
Tuesday, October 22, 2019

A SYW Hat Trick

Today I pull off a SYW hat trick.  No, not the white tape on the tricornes hat trick but the production of three SYW units in succession.  I do not often stay focused on one project to produce three units one after the other but this time, I did.  This trio managed to touch all arms and three different nationalities of the SYW.  First off the painting desk were a pair of Austrian guns, followed by 18 Prussian cuirassiers, and finally these 23 Russian musketeers.  Diversity within one project!   
Off the workbench today is another Russian musketeer battalion of 22 Old Glory hatmen led by a Eureka Russian Colonel.  Fine troops all.  To date, five Russian musketeer battalions have crossed the painting desk.  I must say, I really enjoy painting these Old Glory Russians.  Excellent figures and the Russians dressed in summer waistcoat are a snap to paint.  The white summer gaiters contrasted against the red waistcoat and breeches is a handsome combination.  
With three SYW units in a row coming off the workbench, time to allow other projects to see some attention.  While a number of Old Glory Russian musketeers remain in The Lead Pile, time to let some other projects take front and center.  Among the units working their way through the painting queue are two battalions of French Consular Guard for the 18mm 1799 project, one 28mm Celtic warband (Yes! Another one!), and a Parliamentarian regiment of horse for the 32mm ECW project.  After these muster off the painting desk, expect some Celtic cavalry for the Punic Wars project, a regiment of foote for the ECW project, and a return to the 10mm ACW project.  These are enough to keep me busy for the remainder of October and part of November, I expect.  Until next time.     


  1. Prolific and great service to your SYW project. The immediate horizon shows no letting up, I’m sure getting to the Celtic Cavalry will give a good boost to the painting regime with ‘something new’ to work on.

    1. Thanks, Norm. Celtic cavalry is something the project has been missing for a long time. Finding cavalry compatible in size to the monstrous cavalry from the seemingly defunct Renegade Miniatures was impossible. Finally, I gave up the search and chose Crusader cavalry.

      As for painting "something new," with so many projects everything seems new!

  2. Lovely looking unit of Russians! Nice colour combination!
    Best Iain

  3. 3 units in a row and all looking great! I wish I could be as productive as you.

    1. Thanks, Steve! It is a simple matter of painting discipline. I try to paint a little, often.

  4. Superb units...and wonderful project!

  5. Every time I see your 18mm SYW collection I think about starting one myself, but have already started in 28mm so haven't done so....yet. Wonderful looking unit!


    1. Thanks, Christopher! If you continue to weaken with each unit I parade across the table, you give me incentive to keep going!

  6. Nice to see you painting SYW-troops again. However I could not bear to paint so many very similar looking units.
    Do you have a definited goal? 30 bn.s or 40?

    Maybe you could use these figures for French without coats or to fill up the ranks if you would start a French army. I painted some French in waistcoats with sleeves to get more interesting units. I suppose that some soldiers lost their coats during the campaign. Besides I could read that some soldiers noted that they deserted because they never got their complete uniform!

    1. Hi Andre! The relative simplicity of painting Russians in waistcoat is a joyous break from painting more complicated uniforms. I have not tired of them yet. My goal with the Russians is primarily as an augmentation to a buddy's massive Russian army. Mine may see service on the battlefield when more Russians are needed. Your suggestion of using them as French is a good one. I suppose they could step in as Swiss too?

    2. I can't remember Swiss with red waistcoats and breeches.

    3. Correct! I was thinking of Swiss in red coat not waistcoat.

  7. Great looking unit and good progress on the SYW collection.

  8. Fabulous looking unit, Jon - lovely job.

  9. Single you not need them in column ever? Or do you just march them sideways? I'm struggling to decide how to base my imaginations troops given what HoW suggests and what age of reason used (as there are a number of AoR based figs floating around)

    1. Yep. Single element BMUs. I like them more than moving a bunch of multi-based BMUs. Another advantage of single element BMUs is that there is less wear and tear on the figures.

      Although my basing is not a standard HoW recommendation, this basing works without issue for HoW. As for maneuvering in column, I just turn them sideways and place a column marker on the unit. With armies typically arrayed in battle line already, column is rarely needed.

  10. Those are very nice sculpts. The uniform colors very striking too.

  11. The red uniforms are striking. Very much like these!

    1. The white gaiters against the red breeches and waistcoat make these Russians striking. They are not zombies like your recent fine work but glad you approve!

  12. Handsome additions and a sterling output, sir!

  13. Very nice and three! A lot of projects there for a couple of months?

    1. Thanks! Yes, probably a couple months of work for the units listed as working through the painting queue.

  14. Great work Jonathan. I do like the Russians in the SYW...a very much overlooked army, .

    1. Thank you! The Russian army in summer dress is a handsome army on the battlefield, for sure. I am glad my gaming buddy decided to build a massive one. It sure looks great when arrayed for battle.

  15. Very nice Jonathan, and your choice of red works extremely well with these.

  16. The focus is paying off - they look terrific!

    1. Thanks, Markus! Time to switch gears for a bit now, though.

  17. Great looking Russians and congrats on the hat trick. I don’t think that since I started following your blog you’ve ever done a period 3 times in a row. However with the speed that you paint it really doesn’t matter. I wish I could be half as productive as you are. 😀
    I feel like you should start a patreon page so we can all contribute something for to the amounts of paint and brushes you must burn through. 😀
    You’ve definitely earned a change in pace.

    1. Thank you, Stew! Maintaining focus long enough to see three units from the same project cross the table in succession is rare. When this happens, it is usually a game deadline prompting sustained attention.

      As for a Patreon Page, great idea but I would be hesitant to attempt such a risky activity. What if I built it and no one came?

      As always, thanks for your support and encouragement!

  18. A lovely third unit in your Tricorne Trifecta, Jon!
