
Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Egyptian Spearmen

Having dipped my toe back into the waters of the Assyrian Wars project at the end of September, I decided to add another unit into the painting queue.  Actually, figures for two units were placed into the queue.  The first off the painting desk is this stand of a dozen Black Tree Design Egyptian spearmen.
First, the sculpting on these Egyptians is superb!  Having painted only a couple of units from BTD's Egyptian range, I am quite impressed by what I see. The sculpting is crisp and the poses are good.  Sometimes BTD poses are a bit chaotic but these Egyptians look disciplined and ready for business.  I can envision fielding a small entourage of Egyptians to fight either along or against my massive Assyrian Army.  After almost a year of painting 15s, it feels good to add in a 28mm unit from time to time.


  1. Always favourites of mine. A superb job on the whites, which can either make or break Egyptian infantry.

    1. Thank you very much, Norm! I have another such unit in the painting queue.

  2. Excellent NKE spearmen Jonathan!

  3. These are great looking figures Jonathan - I agree with you, they look like excellent sculpts - and your painting and basing are top notch too!

    1. The figures really are excellent works of sculpting. I recommend them. Thank you for your support!

  4. They look great, Jon, and definite;y "ready for business"!

  5. Really impressive. I second Norm's observation on the handling of the white(s)--nicely done!

    1. Thank you, Ed! My white process is quite easy. Paint white and then stain with Minwax Tudor stain to bring out the folds.

  6. Nice job on these. I really like the BTD sculpted as well. However I find the posing on the standard bearer a little awkward. I think he works better in the back as you have posed him.

    1. THanks, Jake!

      I know what you mean about the standard bearer. It is an odd pose. This pose would be more suited to replacement of standard with a long fan. That way, the figure could fan the King to keep him cool while lounging. Maybe that is an idea for a vignette and a little conversion work?

  7. have a very nice I have a unit of Egyptian archers to squeeze into my persian army so I need to get them done sometime

    1. Thanks, Matt! I look forward to seeing your Egyptian archers. Are your archers Black Tree Design??

  8. Looking good.

    Black Tree has a sale ongoing at the moment - 20% off and free ship over $50...

    1. Thank you, Greg!

      I see BTD is having a 20% sales with free shipping. They raised their prices and do not discount 40% like in the old days. For me, BTD are no longer the great bargain they once were. I am still tempted though.

  9. They look very nice mate. Hope you're planning chariots and camel cavalry to go with them!

    BTD make some good sculpts. The WW2 Soviets I've picked up from them have been rather good.

    1. Thanks! I have a couple of Egyptian chariots planned but no camelry. My buddy is fielding the bulk of the Egytpian Army so he may have some camelry in his muster plans.

      As for BTD WWII, I have some the Germans and British but no Russians. The Germans and Brits are wonderful sculpts.

  10. You are right, Jonathan these are great sculpts. Great expressions on the faces too - a really mean looking bunch.

    1. Yeah, these are a serious looking bunch!

    2. Definately not the types you want to meet in the back streets of Cairo...

  11. Very nice Jonathan.

    All the best. Aly

  12. Terrific job on these Jonathan. The shields are superb, but I think you have gone the extra mile in painting the teeth!

    1. Thanks, Lawrence! Perhaps I gave these fellas pearlier whites than warranted...

  13. Replies
    1. Hi Dave. The figures are based for Impetvs but will likely see service in To the Strongest! games too since the basing is the same.

  14. Lovely looking Egyptians! Nice to see some 28's back on the desk, I've got a big pile of BTD figures I got at a bargain price, they do seem pricier now but nice big figures!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! Very good to slip some of the larger figures into the painting queue after most of the year spent in 15mm land. I do like BTD figures. Another unit of BTD Assyrians and Egyptians are in work.

  15. Fabulous looking Egyptians, Jonathan! I had a few BTD Egyptians and recall they were slightly larger than the Foundry ones I had - still very nice and blended in well enough.

    1. Thank you, Dean. The BTD Egyptians are big, bold, and beautiful! BTD and Foundry Assyrian infantry are a good match.

  16. Nice looking dudes; they do look ready for the business! 😀

    1. Thank you, Stew! The Egyptians need a few friends before they will be ready to stand up against the might of the Assyrian Army.

  17. Replies
    1. Much appreciated, Fran! Good to see you popping in for a visit.

  18. Very nice looking unit and wonderfully painted (as usual). When basing what prompts you to add grasses as many of your units are just flocked?

    1. Thank you, Peter!

      For dressing up the bases, bases for 15mm figures only receive the green "grass" flocking with no tufts. For the 25mm collections, a scattering of tufts help dress up the barren, brown ground cover for less verdant theaters of war. Of course, there are exceptions and earlier collections had no tufts at all.

  19. Beautiful unit! I loved their faces :)
    Cheers, George.

    1. Thank you, George!

      The faces do have a lot of character.

  20. Lovely looking unit. I see iron spear tips. But I think they may be for Assyrian period. Like the plain white head cloth. I have tried stripes but it can look great or messy. May just do odd figure as I like your look.
    I am now confused. I have always liked Black Tree along with their amazing variety. I have been held back by them being too big next to Foundry NKE and Hittites.
    I perhaps need to rethink. As my present aim is Chariot Rampant the task is not massive. Figures these days are just bigger. The bigger style figures do paint up well.

    1. Thank you. Yes, these Egyptians are for the Neo-Assyrian/Kushite Egyptian period.

      The BTD Assyrians are a very good match against the Foundry Assyrians. I have no Foundry Egyptians with which to compare against BTD. The foundry Egyptians may be smaller.

      Appreciate your comments!
