
Monday, April 15, 2019

BTD Celts/Gauls - Another Batch

Another stand of a dozen Celts/Gauls makes it off the painting desk.  Looking at the Painting Log, six such BTD stands can be fielded for battle.  Two dozen more BTD Celts are slowly working their way through the painting queue in between other projects.  With a small box of Crusader Celts arriving in-house recently, plenty of work remains on building this army.  After having painted a number of the BTD figures, it will be fun to switch it up and tackle some Crusader Celts.   
When Society of Ancients announced the 2019 Battle Day Game on Telamon, I thought this would be an excellent opportunity to ramp up work on the pile of Celts/Gauls languishing in The Lead Pile.  While I knew that fielding a Gallic force in time to participate from afar in this year's Battle Day was unlikely, the battle announcement and background material found in Slingshot provided a motivation for more study on the battle while my army grew.  Knowing that battle reports of others' Telamon exploits will begin appearing in future issues of Slingshot, I plod away on my army to come to grips with this battle.

How many Gallic warbands will be needed for Telamon?  The answer to that question remains unknown.  Much depends upon the approach I take on the battle.  Still more research and painting remains.  Until then, expect a scattering of Celts/Gauls for Telamon throughout the painting queue. 


  1. Great work on these Jonathan. Sounds like quite a few more to come, but I'd say you'll need plenty for Telamon.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence! You are right. Plenty more will be needed unless I bathtub the battle.

  2. Another batch of beautifully painted Gaul/Celts Jonathan. One question I have been wanting to ask for quite some time - why the variation between the basing technique displayed here and the very basic flock on your 18mm Napoleonics?

    1. Thanks!

      Good question, Keith! I suppose it comes down to "evolution" vs "revolution" in my basing practices. The 18mm Napoleonics is an extension of a basing scheme I have been using for more than a decade for the 15/18mm Napoleonics. To keep the 1799 project compatible with these earlier collections, I maintained the simple basing. That and adding tufts to the 18mm stands did not seem practicable due to the size of tufts and size of bases.

      28mm collections began later in the build process and I decided to spruce them up a bit having discovering tufts and Impetvs style basing.

    2. Yeah makes sense - I have a variety of basing styles in my collection too!

  3. Nicely looking celtic gang, Jonathan! Congrats with a good replenishment for your gallic army.

  4. They look ready for serious business!

  5. Nice work on these, really like the shield designs and tattoos.

  6. Really nice variety on the base and nice to see that all weapons are contained within the base edge. Good job on the yellow checkered clothing and the stripes.

    1. Thank you, Norm. It is best if all of the weapons can remain INSIDE the boundaries of the base. Otherwise, problems begin to surface. My attempts at checks/stripes are meant as impressionistic only.

  7. Lovely bunch of celts! Nice shields and patterns!
    Best Iain

  8. Wonderful Celts, always something I've found a challenge to paint with the variety and complexity of patterns! Napoleonics seem much easier in comparison! :)

    1. Mark, you are very kind! More difficult to paint than Napoleonics? I am not sure about that!

  9. Dynamic poses and wonderful job on these warbands Jonathan!

  10. Lovely toys Jonathan

    As always...

    All the best. Aly

  11. Replies
    1. Thank you, Fran! Your recent Jabba-the-Hutt look-alike was pretty cool.

  12. Looking good and ferocious.
    One never seems to have enough celts does one?
    Celts are like Zulus in that fashion. 😀

    1. Righto, Stew! Celts ARE like Zulus in that fashion.

  13. Great job here Jonathan. I particularly like the plaid work.
