
Thursday, October 12, 2017

Mid-19th Century Russians

The first test of battle for my mid-19th Century Great Game project is on the docket in a little over one week.  Given that boost of motivation, I wanted to muster one more Russian infantry battalion before the game, if possible.
Today's posting shows that fielding one more battalion was possible.  Off the painting desk is a 23 figure battalion of Russian line infantry in greatcoat.  Figures are from Empress Great War Miniatures and this is the first time Great War figures have crossed the painting desk.  The mounted officer is a Wargames Foundry figure.
Figures are well sculpted and robustly cast in a soft metal.  An issue with Foundry's Russian infantry in march attack is that a few figures almost always arrive sans bayonets.  No broken bayonets with these lads.  Some bayonets were bent and twisted but the soft metal allowed me to put them back into their proper attitude.  Really nice figures.  Marching in rolled greatcoat is a nice touch.
In The Lead Pile, only a few odds and ends remain from my Great Game project.  Nothing in sufficient numbers to field another unit whether it be foot, horse, or gun.
For now, I guess I will call the project "game ready" with nothing pressing to field.  Of course, a game on the schedule is often enough incentive to order a few more figures and strike while the motivational iron is hot.


  1. Lovely figures, this has turned into a really nice and characterful force in my opinion. Looking forward to seeing them in a game.
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks, Iain! I look forward to getting them out on the table too.

  2. Superb, these Russians are superb!

  3. Very nice work Jonathan, but aren't those Great War Miniatures figures?

    1. Mark, you are absolutely correct! The figures are from Great War. I should know better than to go off memory rather than confirming.

  4. Very nice indeed. I know what you mean about Foundry bayonets, lovely figures but these are the first to go, along with a few grenadier plumes.

  5. Nicely presented and a sympathetic tonal range throughout. I like bases of 6 double ranked.

  6. Good looking group. I'm interested to see how your game turns out.

    1. Thanks! I am interested in seeing how the game works out too.

  7. Agree with you about the figures. I have both in my collection. The Russians just look cool!

  8. Very nice. Love the spiked helmets.

    1. Thank you, Dean. Spiked helmets have a way of imparting the notion that "I'm special!"

  9. Very imposing, and well rendered (more than just a coat of brown going on!).

    I dearly wish that you could get Crimean Russians in something other than greatcoats. I realize that they may have worn them year round (I read that somewhere), but still, if I had the option of at least putting some cavalry on the table who weren't in greatcoats, it would probably be enough to tip me over the edge and take the plunge.

    1. You are very kind, Ed!

      Foundry does produce a few infantry in tunic but all cavalry seem to be in greatcoat from both Foundry and Great War.

  10. Great looking figures - especially like the command base.

  11. A very fine looking regiment Jonathan!


    1. I think so too, Christopher; just hope they can fight!

  12. They look fantastic, Jonathan. I look forward to the first game.

    1. Much appreciated, Nathan! I look forward to getting the collection bloodied in combat too.

  13. A cracking looking unit ... of course, they would have been better if they'd have been a Redcoated British unit, but you can't have it always. [nicely painted and finished unit, though]

    Bit of a tough one, thinking about wishing someone playing 'Great Game' Russians the best of luck in a game - well, I found it strange, at least. Just seems odd. More so than playing French in Napoleonics, or Germans in the Wars. A funny peculiarity I've just discovered about myself. Enjoy yourself! That sounds right to my mind.

    1. I understand your preferences and allegiances, Roy but it is only a game. Besides, when my opponent is an anglophile, I must take the baddies in order to get a game.

    2. Sorry, I've made that read like I'm more bias (or viewing it as more than a game) than I actually meant.

      I've never encountered a period or nation that I'd have a hang-up playing, but for a moment there, before, I was decidedly none too keen to favour the Russians if they'd have been offered to me to command in a game. It all seems rather strange, now, looking back on it - And I can't really see the reason why it made me think like I did.

      Still, its something new to ponder on while I'm painting.

    3. Something to ponder while painting is a good thing!

  14. I really like these as well, and the sculpting,painting, and shading of the helmets came out exceptionally nice.

    1. Really nice models, for sure. Looking at Northstar's website, i see that Russian naval infantry are now available. I think a battalion of those would be neat.

  15. Very nice job 😀 Will be good to see them marching across the battlefield soon ?

    1. Thanks, Matt!

      The plan is to have the Russians out on the gaming table next weekend in a brush with the English in the valleys of Waziristan.

  16. They do look mighty impressive Matt!

  17. I'm looking forward to seeing them in action on Sunday!
