
Friday, October 25, 2019

ECW Harquebusiers in 30mm

The 30mm ECW project is witnessing a bit of a resurgence in 2019.  Having no units coming out from the painting queue since 2011 (!), the horse regiment mustering out today is the third unit seen in 2019.  Why the renewed interest?  Maybe expectations for playing For King and Parliament (FK&P) have something to do with it?  Even if FK&P has yet to see the gaming table, several battles have been fought in 2019.  In fact, Southam is still deployed on the table.  For Southam, thoughts continue towards giving Parliament a better chance at victory.  Southam was played thrice this summer and in all three battles the Royalists were victorious.  Southam still has some play in it and expect to see another round of battles as unit ratings are adjusted.  
Anyway, I digress.  Off the painting desk today is a nine figure horse regiment of harquebusier.  Their attire may look somewhat dated but still suitable for ECW gaming.  The figures are from The Assault Group (TAG) and represent the first TAG ECW figures to see work at my workbench.  I have painted several handfuls of their Renaissance Italians for the 28mm Great Italian Wars project but none before today for the ECW.  Figures are well sculpted and the cavalry will fit in well with the bulk of my Redoubt cavalry.  TAG figures are on the pricey side of the cost spectrum but these fine fellows were part of a box of ECW figures gifted to me from a friend leaving the hobby.  Now, that is a bargain!  Plenty of cavalry left in the box of lead and a few infantry too.

With a late year push, two more ECW units are working their way through the painting queue.  At present one regiment of horse and a regiment of foote are nearing completion.  Checking The Lead Pile, one more 27 figure unit of foote could be raised if only command figures were present.  Perhaps a very small order to Redoubt to pick up the missing recruits is in order?  Redoubt is still in business, right?         


  1. Not my scale, but nice poses. Not such action poses I'm familiar with.

    Looking forward to noticing them when they are in battle.

    1. Thank you, Andre! The poses are more static and the not the hard-charging cavalry poses we often see or expect.

  2. Nice work Jonathan. Redoubt is in business, but now owned by Grubby Tanks. Andy's a nice chap, some orders do take a little time to get together. Best way to get hold of him is via email. Give him a buzz....

    1. Thanks, Ray! Good to see Redoubt is still going. I will be following up to procure command for another foote regiment.

  3. An unusual unit due to the fact that I don't think I've seen mounted harqubusiers before, especially ones looking like they're getting ready to fire. Nicely done as always though.

    1. Thank you, Steve! It is good to see variety on the table, right?

    2. Variety is the spice of life as they say:)

  4. A well painted and good looking unit. The tuffs of grasses on the bases look particularly effective.

    1. Much appreciated, Peter! The tufts do a good job of breaking up a plain base as well as partially obscuring the figures' base.

  5. I got my Redoubt order in 8 days, but no contact or automated acknowledgement. So it's a bit of a leap of faith but the figures were in great shape and the order complete and well packed with a couple of gift figs. Ver much recommended.

    Great looking figs and nice bases ( I hate ECW standing on a building site).

    1. Glad you like the result, John, and very good to hear from you!

      I will give Redoubt a try.

  6. Wonderful brushwork Jonathan. (I fear the drummer is about to club his horse)

    1. Thanks, MJT! The drummer is certainly feverishly pounding away on his pair of drums!

  7. Very nicely done Jonathan, although for me 30mm is way over the top for gaming.

    1. Thanks, Mike! The solution to gaming in 28-30mm is having a BIG table!

  8. Lovely looking unit,I should get some more mounted units done for this period, I've got a pile of Warlord plastics left and the balance of my Essex figures, sounds like a great price too!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks you, Iain! Yes, receiving a small box of unpainted lead for free is a huge bonus! I did lose a potential gamer, though.

  9. A timely post; I was just looking over my 17th Century/TYW figures. I'm guessing that by 30mm these are actually "heroic" 28mm--I may pick up some of their personality figs as such. Lovely unit: thanks for posting!

    1. Thanks, Ed! Yes, I would classify these as "heroic" 28s (whatever "heroic" means). The TAG figures fit in well with the large Redoubt ECW figures.

  10. Unique looking unit JF. It will look great ion the table tabletop. I love to see more blog posts featuring ECW figures in any size.

    1. You are in luck! I have two more ECW units in work now: one horse and one foot.

  11. They really are nice, the blend of tones and balance of the red / buff and metal is perfect.

    Warlord Games have an interesting ECW supplement called 'To Kill a King', good plates, scenarios and facts.

    1. Thanks, Norm! You are most kind. Do you have the Warlord ECW supplement?

  12. These look great and I am a big fan of TAG figures, although some of them can take a bit of preparation. The nice thing is that there appears to be a high level of consistency between different armies in the same period.

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! Before this tranche of TAG figures, I only had a few in my Italian Wars project. Very good sculpts and a pleasure to paint.

  13. Yes, it has a good mix of scenarios, with some smaller ones in there and a bit of a campaign game. Plenty of army lists and snippets of information. This and the AWI Rebellion booklet are my two favourite supplements.

    1. Thanks for the tip! I will look into this booklet. Warlord is having a sale soon so it might a good time to strike.

  14. Lovely ECW Jonathan! I have heaps of the Renegade and Bicorne ECW to paint.

    1. Thanks, Mike! I wish I could still get my hands on Renegade ECW figures. Punic Wars too!

  15. ECW has some great imagery to model and paint and your Cavalry step up nicely. Good work

  16. Awesome work as always Jonathan!
    best regards

  17. Nice work Jonathan are the 30 mm truly bigger than 28’s ?

    1. Thanks! Years ago when I measured a standing Redoubt ECW musketeer, it stood 30mm sole to eye. Now, perhaps it has shrunk with age or my memory has faded but I distinctly recall a 30mm height.

  18. Ooooh, these are magnificent, Jonathan! Beautifully painted sculpts, and in 30mm! Wow.

    1. Dean, you are always very kind. The most recent departure from your workbench (DAK Panzer IV) is a stunning piece of work.

  19. There are some lovely poses there Jonathan. Very nicely done!

  20. Some really nice brushwork there Jonathan, splendid unit.

  21. Great job! I’m not too familiar with the ECW (so many civil wars) but I know a good looking unit when I see one. 😀

    1. Thank you, Stew! You are always very kind. Two more ECW units are making their way through the pipeline.

  22. A lovely looking unit. Very suitable for early parliament horse, I think.

  23. They look great, Jon. Perhaps a bit "antique" for the ECW, but plenty of old equipment (and old tactics!0 were in evidence, especially early in the War.

    1. Thanks, Peter! Perhaps a bit antique but they are excellent models and I have a lot of them to paint. Many ECW rules include them.
