
Sunday, December 30, 2018

Last Unit for 2018 - Egyptian Bowmen

With the clock ticking down toward the end of 2018, these Black Tree Design Egyptian bowmen are likely the last of the Old Year figures to muster out from the painting desk.  I will snap shut the Painting Ledger for 2018 in another post.  As a teaser, the number of figures crossing the painting desk was greater than expected when the painting goal (900 figures) was set back in January.  
Also got the Assyrian Army out on the tabletop for its Baptism of Fire against the Vile Kush in a pair of Friday afternoon games.  As I came to grips with both and foe and rules, my glorious Assyrians went down to the Egyptians, two games to none.  Ouch!  I need to lick my wounds and consider what might have been.  To the Strongest! played very fast even when considering time taken for kibitzing and rules' consultations.   

Even though these Egyptian bowmen are "officially" the last off the painting desk in 2018, several units are in work in various degrees of completion.  Variety abounds including the reorganization of cavalry for the 28mm Napoleonic collection.  British Light Dragoons will likely be the next to trot out under their new organization with British heavy dragoons not far behind.

In other milestones, today I celebrated a birthday.  My dog has a sense of humor.  From the dog, I received the following birthday card:

Funny dog.  


  1. Another excellent looking unit to add to your armies. With your recent Ancient wargaming results, a few more Assyrian units may be required.

    1. Thank you, Peter. There were plenty of Assyrians standing by but we kept this game to 130 points in To the Strongest! terms. I need to focus on better tactics and a bit more luck with the cards...

  2. Happy birtday, Jonathan! I’ll be joining the three-score club in August and probably getting a funny card, too (also on behalf of the dog). Hope you some appropriate way to mark the moment.

    1. Thank you, Ed. I like a dog with a sense of humor!
      The family treated me well on this day.

  3. Happy Birthday Jon!

    The archers look great. Our outing inspired me to start prepping more chariots. It should help make for a spirited rematch.

    1. Thanks, Jake!

      I am inspired as well. First inspiration is to re-read the rules and see what mistakes were made in the clash. Second, a revision to the QRS may be in order since I turned to the book several times for clarifications. Luckily, TtS! has a great Index making look-ups a snap.

    2. What was the source for your QRS? I am especially interested in the Renaissance one you had.

    3. The laminated QRS we used in Biblical game was from our friend, Peter. Did I have a special Renaissance QRS laying around?

  4. Another great looking unit Jonathan - happy birthday and I hope you have a good new year. Look forward to visiting your blog again in 2019!

    1. Much appreciated, Keith! More in store for 2019. Hopefully, you continue finding content of interest.

  5. Inspiring unit! I need to add some to my own army, maybe one of my 2019 objectives.

    1. Thanks, Phil! I would enjoy seeing you tackle more Biblicals in 2019!

  6. Funny dog...and wonderful last unit of the year!

    1. Funny dog, for sure. He has a real sense of humor.

  7. A great way to end the year. Oh and happy birthday too and loved the card:)

    1. Thanks for your support, Steve! I laughed so hard when i opened the card.

  8. Archers look great, as ever, the whites look just right and don’t give any sense of being freshly painted. You are not helping my scale dilema :-)

    Really looking forward to a ‘to the strongest post’ for both reasons of interest in the rules and seeing your armies assembled into a cohesive whole.

    Gotta love the clever dog!

    1. Thank you so much, Norm.

      I spent most of the recent Assyrian vs Vile Kush clash busy with rules and game play. Not many photos taken of the armies in battle but there will be many more opportunities, I think.

      The dog is a clever one.

  9. Happy Birthday Jonathan! Those Egyptians look great!
    I wonder how Impetus and To the Strongest compare.


    1. Thank you, Christopher!

      Since we built both of these armies to Impetvs Army Lists, we look forward to giving them a run-out in Impetvs. After a few more games, a comparison ought to be in order.

  10. Happy birthday Jonathan
    What a splendid card...

    Have a prosperous and happy new year

    All the best. Aly

  11. Nice work, and Happy Birthday. Did your dog dig that hole? That’s quite an impressive effort.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence! The photo is the stock photo from the birthday card. Not my dog and not his hole!

      Happy New Year!

  12. Now that’s what I call ending the year in style. Lovely unit.

    Oh, and that’s one hell of a birthday card you got there! Happy birthday and New Year!

    1. Glad you like the Egyptian archers, Mike!

      Yeah, I laughed and laughed at the card.

      Happy New Year to you!

  13. Lovely last unit for 2018! Happy birthday, smart dog and I hope you have as productive New Year as this has been!
    Best Iain

  14. Great looking archers, and a very happy birthday, Jon!
