
Monday, December 11, 2017

Szluiner Grenz Regiment

The 18mm 1799 Suvorov in Italy and Switzerland project has not seen much action at the painting desk thus far in 2017.  The last figures to cross the painting desk were in March.  Fortunately, the 1799 project did see action on the gaming table with a pair of battle of Montebello 1800 games making their debut.
To redress the lack of painting progress, two battalions of Austrian grenz hit the workbench.  These 2 x 13 figure battalions muster out as the Szluiner Grenz Regiment.
The composition of the battalions is mixed.  The mounted officer is an AB Miniatures' figure while the foot are all Campaign Game Miniatures (CGM).  To my eye, the CGM figures are, on balance, only slightly below the quality of AB.  In many cases, the figures are on equal footing.  In some, I prefer CGM.  As for size, CGM and AB match very well. 
After these grenz march off the painting desk, two French battalions of CGM figures will take their place on the workbench.


  1. I like that the basing gives a good sense of mass, whether in column or line. They look a determined bunch with their big moustaches - not a pre-requisite for victory, but I'm sure it helps :-)

    1. Norm, I prefer multiple stand basing to single and moving fewer stands to many. With single base BMUs with a good number of figures, I get that sense of mass without as much tedium.

      Big moustaches ought to strike fear in an enemy.

  2. Oh I DO like those Jonathan! That is a really menacing bunch. I have a real soft spot for this period and one day I'll take the plunge.

    1. Thanks, Mark! They look like they mean business, don't they?

  3. Lovely unit, nice stance and the colour combo of white coats and blue trousers with your green basing is lovely!
    Best Iain

    1. Iain, your continued encouragements are appreciated!

  4. Nice colors and great job on this Grenz unit, just perfect!

  5. I had to do a double take when you said these were 15mm. Nicely done! I hadn't heard about CGM before, either (although I haven't picked up any 15s for some time).

    1. Thanks, Ed! CGM make solid Napoleonics compatible in size and style to AB. I like them!

  6. Very nice Jonathan and the flags look great.

    1. Thanks, Dannoc! I do enjoy painting and fielding Austrians in white tunics and blue trousers.

  7. Good looking group as always sir!

  8. I do have a soft spot for the Grenz units, and these are lovely, Jon!

  9. Lovely work on these. I have never had much luck playing Austrians unfortunately, although the best I have ever done with them was in a Northern Italy encounter game.

    1. Thank you, Lawrence!

      I enjoy the challenge that wielding an Austrian Army presents. If well-led and trained, they can stand toe-to-toe with their adversaries.

  10. Great looking unit. I like the mix of figures you used.

    1. Glad you like them! CGM always have a good mix of poses.
