
Monday, November 6, 2017

Yes, More Assyrian Archers...

One more stand of Assyrian archers rolls off the painting desk.  This time a mix of Wargames Foundry Neo-Hittite bowmen.  By my count, this stand of nine figures makes the seventh, Assyrian Impetvs 'T' BMU to join the project.  The Assyrian army is a bow-heavy force.  Mine is no exception.  Still a few units' worth of archers remain in The Lead Pile.
Speaking of figures remaining in The Lead Pile, my figure purchases showed great restraint through the first half of 2017.  The same cannot be claimed lately.  I seem to have fallen off the wagon in late summer.  Pent up demand and all that.  Several shipments of reinforcements have arrived and stock levels have been rising for some projects.  At least another new project has not slipped into either project plans or the painting queue.  Unless, of course, several battalions of Spanish Napoleonics count. 
An assortment of projects are winding their way through the painting queue at present.  Besides the usual suspects, of late, I dip back into painting 18mm figures with a dozen SYW Austrian cuirassiers seeing some attention.

On the gaming table (it is really a mess!) is a second refight of Fox Gap and the early stages of setting up the next group game.  More details on both these activities to follow.  For now, back to the workbench.

Finally, Newline Designs has begun its annual Christmas sale in which all ranges are discounted 25%.  This is the best opportunity to add some of these fine figures into existing projects or start a new one.  I will be adding a few items to my Shopping Cart, no doubt.  For the boardgamer, MMP is holding its annual Veterans Day/Black Friday sale Nov 9-13.  Unfortunately, the game I hoped would be offered on discount is not.   


  1. I had reason to look closely at the 18mm SYW Eureka miniatures the other day, and have to say I liked what I saw. Not something that I've considered before, but I might just dabble in 2018 as I've already got the Osprey 7YW rules book to hand.

    1. Eureka are my favorite for the Prussian and Austrian armies. Most of my collection is composed of these figures. Some Blue Moon and Freikorp also see service. Order a few and see what you think of them.

      As for Eureka SYW Russians, I don't much care for the infantry.

    2. I'll have a look at what blister unit packs there is on the trade stand when next I'm working a show, and might just pick up one to have a play around with.

      Though I'll be stood across the aisle from Pendraken Miniatures, so I might just pick up some 10mm ACW at the same venue.

  2. Good to see you mixing it up Jonathan...aircraft, Napoleonic and now ancients...I like the mix of poses too.

  3. Great stuff!

    The new line sale is a time of constant danger though. We must be strong.

    1. Thanks, Conrad!

      One man's "constant danger" is another man's "fleeting opportunity!"

  4. Very tempting, what a splendid Assyrian addition!

  5. I recall fighting an Assyrian army back in WRG 6th or 7th edition days; it was a tough army. I haven't looked at it for Impetus.

    I do like the big base of figures, looks great.

    1. While I have yet to give them a run-out under Impetvs, I think it will be a tough army to crack.

      Thanks for the basing comment!

  6. Great, varied looking archers , you must have enough for two sides by now! Not sure newline sale is good news, I've got rather a large lead mountain and fresh temptation is all I need!
    Best Iain

    1. Much appreciated, Iain! If the clash was to be contained to civil strife, I believe enough stands could be called to duty to fill out both sides.

      Sales are always good news but we must work in moderation...

  7. Nice additions to your Assyrian army, Jonathan. BTW, did only the roYale guard use shield bearers for their archers? I just have that image stuck in my mind from the Lachish relief.

    1. Thank you, Dean! As for the reliefs, I cannot answer that as I cannot seem to pull up an image of archers with shield bearers. I have seem images of siege archers being protected by a separate shield bearer with a huge mantlet.

  8. You know how to make my day - another post of Assyrians. excellent brushwork.

  9. More nicely done figures, I’ll check out the Newline sale 😀

    1. Thank you, Matt! Having only recently come to Newline, I am enjoying them very much. A unit of Judean infantry is on the painting desk now.

  10. Yes indeed more and you can keep them coming as they are nice!


  11. Barefoot Neo-Hittite bowmen - a nice variation on the theme. I looked at the Newline sale and decided that I really don't need more figures right now.... but I have another 6 weeks or so to change my mind! :-)

  12. The Napoleonic Spanish definitely do NOT count as a new project; they are merely add-ons to an existing one.
    That's official, by the way! :-)

    1. Noted!

      The Three Armies Spanish are really quite nice. Included in my package were samples of Austrian foot in shako. Some of the best Austrians I have seen.

  13. Great work as usual. I'm very much enjoying Peter's Spanish, and can't wait to see yours.

    We seem to be spoiled for choice when it comes to Spanish now, with the Perrys about to release several new packs as well.

    1. Lawrence, thanks for the kind comment on the Assyrians.

      Not sure when my first battalion of Spanish will make it into the painting queue but the figures are tempting me.

      Besides the Three Armies and your mention of Perry Spanish, Brigade Games makes a fine range of Spanish sculpted by Paul Hicks. I have one of the Hicks' figures; the rotund Spanish officer.

  14. Another fine addition to the force. Like you, I have fallen off the bandwagon. Fortunately, it includes my desperately needed cavalry and chariot reinforcements to face off against your swarming horde of Assyrians.

    1. Adding troops to your Egyptian project is not falling off the bandwagon!
