
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Old Glory SYW Russian Musketeers

Some of my recent readings have been focused on the Battle of Kunersdorf with an eye toward building a scenario for recreating the battle.  While in a Kunersdorf frame of mind, another Russian musketeer battalion was pushed into the painting queue.  At the level of game-play using Honours of War, each infantry BMU is typically fielded as one regiment of two battalions.  That is, each BMU is a two-battalion equivalent.  Similarly, each two-stand BMU of cavalry will represent four squadrons.  
I digress.  Off the painting desk today is a 23-figure Russian musketeer battalion.  Musketeers are from Old Glory led by a Eureka Russian colonel.  Great figures.  The Russians in waistcoat are especially easy to paint.  Having long ago fielded Old Glory Prussian and Austrian armies in 18mm, I have forgotten how good the figures were.  Yes, I lament selling off those armies so many years ago.  On the bright side, Prussian and Austrian armies have been reconstituted from primarily Eureka's fine SYW ranges.  
Hopefully, more work on Kunersdorf can get underway before I get distracted by the urge to pop another Russian musketeer battalion into the painting queue.  Kunsersdorf, itself, requires a lot of earthworks and gun emplacements all along the ridge.  I need to tackle that aspect of the battle preparation too.  To help me along, an order from Battelscale is in transit.


  1. And still they come, nice brushwork. I must look back on your Honours of War posts to get a feel for the rules.

    1. Thanks! HoW is a great set of rules. Enjoy the look back through some of my HoW entries.

  2. Wow! Kunersdorf is an interesting battle. Although all those earthworks can create a static battle. I hope that you will include the cavalryfighting.

    Will you have the Austrians too at your table? (I think that a battle never can be too colourfull by the way.)

    Nice to see more tricorn-troops ready for battle.

    1. The earthworks may create a static battle but the Prussian grenadiers forced the Russian OBS Corps entrenched on the Muhlberg historically turning the flank of the Russian position. Once turned, the battle may be more fluid. The battle plan is to include the cavalry action as well. Austrians will be present too.

      Do you already have a Kunersdorf scenario in hand or have you planned to create one?

      Thanks for your comments.

    2. No, I don't have such a Scenario. I missed the Chance to visit the battlefield, when I lived in the area. However I was in Küstrin (where Frederick crossed the Oder) and near Kay. Russians vs. Prussians just don't float my boat, although I loved reading about those battles when I was a teenager.

  3. Another wonderfully painted Russian unit, Jonathan. It's interesting how their uniform colors varied more than in the later Napoleonic period and the "standard" green.

    1. Thank you, Dean! The red Russians in the SYW make for a handsome army.

  4. Very nice. I have just taken possession of a couple of 10mm defence works from Battlescale. I like them and will be ordering more.

    1. Thanks! I ordered a number of the 10mm emplacements and earthworks specifically for rendering Kunersdorf on the table.

  5. Great looking unit. I barely avoided buying a sack of lead 7yw from old glory recently. I think these guys were on the list.

    1. Thanks! Old Gloy's SYW range is really a good one. Especially with the Army Card, these are a very good value too. Are you still considering a SYW project in 15mm?

  6. What is the army card?
    I got a bunch of 'brokaw' miniatures from an estate sale. They look to be true 15's (and a bit weedy). I need some cav to round them out and some opponents.

    I'm struggling with the basing and size of units. I have a friend with a bunch of 'age of reason' based figs, so it'd be good to go for compatibility but I think I'd like to use honours of war. I'd also want to be able to do some vaubans war stuff with it's finally printed, so deep bases might be a problem. It's one of the big reasons I didn't order.....need to make some decisions.

    1. For the Old Glory Army Card, check out,
      You get 40% discount on most products for a $50 annual membership fee. It is a great resource when you are starting a new project.

  7. You are a painting machine Jonathan!

    1. I try to keep the lead moving across the painting desk.

  8. Another good looking bunch of red uniforms sir.

    Excited to see these planned earthworks!

    1. Thanks! I look forward to getting the earthworks too.

  9. A digression here and there is all good reading. My blog is mostly digressions I feel. Buts it’s always good to hear how people organize their troops for a rule set.

    Smart looking unit, those guys know the importance of having a good looking uniform. 😀

    1. Sometimes these unit organization digressions are good reminder to myself on way I did something the way I did.

      SYW Russians in red waistcoat and breeches with white gaiters are smartlyh dressed, for sure.

  10. I'll agree with Ray your a painting machine Jonathan!


    1. I don't about that. I am not even the fastest painter within a 30 mile radius!

  11. Those red-coated SYW Russian musketeers really are striking. Another fine regiment to add to the collection.

    1. Much appreciated, Lawrence! The Russians in red are striking.

  12. Splendid uniforms and paint job my friend!

  13. Having a mounted officer certainly adds to the look of the unit, which is as usual beautifully painted.

  14. Nice work! The officer’s differently coloured uniform makes him really stand out.

    1. Thanks! Different uniform AND the officer is mounted helps a lot!

  15. Splendid work on these smartly turned out chaps, very nice as always!
    Best Iain

  16. Nice additions, with a fine project in mind for them!
