
Saturday, November 23, 2019

ECW Cavalry from 1st Corps

With an ECW game out on the table for an extended period of time, it is not too surprising that the daily presence of Southam in situ might provide inspiration.  That is the situation.  Two more units for the ECW project have found their way into the painting queue. 
The first of these two units off from the painting desk this morning is a nine figure unit of cavalry, all brandishing pistols.  Figures are from 1st Corps' recent ECW release of cavalry.  Unlike 1st Corps' ancients cavalry purchased many years ago, these fine fellows are much larger for both man and beast.  In fact, these figures fit in well with the larger Redoubt and Renegade which compose the bulk of my 30mm ECW collection.
In addition to being larger than some of 1st Corps' earlier ranges, sculpting is excellent.  Both trooper and mount are superbly rendered.  Troopers are two-part.  The weapon and hand are separate from the body with the gauntlet fitting over the outstretched arm stub.  These pistoleers make a useful addition to the cavalry arm of the project. 

On the gaming front, Sunday gaming returns to the subcontinent in another bout of Afghans vs the Empire in a repeat clash set during the 1st Afghan War.  The same forces presented in the three earlier match-ups are set to take to the field in a rematch.  With the Natives coming close to victory in two of the three previous contests but still showing 0-3, a search for a winning combination continues.  Rules will remain Commands & Colors: Napoleonics.     


  1. Nice work, lovely colors and great poses!

  2. Very nicely done. I have some 1st. Corp musketeers but I have held off on buying their cavalry as I think the size difference between my Warlord/Perry's and the 1st Corp cavalry might be too great. Otherwise the minis are fantastic.

    1. Thank you! I have not purchased any of 1st Corps infantry yet. From the photos, the figures appear to be quite chunky. I may order a few just to test the waters. I have four more guns without crew so I may order artillerymen as a first test.

      The cavalry are really nice. The cavalry shown here are definitely on the larger size and fit well with Redoubt's large cav. If Warlord/Perry are of the smaller size then they may not fit in perfectly but I find figure differences tend to disappear when on the gaming table.

  3. Awesome figures, Jonathan! Great sculpts and impressive size - wonderfully painted as always.

  4. Lovely paint job on some great figures! The yellow works well and is nice and subtle.

    1. Thanks, Steve! The yellow is a straw color and works for leather gloves and gauntlets. I have a pair of leather gloves the same color. The glove color helps break up the dominance of the "buff" colored buffcoat.

  5. They really look the part. I like that even with muted colours, the unit looks exciting and dynamic.

    1. You always have a keen and kind eye, Norm. Thank you very much for your comments!

  6. Lovely looking cavalry unit, great bit of painting and basing!
    Best Iain

  7. Ooh! They look like a menacing bunch! Methinks I shall just hide over behind this bush!

    1. Thanks, Tim! If these lads were bearing down on me, I would seek cover too.

    2. Of course, if you could manage to keep them at pikes-length, odds are they'd miss if they fired one of those hand cannons at you.... Of course, the whole point of them was to fire en masse at a large group, so...

    3. "Hand cannons" is an appropriate term. THe pistols look even bigger in the photos due to distortion from the camera and focal length. Even so, these pistols are HUGE. I imagine the recoil upon discharge could almost unseat the firer. Pistols were often used in very close quarters during cavalry clashes.

  8. As others have commented, the colours you have used look perfect. I especially like the buff jacket colour.

    1. Very good to see that you approve of the buffcoat colors, Lawrence! Thanks!

  9. Lovely Jonathan, you have painted the buff coats really well and made them look very ECWish? This First Corps range is amongst their best with some beautiful sculpts.

    1. Much appreciated, Robbie! I agree that this range is one of 1st Corps’ finest.

  10. Beautiful, another period I wanted but never got around to.

  11. Best Roundheads I've seen for a while sir. Very nicely done.

  12. Beautiful day one day .....🤔

  13. More cavalry - always the right decision, however I prefer more colourfull Units as you will see in my Zablat-post before Christmas.

    Very nicely painted indeed.

    1. More cavalry is always good! Looking forward to your Zablat post.
