
Friday, November 9, 2018

Babylonian Infantry

Newline Designs' Babylonian spearmen.  Two such units are already mustered for the Assyrian Wars project.  These Babylonians with their large shields may just be my favorite figures from Newline Designs.  I love them!  Sculpting is great and having the attached, grounded spear integral to the figure is a big plus.  The figure is uncomplicated, making painting a snap.  The shield is a fine piece of sculpting too.  
Returning to the Assyrian Wars project has been very enjoyable and absent from the painting desk for too long.  Expect to see a few more units for this project appearing in the painting queue.  In the last Newline Designs' sale, I picked up these figures and a few other packs to field a second unit of Hebrews and an Assyrian chariot.  It will be interesting to compare the Foundry chariots which comprise the entire Assyrian chariot force to a Newline Design chariot.  Upon first glance, the Newline Design cart looks smaller.  The horses are smaller too.  Hopefully, not significantly smaller.  The Newline Design infantry fit very well with the Foundry infantry.  Next sale, another unit of Babylonian infantry will likely find its way into my shopping cart.  Great figures!

Note:  Newline Designs is offering a 25% discount NOW!  Yes, I added a bit to The Lead Pile.


  1. These are great figures Jonathan - cant believe you have painted and based these since your last post - that was only a day or two ago!

    1. Thanks! It was three days ago but who is counting, right?

  2. Newline should never be underestimated. They don't have fine Perry/sculpting details but do paint up well. Their shields and chariots are however great. The Assyrian chariot is chunky and should paint up well.
    I really like upright spear with cast on. Looks great. Saves buying spears too. Great work.

    1. I am with you! Newline produce many wonderful figures and I enjoy painting them very much. I have yet to tackle one of their chariots but plan to do so soon.

      I like the attached upright spear too. Saves a lot of time in affixing a spear to the figure.

      Thank you for your comments!

  3. Nice work, lovely painting, I'm a fan of newline and have got the late Roman cavalry (that I won on your previous give away!) out to finally start prepping them,I shall resist the sale temptation and hold out for salute before I get any new figures!
    Best Iain

    1. Thank you, kindly, Iain!

      The benefit for you with holding off purchases until Salute is that you bypass the hefty shipping costs.

      I look forward to seeing your Newline Design cavalry on the parade ground.

  4. The base 'looks' like a heavy unit and I really like the tilt on the shield of the third figure in, I am looking forward to seeing this army in action.

    1. Thanks, Norm! I like the tilted shield too. I must admit this was not the purposeful intent of an artist but just the way the shield was positioned after the epoxy hardened. There! The answer to much creative genius "by accident!"

  5. Absolutly superb, love these impressive shiedls!

  6. Great painting Jonathon. I do like the shields.

  7. Wow, those seem to be some serious shield wall type shields. Look really big. Nice figures and oh so quickly from the last update. The head spins. 😀

    1. Thank you, Stew! The large shields are terrific and the figures are great. Some of my favorites. Looking from the front, they nearly obscure the figure.

  8. A lovely looking unit Jonathan...
    I really like the choice of colours.

    All the best. Aly

    1. Aly, I am glad you approve of the color scheme. The large, red and bronze shields are impressive,

  9. Great looking infantry, Jonathan. Looking forward to seeing more of this project.

    1. Thank you, Dean! More of this project is foreseen. I am enjoying a return to this project very much.

  10. Another very nice looking unit, Jon. I will have to add a few New Line figures to some one of m,y armies!

    The Assyrian, etc collection does need to get onto the table, though! :-)

    1. Thanks, Peter! Yes, give Newline Designs a try sometime. Solid figures.

      You are so right. The Assyrian Wars collection needs to see some action on the gaming table.

  11. Nicely done Jonathan. Your Biblical collection must be of biblical proportions now.

    1. Mark, it is nearing Biblical proportions, at least for the Assyrians.

  12. It looks good. The simple color range is very effective.

  13. It's obvious to me, that you tried to make the similar looking figures all a bit different. Very interesting subject.

    1. That is correct. Newline Designs are typically single pose.
