....I have painted many battalions of Austrian infantry from a generation (or two?) earlier...the "Hungarians" in particular, with their light blue trousers and yellow Austrian knots, are a very pleasing uniform. Great work as always on these additions Jonathan

    1. Thanks, Keith! Great figures in a great-looking uniform.

  3. A great looking unit and the colours just work so well together, including the flag.

  4. A nice unit and I am interested to hear your praise of the Lancashire Games figures, it has me wondering about their Napoleonic 15’ s.

    1. Thank you, Norm! While the French, Austrian, and Germans infantry are superb in the 1859-1870 ranges, I am less enamored by the cavalry. Lancashire infantry fit in well with both Old Glory and Mirliton but cavalry are not quite as good of a match. Lancashire cavalry are single pose with no command and slightly smaller. I like them and have fielded a few cavalry BMUs but they are not my favorite. If Lancashire cavalry was planned to be the only cavalry source, then there would be no issues.

    2. Thanks Jonathan, a purchase is sometime off, so i plenty of time to explore some sample purchases. Blue Moon seem to be getting some positive comments.

    3. You are welcome. The 18mm Blue Moon Napoleonics are very good as are the Blue Moon 18mm SYW and AWI. With an Old Glory Army Card, the figures are quite inexpensive too. I have a few extra Blue Moon French Napoleonics I could send your way if you are interested in seeing them in person.

    4. Thanks Jonathan, a kind offer, I will explore the army card thing with Andy at Old Glory UK and put in an order of a sample bag, internal costs / postage will be quite cheap here and the contact will be good. cheers Norm

  5. Great looking Austrians, Jonathan. Looking forward to seeing Merrill's Marauders.

  6. Your activity levels put me to shame!

    Nice looking units Jonathan. I have a soft spot for the Kaiserlicks of the later 19th century. Must resist.

    1. Thank you! I have a soft spot for the Austrians in the 18th and 19th Centuries. They knew how to dress!

  7. Nice work Jonathan. Lancashire Games are a bit like Old Glory, some lovely stuff but beware not to buy the not so good stuff.

    1. Thanks, Paul! The infantry for the mid 19th Century are excellent. I was not so pleased with the more recent 18mm French in Egypt Napoleonic range.

  8. These are great Jonathan. I really do wish someone would do a really good range of these us 28mm...well maybe I shouldn’t wish too much as it could get very expensive.

    1. Glad you like them! If there was a good range of 28mm Austrians, I might be tempted myself?

  9. They look great, and isn't it nice when you have a figure that you thoroughly enjoy painting, no matter how many of the same figure you have to complete?

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! You are spot-on. Sometimes I throw a battalion of these figures into the painting queue after working on a unit that becomes a chore. These Austrians are a relaxing break that never grow tiresome. Even the webbing is not too bad since it is raised.

  10. Lovely unit Jonathan. Austrians (Napoleonic ones but very similar) are my favourite too.

  11. Super looking unit, lovely painting as always! I'm looking forward to painting some Austrians, but it will be a while yet!
    Best Iain

    1. Much appreciated, Iain! I await seeing your Austrians when they make it to your workbench.

  12. Nice to see progress Jonathan I am just struggling to find any painting time something to share soon hopefully

    1. Thanks! With so much gaming of late, I imagine finding time to paint difficult.

  13. 897! That’s quite a force to reckon with! All nicely painted too. I know, bc I’ve seen the painting up close with those ACW troops you sent me. 😀
    These guys look great too.

    1. A large force of Austrians, for sure! The ACW figures I sent were painted many, many years ago. I like to think my painting has improved a bit over the years. Perhaps I should get a few more, paint them, and send them your way? That way you can judge for yourself!

    2. Well I wouldn’t say 😀
      I just finished basing the guys you sent last time. Thanks again.
