
Thursday, December 27, 2018

Edward Aldrich's Regiment of Foote

At present, I am following the progression of several ECW campaigns (and one just finished).  The powerful pull of tuning in to these campaigns coupled with thoughts of getting in a game of For King and Parliament using the To The Strongest! system was too much. An ECW regiment of foote was pushed into the painting queue while my interest was under this spell.  To that end, a 27 figure body of infantry musters off the painting desk as the Edward Aldrich Regiment of Foote.

Having picked up a large batch of unpainted Renegade ECW figures for a bargain price about one year ago, time to justify that purchase by painting and fielding them.  The ECW collection is one of the collections considered finished by my reckoning although there is always room to add an additional unit or two until the gaming table buckles under the weight of lead.
Renegade ECW figures are of the Big and Beautiful category in my book.  Excellent sculpting but big figures.  Renegade's ECW figures fit in well alongside Redoubt and BicorneRedoubt figures comprise the bulk of this collection.  It is a shame that the folks from Renegade have such trouble in keeping their business a going concern.  Perhaps that explains why Renegade surfaces for a short only to eventually close-up shop.  To the owners, the business must be an ongoing concern.

After finishing off this regiment of foote, interest in this project prompted me to push another unit into the painting queue.  That unit is a regiment of horse from Empress Miniatures.  While the Empress figures look superb, I am finding them more difficult to paint than Renegade.  More on that comparison when I field the cavalry.    


  1. They look wonderful Jonathan! I really like the Renegade/Bicorne/Redoubt figures. I like the size and how painter friendly they are. I'm about 60% finished with my collection and it's already very large. I'm looking to play Braque with it.


    1. Thank you, Christopher!

      I agree with you completely with respect to Renegade/Bicorne/Redoubt ECW figures. Great figures and a joy to paint. My collection is large too and I thought I was finished...

  2. A nice variety of figures in the unit. Are there 4 musketeer bases for a reason or set of rules?

    1. Hi Peter, the inclusion of four musketeer bases is a long story. The short version of the story is that having four musketeer bases always some tactical formations to be presented on the gaming table. Hedgehog, tercio, pikes forward. pikes backs are some of the formations that can be depicted and recognized at a glance with four shot bases.

  3. Lovely regiment, Jonathan. The mix-infantry looks potent and purposeful

  4. very nice and the depth of base for the musketeers adds much to the overall look.

    1. Glad you like the unit composition, Norm! When arrayed for battle, the ECW collection makes for a fine display.

  5. Just lovely work Jonathan, and best wishes to you for 2019!


  6. Nice and colorful ! Aren't they a bit too uniformed for the period ?

    1. Thank you, Phil!

      While they all sport a blue coat, their trousers are varying colors of grey, brown, blue, and green. They may be too uniform but I want my troops to look smart on the battlefield!

  7. Great looking pike and shot unit! I'd say they're just right as far as uniformity for the period and of course lovely painting!
    Best Iain

    1. Iain, I appreciate your vote of confidence in the outlay of cloth for this regiment!

      As always, thanks for your supportive comments!

  8. Totally agree with you about Renegade Jonathan. I have around 60-80 of their figures in my own ECW collection - they used to have really good value deals a few years back and I think I got 8 packs for the price of 6 one Christmas. I also concur re their paintability - like Front Rank, their sculpting is hard edged and simple to pick out - I have not painted Empress but the images make them look much softer detailed - like the plastics - which is undoubtedly more "realistic" but makes them much harder to paint accurately!

    1. Hi Keith. When Renegade was going strong and offers were plentiful, I took advantage of many of those "Buy X packs, get Y packs free." I built a Punic Wars collection and outfitted several ECW units in the process. Ah, those were the days!

  9. Excellent regiment of foot Jonathan!

  10. Lovely work, and I am still kicking myself I missed out on grabbing a pile of Renegade ECW figures. I do have a few regiments of Empress and quite like them, although I do find having to stick on arms and weapons to be one of my least favourite tasks.

    1. Much appreciated, Lawrence!

      I bought a pile of Renegade ECW figures from a guy advertising on TMP about a year ago. I hope that is not the pile of lead you regret letting slip away.

      While very fine sculpts, the Empress cavalry I am working on do not have the raised detail like either Renegade or Redoubt figures. Much more subtlety in the sculpting. The sculpts almost require painting the webbing on rather than an easily defined strap.

    2. No, I meant that I was sorry I didn’t pick up a lot of them (or indeed any) when the Renegade online shop was last open. Good to see that the figures on TMP went to a good home though, especially when they turn out as well as this!

      I have had the Empress figures assembled and primed for the best part of eighteen months now, so I suppose I really should advance them in the queue. I purchased them on the basis of their black washed online photos where the detail looked sufficiently raised, so it is disappointing to hear what potentially lies ahead. Ah well, I’m hopeful there will be more to motivate me than the three 15mm Minifigs ECW armies I also have in the pile!

  11. Goodness! They look like big strapping lads! I didn't think they got fed so well on campaign! They look marvellous though in their lovely blue uniforms!

    1. Tim, these Renegade figures are big, strapping lads, no doubt. Great figures, I think.

      Glad you like the result and thank you for your comment!

  12. That is a great looking unit Jonathan. It almost inspires me to expand my ECW collection, but then again we have so many ECW figures in our group that we could probably field an army or two on a one to one basis.

    1. Thank you, Mark! Having too many figures is only a speed bump towards acquiring and painting more!

  13. This is a very handsome outfit, jon; Parliamentarian, one presumes from the one tawny sash? I too like my ECW units to look more uniform than they likely did in actuality, although I may deviate more with a bunch of Old Glory infantry in Montero caps, which will repesent hastily raised, less reliable soldiery.

    Great minds think alike once again - the ECW campaign blogs, followed by Simon's release of his "Soggy Bottom" scenario for FK&P had me looking at a substantial pile of Old Glory lead I bought last year before my Army Card ran out. My ECW figures are just about the oldest in my collection still in use, and I too had considered them a "done deal". Hah! I may be adding a couple of units of Horse and Foote to both armies in 2019; I certainly have the lead for it now!

    1. Thank you, Peter! Yes, Parliamentarian, indeed.

      "Great minds think alike" or we are just very similar with the same weaknesses. Which is it? I prefer the former but we may find ourselves in the latter! Regardless, my painting ledger shows one new regiment of foote completed with one regiment of horse in work. I may have the horse unit finished before year-end to add to the 2018 counts.

      All of the recent ECW campaigning is a great motivator to consider this period once again. Having purchased FK&P in pdf format earlier, yesterday's post brought a hardcopy version from Simon's recent sale. I am sure, FK&P will see action on the table in the future.

      I look forward to seeing more ECW units and games on your table in 2019!

  14. Beautiful work sir! I have a large collection of Renegade / Bicorne and love them. Such a shame Renegade are near impossible to get any more.

    1. Thank you, Michael!

      It is a real shame that Renegade cannot keep themselves in business. Perhaps another company ought to pick up the lines of figures if offered for sale? I love the figures too!

  15. Excellent as always Jon, sorry I missed this one when I was there. I can attest that then entire collection is astounding.

  16. Very very nice unit Jonathan. Congratulations on your excellent paintwork!

  17. I don’t know much about the ECW or Renegade miniatures, but these guys look cool and give the impression of a formidable unit of troops. A whole table of them will look the business. 😀

    1. Thanks, Stew! I agree. The Renegade figures are superb. Unfortunately for now, they are unavailable. Perhaps one day, they will return on the market.

      A whole table of these ECW units is an impressive sight.
