
Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Fall Cycling on the Palouse and a Taste of Winter

With weather cool but clear, cycling outdoors continued into early November.  While I much prefer cycling when temperatures are in the 70s and 80s F, a sunny day in the 40s F is tolerable once one dresses appropriately and keeps moving.
As seen from the photos, the afternoon route had little traffic and mostly sunny skies.  Nearly perfect for a two-hour, late fall ride.  Even though a bit chilly to start, this is a far superior solution than cycling indoors.
Occasionally, the first, fleeting snowfall coincides with Halloween but almost never sticks around for long.  Not the situation experienced this week.  From sunny skies and the brilliant colors of fall to a winter wonderland overnight.  With daytime temperatures hovering around freezing, these two inches of snow may linger.  Still, it may be too soon to give up outdoor cycling for the season just yet.   
One benefit of the unseasonably, early snowfall is that the winter weather and snowy ground cover nudged me in the direction of settling on a subject for the next group game.  Surrounded by a blanket of snow, a clash situated in a similarly, snowy battlefield seemed appropriate.  With encouragements to wheel out Honours of War for another game or two, Frederick's first battle on the snow-covered landscape near Mollwitz will be the focus of study.
Battle deployments- Mollwitz
I have some research and scenario design to work through but resources and help from other wargamers are at hand.  Having built an OB and laid out the troops in a preliminary deployment, details can be refined.  From the initial deployments and troop strengths, looks like the Austrians must overwhelm the inferior Prussian cavalry wings and then turn the Prussian flanks before the superior Prussian infantry can close.  This may be a good challenge for both.  On a field of white, battlefield photos will be a challenge as seen below.
Prussian right


  1. Lovely figures, it's proper "toy soldier "period very nice !
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain. Why do you suppose 18th Century is the hotbed for "proper" toy soldiers and Imagi-Nations?

  2. Those photographs almost look like a full transition from summer to winter within a couple of weeks - amazing. The game set-up looks great, and it will be fun watching this play out.

    1. Hi Lawrence, those photos were not weeks apart but only days apart. Quite a sudden shift in the the weather.

      Mollwitz will not likely see table action for a couple of weeks.

  3. Fabulous photos - inspirational - thanks.

  4. Great scenic routes you all have out east, Jonathan. It's been fairly dry near the Sound this week, but last week, including Sunday, saw a lot of wind and sleet. Should've been good painting weather, but I was remiss to do so.

    1. You have scenic routes on the west side of the State too. We have less traffic, though...

      Winter is the season for indoor activities including painting, no doubt.

  5. Nice views, Jonathan. In terms of visuals, it certainly beats lifting a few weights around the house to the gentle strains and subtle lyrics of AC/DC!

    1. That is a good one, Aaron! Nothing gentle and subtle about AC/DC.

  6. That looks like a fantastic ride. I am still cycling indoors (until I get the OK next Monday fingers crossed to do more) but can say none of my routes will ever look that good! Until then I can but dream!

    1. Very good to read that you are on the mend, Matt!
      Cycling indoors is better than no cycling. Keep up the rehab.

  7. With a snowy scene like that one migth be tempted sing..."its beginning to look a lot like Christmas...", but one will resist and wait for the Mollwitz report instead.

    1. The shopping stores are already playing Christmas music so that ear worm has already been planted.

      Mollwitz is a few weeks out still.

    2. I'm going to pass fairly close to you today (Friday 10 Nov) at around 5:00 pm - I am about to board a flight from London to LA and I see that we are flight planned to cross the Canada-US border just west of Palmer Lake. Of course the term close is relative to the overall distance between London, Auckland and Spokane, and an altitude of 39,000 feet!

    3. Mark! Next time you are a little closer, please stop by!

    4. I do plan to do a trip to Sioux War battlefields before the end of 2020, so unless I have business in Seattle before that, that will most likely be the next opportunity. Her indoors has us booked up solid for the next couple of years!

    5. Mark, if you do head out this way, let me know!
      Perhaps you might enjoy company on a battlefield walk?

  8. Nice looking route! I moved inside to ride about a month ago. Sometimes I can get outside on the weekends. No snow here yet.

  9. It looked and felt like snow in these parts today (but it hasn't yet). Lovely pictures--a scenic ride, a snowscene, and a tricorne era miniatures game shaping up on a snowy field. A pleasing combination to follow vicariously.

    1. Snow likely will not be far off for you either.

      I am looking forward to getting Mollwitz on the schedule before I have forgotten all I learned from the multiple Honours of War refights over the battlefield at Kolin.

  10. I got back just in time for the Weather to turn on me...

    Looks like the bike is going back to hang in the garage for the season. I am looking forward to Mollwitz though. It looks like a good tactical puzzle for either side.

    My first shipment of Blue Moon Russians arrived while I was away, so perhaps we will be ready for Zorndorf by this time next year...

    1. Welcome back!

      Mollwitz ought to produce an interesting battle for both. Neipperg is in a race against the clock but Frederick's infantry can close on the Austrian's outnumbered infantry.

      I look forward to seeing the Blue Moon Russians in person. Perhaps stick some models in your travel bag next time you head this way?

    2. I intend to. My only issue with the figures so far is the lack of additional castings. There are still no summer uniform command figures or grenadier's in summer dress. I am starting with four regiments of Winter uniform musketeers and some Currassier and hopefully some new models will get produced by the time I am ready for a refresh.

  11. Nice rode, and a nice table! Snow covered tabletops look great, but are challenging to photograph well.
