
Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Ashigaru Spear in 15mm

I never tire of painting Peter Pig's 15mm Samurai figures.  That is a good mindset to have since a small order arrived two weeks ago!  Taking advantage of a year-end sale, the order was packed and shipped quickly.  Even accounting for increased holiday shipping traffic, the small package arrived within a fortnight.  Always great service from Peter Pig.
The slightly chunky figures hold fine detailing.  The built-in sashimonos, when painted, add a burst of color to the unit.  The chunkiness and fine sculpting lend a certain charm to the figures.  Clustered in formation, the result is a handsome playing piece.  
This unit of ashigaru spear is clad in russet-lacquered armor.  The russet armor is a nice change from the more predominant black or red lacquered armor of many of the units in the collection.

While the iron was hot and motivation high, two more units for this project were pushed into the painting queue.  One more unit of mounted Samurai and another unit of ashigaru teppo will be working their way through the production line.  Before those emerge from the production line, a small mountain of Assyrians for the 25mm Assyrian Wars project will debouch from the workbench.  At last count, seven units will be making an entrance over the next few weeks.  


  1. Fantastic brushwork on the little fellows Jonathan

  2. Wow! They look great; certainly makes a fine argument for 15's - particularly large sized battles (Sekigahara). :)

    1. Thanks, Dean! Big battles are a goal as well as seeing much more action with Samurai Battles.

  3. The russet armour works a treat and should make them look different when on the table. The blue banners work well with the armour too.

    1. Glad you approve of the russet armor, Steve! It helps break up a sea of predominately black and red armor. This particular shade of blue is my favorite and makes the figures 'pop' when on the table.

  4. A good looking unit and the russet armour does mix it up. Why the hex style base?

    1. Thanks, Peter! The basing is a bit of a long story. The condensed version is that the double, two-inch hexes fit perfectly into my friends four-inch square grid when playing Samurai Battles against his differently based armies and it allows me to play on a two-inch hex mat as well. That reminds me that I need to work on rules for the two-inch hex rules...

  5. The blue is very eye catching. Agree about Peter Pig, I have just been working on a very small order and they are a pleasure to work with.

    1. My favorite color! I have PP Samurai and WWII. Both ranges are superb.

  6. Great looking unit. The integrated Sashimono with Peter Pig really helps. My own 15mm project definitely hurts for the lack of those little flags.

    1. Thank you! The PP figures with built-in banner are really super sculpts. Painting them is a joy. Two more units are in the painting queue.

  7. What's it like to have that kind of steadfast dedication to a project? ;)

    1. Painting is relaxing and enjoyable. It is a hobby not a chore!

  8. I love this project. It is the inspiration for a long term plan I have to do the same.

  9. Very nice work indeed Jonathan....I never cease to be amazed by the variety of armies and troop types in your collection!

    1. Thank you, Keith! I have many diverse interests, and collections to match!

  10. I always admired those figures with all the little flags on their backs, interesting period. Nice work Jonathan.

    1. Thank you, George! The battlefield full of Japanese banners makes for a colorful presentation.

  11. Very nice color scheme, something different from the ordinary (yet accurate) black or red.

  12. Lovely work, and great to see that the injury has not slowed you down too much. Seven new units is quite an achievement.

    1. Thanks much, Lawrence! Actually, these Japanese were painted before my mishap. I am only now getting them into the photo booth queue.

  13. Lovely looking ashigaru! Nice colour choice and super flags, I'm always tempted by Samurai armies, maybe one day!
    Best Iain

    1. Maybe one day you will overcome temptation and build Samurai armies. Glad you like my little friends, Iain!

  14. Wonderful looking unit, lovely blue!!

  15. Great job. I dig the mass banners. Though I always thought it be awkward to walk around with a flagpole on your back. 😀

    1. Thank you, Stew! I am with you on fighting with large banners. On a windy day, fighting with this extra resistance would be difficult, I think. One strong gust of wind and the entire line could topple over!

  16. Execellent Ashigaru Johnathan and in 15mm!!.

    Cheers, Ross

  17. The sashimonos looks amazing. For me, it feels like they add some real dynamism to the mass of wee warriors! Like they're charging at a full run (though on closer inspection, it looks like they are just advancing...?)

    Hope your leg is feeling better!

    1. Thank you, Tim! The banners certainly add a lot of color to the battlefield. As for the leg, well, foot is still swollen and the leg is painful. Hopefully on the mend, though.

  18. Excellent detail for such a small minis!! Great job!
