
Thursday, April 19, 2018

Montcalm & Wolfe: Win Some, Lose Some

French flank turned at Fort Carillon
from Grid Based Wargaming
While the British July offensive has run its course (see Peter's accounts of the Battle for Fort Stanwix and Battle for Fort Carillon), the French are not done for yet.  In the Battle for Fort Stanwix, the Loudoun led British are repulsed with the loss of one regiment of British Regulars.  Loudoun withdraws back into the woods to reconsider his options.  At Fort Carillon, the battle is a bloody affair as the British under Monckton outflank the French defensive works and capture the fort.  Each combatant loses one regiment of Regulars.  Dieskau withdraws into the woods. 
British July campaign results
Since the combat at Carillon involved at least four units each and a leader, the fall of Fort Carillon represented a Major Victory for the British.  With the Major Victory and the loss of Fort Carillon, the Political Track is shifted three spaces to the right in favor of the British. 
For the French July operations, more than one activation is needed pressuring the French to take a chance by rolling on the Command Table.  The result is two activations.  That is enough to take care of immediate needs.  To avoid having to forage in the wilderness, Dieskau, as expected, leads his defeated force back to the safety and food of Fort Isle aux Noix.

While Loudoun ponders his next move, Drucour takes the initiative and marches his force of two regiments of Regulars on an attack against the lightly garrisoned Fort Oswego.  Abandoning Fort Stanwix will likely lead to its recapture by the British.  For the French, eliminating British influence on the shores of Lake Ontario seemed a better gambit.  History will be the judge of Drucour's decision.
French maneuvers July 1757
The Illini are successfully recruited to the French cause and advance upon the ungarrisoned Fort Duquesne.

Battle of Fort Oswego
British: 1 x 3-5 Militia
French: Drucour (A0D1), 2 x 5-6 Regular regiments

Can Drucour wrest control of Oswego from the militia?


  1. A safe action for the French I would have thought, will the door to Ontario be fully closed to the British, or can they still use the coast between Forts Niagara and Oswego?

    1. The British can still operate on the shores of Lake Ontario but without access to a supply source, they will be forced to forage.

      If the British retake Stanwix, British reinforcements in 1758 can be placed at the fort. This would allow the British a jumping off point for renewed attacks against Oswego. An interesting gambit by the French. First Loudoun must survive his forage attempt in July.

  2. Drucour certainly seems to have the edge with 2 regiments of regulars.

    1. Drucour seems to hold the advantage but we have seen forts hold out too. Looking forward to seeing you battle this one.

  3. The repulse of Loudon certainly seems to boost French prospects.

    1. Yes, it does but the loss of Fort Carillon is a hard blow. Fortunately, Isle aux Noix is a tough position to attack without having to endure a turn of foraging.

  4. Really enjoy this narrative Jonathan. I await the outcome of the action at Oswego

  5. Nice overview of the campaign, Jonathan. I may someday revisit this era.

    1. It is an interesting period and if you are interested in small actions, it is ideal.

  6. Jonathan the game has been played and posted.

    1. And an exciting one at that! Well done, my friend!

  7. Looks like the British superiority in numbers is starting to bear fruit Jonathan? Can you blunt them with a few targeted attacks, such as that as Oswego?
    Must be really engrossing and fun to play this campaign!

    1. British numbers are beginning to swing the momentum. With more British reinforcements slated for 1758, the High Tide of New France has likely been seen. Can the French switch to guerrilla tactics and be successful? We will see. The campaign has been very enjoyable.
