
Friday, December 8, 2017

Squadron of British 14th Lt Dragoons

I continue picking off small handfuls of remnants from the 28mm Napoleonic section of The Lead Pile.  Today's offering musters out as the 3rd Squadron of the British 14th Light Dragoon Regiment.
As almost all of the cavalry figures in the Peninsular War project, these four troopers are from Front Rank's excellent range.  In their early war uniform with Tarleton, they are ready to see action on the field of battle.  First, though, I need to raise another two such stands to join them.  This time, there is not another "lonely" foursome available with which to form a provisional cavalry unit.  Once I assess the contents of The Lead Pile, an order to Front Rank may be needed. 
In the painting queue (deep in the painting queue, that is), are two battalions of infantry for the project: one battalion British and one battalion Spanish.  When will these figures actually reach the workbench?  I know not.  Raising a battalion of 28mm Napoleonics always seems like work.  Rather, painting has switched to work on a few 15mm units for a variety of projects.  One of these 15mm units will likely emerge from the painting desk next. 
Another item to move from thought to action is the writing of a recent Battle of Mollwitz Battle Report.  The thing is not writing itself, however.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Mark! Excellent sculpting helps my result.

  2. I've got the same one...but yours is more beautiful, great details!

  3. Excellent dragoons in their distinctive early-war headgear. Looking forward to seeing your 28mm Napoleonics grow.

    1. Thank you, Dean! Some say the Tarleton was the best cavalry headgear ever designed. It looks good on these light dragoons.

  4. Lovely napoleonic cavalry, variety is the spice of life on your painting table!
    Best Iain

    1. Variety keeps the painting motivation high as does few figures tackled a t any one time. That changes quickly, though. A 39 figure pike block is presently in work.

    2. Yeah, I've just primed 108 Swiss pike maybe I'll just do them in smaller 36man units?
      Best Iain

    3. I would definitely lean towards 36 man groups vs 108 pikemen on the painting table in one go.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks! I need to figure a way to get this collection onto the gaming table again.

  6. Huzzah! A wonderful team of dragoons!

    1. Much appreciated Tim! Glad to see you stopping by.

  7. A very nicely turned out squadron; they just need another 8 friends to go with them!
    Painting a battalion of 28 mm Napolenics just seems like business as usual to me... of course, mine are a bit smaller (18 figures), but I usually paint 2 - 4 of them at a time!

    1. Thank you, Peter! These four have no more friends in The Lead Pile!

      For 28mm Napoleonics, I usually tackle between 16 to 22 foot figures at a time. Any more than that and I don't believe I would be enjoying myself. Tackling 72 28mm figures in one go seems madness to me but my friend Scott does the same.

  8. Worthy opponents for your recently completed French 4th Hussars--nicely done on both counts!

  9. Nice work on these. Front Rank really are lovely figures.

    1. Front Rank are some of the best especially the Reinforcement Pack infantry.

  10. Wonderful looking regiment Jonathan!

