
Sunday, April 22, 2018

SYW Russian Musketeer Battalion

Not unexpected.  Not unexpected at all.  Seeing all of Jake's great work on his Russian SYW project, I found myself thinking that I could field a battalion or two for the Zorndorf project.  Since my Prussian contributions for Zorndorf are virtually finished, why not give Russians a try myself?
With fortune in my camp, 19th Century Miniatures offered a big sale over the Christmas holidays.  Perfect time to sample some figures.  Having painted and fielded two rather large Prussian and Austrian SYW armies from Old Glory (before 19th Century Miniatures bought up the 15mm Old Glory ranges), I knew how good the SYW figures were.  It really is a shame I sold off those two armies.  Oh well, the Old Glory armies have been replaced with Prussians and Austrians from Eureka.
Back to the Old Glory Russians.  I ordered enough figures for a couple of battalions.  When they arrived I thought the figures looked brilliant.  These 22 Russian musketeers from Old Glory are led by a Eureka Russian colonel.  Splendid battalion.  Their flag will wait until they have seen battle.

It will be interesting to compare the Old Glory Russians against Jake's Blue Moon Russians.  I wager they will look fine together on the gaming table.  The Blue Moon Prussian figures I have match with the Eureka figures quite nicely.  Anyway, I like these figures a lot.  At 40% discount, they represented a real bargain.  In with the 19th Century order were also a few packs of Prussians and Austrians in addition to packs for other projects.  I also recruited some Russian musketeers from Lancashire Games as a trial too.


  1. Lovely! I thought they were 25mm at first!

  2. Very nice they are to. look forward to seeing more.

    1. Thank you, Simon! For me, only a few Russians. Most of my SYW effort will be with Prussians and Austrians.

  3. They look very good and advancing at pace. What size base do you use?

    1. This is a good pose, I think. The bases are 120mm x 30mm.

  4. Great work I too thought the figures 25mm!

  5. Very nice! Great to see some Russians without their rather drab looking green coat.

    1. Thanks, Ray! I am with you! Russians in waistcoat is much more pleasing to the eye than the green coat.

  6. Nice looking unit Jonathan. Looking at the faces of the men in the line there is something very worrying happening to the right of the battalion.

    1. Thank you, Mark! Old Glory is famous for having figures facing every direction except front and center. It does add some animation to the unit.

  7. Lovely looking Russian unit,in a splendid period!
    Best Iain

  8. A fine looking regiment Jonathan!


  9. Great looking Russians, Jonathan. Those are some very nice sculpts.

    1. Sculpts are first rate. I had forgotten how nice this range is.

  10. There's nothing to stop your incredible production, you can paint what you want! Excellent result as always.

  11. Good looking group. I will be interested to see which Regiment you choose. Looking at the website, 19th Century appears to be the only provider or Observation Corps grenadiers. I might have to give them a try.

    1. The flag chosen will likely be for a regiment you have not fielded. The Old Glory Russians are nice. 19th Century offers volume discounts too.

  12. Nice looking unit. 15 mm is a great scale 😀

    1. Thanks, Matt! 15mm is a great scale but so is 6mm, 10mm, 20mm, and 25mm!
